Hi there, before I start, let me just clarify that I am a huge introvert (or is it rather social anxiety disorder?). I struggle with a lot (if not most) of social interactions and I feel uncomfortable in larger groups of people. I am only in contact with the individual ones that I know really well (not many of them). There is a girl that I go to college with, and I completely lost my mind over her. Seems silly, right, but I wanna at least try and see if I've got any chance at all. We have talked very little and besides that, all we do is greet each other every day. I actually started texting her a few days ago and things are going quite smoothly. I started by asking about some silly stuff, like exam dates etc. Surprisingly, I am able to keep the short, but nice conversations going, even though we don't text that often. A mid-term break (almost two weeks of time) is right around the corner, and I am thinking whether I should ask her out or not. As I said, we have only been t...