Overreaction to alcoholism?

I'm (28F) currently upset at the fact that my partner (28M) (together 5yrs) allowed his brother (26M) to have a few beers at our place last night while I was at work.

There's a lot of backstory but in short, the brother has been in and out of mental health facilities, treated for alcoholism, and had frequent emergency presentations for suicidal thoughts when drunk. So I layer down the rule that we would not support his habits by allowing him to drink at our house but obviously my partner thought it was ok to undermine me.

I feel like Iv been disrespected and overruled when I should have been supported. My partner feels like it's not a big deal because it was a controlled "few beers". Overreaction on my part? TL;DR partner allowed brother to drink when I said I didn't want that in our house.

Submitted April 21, 2019 at 06:30AM

I'm (28F) currently upset at the fact that my partner (28M) (together 5yrs) allowed his brother (26M) to have a few beers at our place last night while I was at work.There's a lot of backstory but in short, the brother has been in and out of mental health facilities, treated for alcoholism, and had frequent emergency presentations for suicidal thoughts when drunk. So I layer down the rule that we would not support his habits by allowing him to drink at our house but obviously my partner thought it was ok to undermine me.I feel like Iv been disrespected and overruled when I should have been supported. My partner feels like it's not a big deal because it was a controlled "few beers". Overreaction on my part? TL;DR partner allowed brother to drink when I said I didn't want that in our house.


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