
Showing posts from November 22, 2020

Is it okay for a 13M to date a 15F?

I'm a lot more mature than practically everyone in my year and most in the year above because I hit puberty two years early Submitted November 22, 2020 at 11:58PM I'm a lot more mature than practically everyone in my year and most in the year above because I hit puberty two years early

More dominant in the bed room?

How can (18m) be more dominant to this girl I’m seeing (18f). We haven’t had actual penetrative sex but we do mouth stuff. She basically told me I’m not rough enough for her which was a huge shot to my ego. She called me a nice guy which really hurt my feelings I’m not going to lie. She seems uncomfortable and awkward when she has her boobs out so I naturally ask if she’s ok with it, and apparently that’s a turn off. But like she doesn’t even let me look at them but she says I act weird? Like yeah you seem uncomfortable why would I push you to do something you don’t want to do? Anyways what could I do in this situation? Submitted November 22, 2020 at 11:59PM How can (18m) be more dominant to this girl I’m seeing (18f). We haven’t had actual penetrative sex but we do mouth stuff. She basically told me I’m not rough enough for her which was a huge shot to my ego. She called me a nice guy which really hurt my feelings I’m not going to lie. She seems uncomfortable and awkward when s...

Just me or is it hard flirting with girls with depression

I end up having fun with them at the start then getting friendzoned? Like i feel im the one that always pushes on the flirting to create more of just a friend connection and it works but over time they can get distant through text or not want to engage at all and when it lasts a while the spark starts to diminish and she doesn’t want to play a long too im asking this as im speaking to my ex again left on good terms just didn’t communicate well. Started off real well but i feel she’s being minimal again and i don’t want to apply pressure. Submitted November 23, 2020 at 12:08AM I end up having fun with them at the start then getting friendzoned?Like i feel im the one that always pushes on the flirting to create more of just a friend connection and it works but over time they can get distant through text or not want to engage at all and when it lasts a while the spark starts to diminish and she doesn’t want to play a long tooim asking this as im speaking to my ex again left on g...

Revealing feelings.

This is a question I've always wondered. When it comes to affection, is it better to be more forward versus heating around the bush? There's this girl that I like, I think she's super cute and I like her a lot. I never been forward with my feelings because we're good friends and I hate to ruin that by making it awkward. But when it comes to feelings is it better for me to flat out tell her that I like her, do women prefer that? I just get super nervous around revealing my feelings. Submitted November 23, 2020 at 12:14AM This is a question I've always wondered. When it comes to affection, is it better to be more forward versus heating around the bush? There's this girl that I like, I think she's super cute and I like her a lot. I never been forward with my feelings because we're good friends and I hate to ruin that by making it awkward. But when it comes to feelings is it better for me to flat out tell her that I like her, do women prefer that? I j...

I accidentally matched on tinder with a colleague who I am not attracted to

The title kind of says it all. I was drunk last night and swiping on tinder, and I came across a colleague of mine. We work in different offices, but we were hired around the same time, so we have done trainings and things together. He’s a cool guy, but not someone I am attracted to. So, being drunk, I thought it would be funny to swipe right and see what happens. I did, and we matched. I figured it probably wasn’t a big deal because men seem to swipe right on everyone, so I thought nothing would ever happen, and, like the idiot I am, I didn’t unmatch right then. A few hours later he messaged me and clearly knew who I was but wanted to talk anyway, and we eventually started talking about things other than work. It’s not a bad convo, and it hasn’t really even gone flirty or sexy at all, so maybe he’s in the same boat as me. I don’t know how to handle this. I’m terrible at rejecting people, and it’s worse because I know him. Normally I would just ghost him because I’m a POS, but agai...

/u/romanator25 on I am confussed

That is kind of hard to say tbh, gray asexual Means that you sometimes feel sexual attraction and kind of blankets a lot of the acespec. November 23, 2020 at 12:06AM

/u/allo100 on advice?

This suggests you are ace. November 22, 2020 at 11:55PM

/u/Pyro_Pegasus on These are facts

In high school I was in a friend group full of LGBT+ peeps and they all accepted me so I thought this was already the norm. I didn’t know people tried to exclude hetero aces until I started looking at ace and LGBT+ stuff on the internet November 22, 2020 at 11:54PM

/u/glizzydoor on advice?

no to all of those questions. sex for me feels like something i had to do to please others. the people i was with never pressured me, it was all internal. i was trying to force myself to feel things i just don’t feel. November 22, 2020 at 11:53PM

/u/AwesomeDragon101 on These are facts

Yeah, it’s really strange how being celibate is often considered acceptable because it’s abstaining from a “guilty pleasure,” but being asexual isn’t okay because it’s considered abnormal?? I fail to understand people sometimes. November 22, 2020 at 11:41PM

/u/unfortunatelykate on Part two of what asexual romantic are you

Biromantic! November 22, 2020 at 11:38PM

/u/Pack15_ on These are facts

THIS IS WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT BOYS heck yeah the LGBT community has a weirdly large amount of gate keepers for people who are asexuals yet still hetero November 22, 2020 at 11:37PM

/u/moonboyanddeath on The part of being ace i dont like (nsfw ish content)

Masturbation has become a sort of routine for me. I do it because, well, I just do it. I enjoy it, but at the same time it's rather unsatisfying. It just happens, it feels great, and then the good feeling is gone. I also look at porn (mostly other guys masturbating. don't ask me about the preference), and I automatically get a boner, like my brain is conditioned to just do it when I see someone masturbate. But yeah, I have no desire to have sex. I'm not confused about what I want, I know I'm ace. Masturbation is just normal for biologically active males. It's probably also a sign that I'm healthy or something. Hell, I've been masturbating for as long as I can remember. I just didn't have a name for it then until 5th grade. I'm now 18 and I still masturbate, just because it's become a habit of mine. November 22, 2020 at 11:36PM

/u/Doodle_cat16 on Ace rings

Thanks friend! November 22, 2020 at 11:33PM

/u/-lynxmin on These are facts

Same for the aro het people November 22, 2020 at 11:30PM

/u/DragonGirlMesilune on These are facts

r/Repost November 22, 2020 at 11:28PM

/u/JumpyLiving on Awkward Conversations and Work

What the heck? Who reports this kind of stuff with literally zero proof (which couldn‘t have been there since you weren‘t romantically involved)? November 22, 2020 at 11:27PM

/u/PensiveSilver on These are facts

People think "oh, you're still technically hetero, you don't belong here". Before I realized I was panromantic, an acephobic person told me that hetaces aren't in the community because "you still form exclusively straight relationships" lmao November 22, 2020 at 11:27PM

/u/mooncat131 on These are facts

Thank you thank you thank you 💕 November 22, 2020 at 11:25PM

/u/OverlyWrongGag on Ace rings

Nothing specific, usually it's black and worn on the middle finger tho. Seems like in the beginning ppl preferred obsidian but they were too fragile (you can actually read the thread where the idea of the ace ring was born on the Aven network, it's pretty interesting November 22, 2020 at 11:23PM

/u/Cocotte3333 on These are facts

Good then! November 22, 2020 at 11:16PM

/u/FigureInTheDark on These are facts

It's really fucking sad that the original post is only 76% upvoted. Around 1/4 people downvoted November 22, 2020 at 11:11PM

/u/GreyLynx_Splash on I genuinely thought sexual attraction was something people joked about or exaggerated, I didn’t realize it was a thing people usually genuinely experienced, for a while, have any other asexuals felt this?

Hahah ikr November 22, 2020 at 11:08PM