I (19F) had a sex dream with someone other than my (21M) boyfriend. I told my boyfriend, he's hurt. Can I fix this

I had it on Wednesday or Thursday, this has never happened before, and it made me feel really sick. I felt guilty and horrible after, and after I woke up skimmed through reddit to see what I should do or if this was even OKAY. It seems like lots of woman have sex dreams about other people and to them it's normal, but this has never happened before to me. I love my boyfriend with my whole heart, and the guy that was in my dream isn't someone I like much as a person and as a friend, and we're not close. We were, but I realized he wasn't a good person and drifted away. I couldn't keep this to myself more because I kept overthinking it, and told my boyfriend.

Obviously because I'm an idiot, I didn't speak tactfully and I told him what I dreamt of and now he doesn't want to speak. I'm letting him hurt alone and I'm respecting his decision to not speak right now, but I really regret telling him the way I did and when I did.

Again, I really, really don't like this guy, don't want a relationship with him at all, and have genuinely been in love with my boyfriend for years. We've had our ups and downs, and we've gone 2 months without sex because he was really stressed for a while, which is what I think caused the dream, but I still feel horrible.

Why the fuck did I get this dream and also how can I approach my boyfriend and what can I say to help the situation? I feel horrible, I can't imagine how he feels right now.

TL;DR: had sex dream of guy who isn't my boyfriend, boyfriend is understandably hurt and doesn't want to speak, what can I do

Submitted April 21, 2019 at 06:02AM

I had it on Wednesday or Thursday, this has never happened before, and it made me feel really sick. I felt guilty and horrible after, and after I woke up skimmed through reddit to see what I should do or if this was even OKAY. It seems like lots of woman have sex dreams about other people and to them it's normal, but this has never happened before to me. I love my boyfriend with my whole heart, and the guy that was in my dream isn't someone I like much as a person and as a friend, and we're not close. We were, but I realized he wasn't a good person and drifted away. I couldn't keep this to myself more because I kept overthinking it, and told my boyfriend.Obviously because I'm an idiot, I didn't speak tactfully and I told him what I dreamt of and now he doesn't want to speak. I'm letting him hurt alone and I'm respecting his decision to not speak right now, but I really regret telling him the way I did and when I did.Again, I really, really don't like this guy, don't want a relationship with him at all, and have genuinely been in love with my boyfriend for years. We've had our ups and downs, and we've gone 2 months without sex because he was really stressed for a while, which is what I think caused the dream, but I still feel horrible.Why the fuck did I get this dream and also how can I approach my boyfriend and what can I say to help the situation? I feel horrible, I can't imagine how he feels right now.TL;DR: had sex dream of guy who isn't my boyfriend, boyfriend is understandably hurt and doesn't want to speak, what can I do


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