They call themselves involuntary celibates, shortened to incels. They believe in some fucked up stuff about women, how we are only interested in "alpha male" types, and that women chose all of their partners based on how attractive they are, or, if the guy is unattractive but dating a "hot" girl, then he must be rich and shes there for his money. They have a whole comllicatex belief about what traits make someone attractive and they're not it, so therefore they can't get laid. They're like Nice Guys™ taken to an extreme. A lot of them also think they're entitled to like, government issued wives and/or prostitutes. Basically, theyre jackasses who cannot comprehend that their shitty, misogynistic personalities and their typically absolute shit personal hygene are at fault for their problems, not women August 22, 2020 at 11:52PM