
Showing posts from July 21, 2021

/u/Ace_KuhWeen on My biology teacher said that it's impossible and dumb for a person to identify as asexual

I had a psych professor say not wanting sex was a mental disorder. I was in no mood to debate after that so good on you for sticking your ground. July 22, 2021 at 12:03AM

/u/aeonasceticism on My biology teacher said that it's impossible and dumb for a person to identify as asexual

I know my capabilities and you have exhibited your incapabilities. July 22, 2021 at 12:02AM

/u/DustErrant on I really don't get aphobia.

Its very simple. People who are aphobic are people who simply can't understand what asexuality is and don't believe it can exist. People like this tend to have small world views, and can't see something that is outside their own experience. Because of this, when they see people make claims of being asexual, they think these people are being stupid and irrational, or are trying to garner an emotional response from others, and they look down upon that kind of behavior. July 22, 2021 at 12:01AM

/u/bluedoorstopper on Do I ask my friend this?

ah i see. hm you could talk to her about it in a casual/conversational way. like maybe ask her what she told R instead of accusing her of telling R something specific? that way it'll be less confrontational. July 22, 2021 at 12:00AM

/u/aeonasceticism on My biology teacher said that it's impossible and dumb for a person to identify as asexual

You should find it yourself. They will do tests that see fit to find out because sex is a spectrum and types of intersex identities differ. July 22, 2021 at 12:00AM

/u/CTR0 on My biology teacher said that it's impossible and dumb for a person to identify as asexual

Don't leave them to the reviews. The comments on reviews basically only ever get read if the teacher scores low on average. Go to the dean, the title IX office, and the gender and sexuality center if you have one and file formal complaints. Grad student (in biology), we're trained on these violations. July 22, 2021 at 12:00AM

/u/aeonasceticism on My biology teacher said that it's impossible and dumb for a person to identify as asexual

It's recognized as on ID cards provided by the government. Health institutes, biology books. If you're outdated, responsibility of update is your own. Regardless of what you say intersex are gonna stay as the third sex. July 22, 2021 at 12:00AM

/u/TimeyWimey1467 on My biology teacher said that it's impossible and dumb for a person to identify as asexual

You can't. I know. 😂 July 22, 2021 at 12:00AM

/u/TimeyWimey1467 on My biology teacher said that it's impossible and dumb for a person to identify as asexual

Cope harder. Anyway, I am going to sleep now. Let me know if you find the criteria doctors use to tell if someone is male or female or neither. Will check once I wake up. Bye. July 21, 2021 at 11:59PM

/u/TimeyWimey1467 on My biology teacher said that it's impossible and dumb for a person to identify as asexual

It's recognized as a sex. Where? So tell me where that info is. I would just like to know the info. I will test mine later. July 21, 2021 at 11:58PM

/u/CelikBas on I told my allo sister that I wanted to marry platonically, she called it stupid and immature

“Well that's not the same. Marriage has to have sex at some point” Ah, I see we’re following the Medieval “if the marriage isn’t consummated sexually then it doesn’t count” rules. You should ask her how she feels about serfdom and public executions in the town square. July 21, 2021 at 11:58PM

/u/TimeyWimey1467 on My biology teacher said that it's impossible and dumb for a person to identify as asexual

Wait. You claimed people with Mosaicism produce both functional gametes without even a source? True Hermaphrodites. I did check. All sources about having testes and ovaries but none about being able to produce both. I am genuinely curious and not trolling. Would like to know if that's possible. Share the source pls. I card Because words mean something. Male and Females mean sex of a person which is based on gametes. July 21, 2021 at 11:57PM

/u/hannahisrad_ on Do I ask my friend this?

Well she outed me twice without checking with me. She did it once at her birthday party with like 8 other people around and i didn’t say anything right then until she did it again over a discord call with like 10 people on it. After that happened i told her that she should check with me before she does, which since i told her that she has thankfully. But part of me feels she told R that i was ace based on the way he acted around me afterwards it just seems like she did but i’m not sure if i should ask for not. July 21, 2021 at 11:56PM

/u/CelikBas on If you are Canadian and asexual I will refer to you as eh-sexual and none of you can stop me!

I live in Wisconsin which is really close to the Canadian border, can I be eh-sexual too? July 21, 2021 at 11:56PM

/u/MEver3 on I told my allo sister that I wanted to marry platonically, she called it stupid and immature

I remember on TV a while ago a couple of allo women had got onto TV by getting married platonically. They just loved each other that much but it wasn't a sexual or romantic thing. One of them was even heterosexual 10 minutes of searching through aphobic articles later Found them July 21, 2021 at 11:54PM

/u/SadButterscotch2 on My biology teacher said that it's impossible and dumb for a person to identify as asexual

But how? I don't see why saying that the definition of a woman is someone who identifies as such is unbelievable. It sounded like you were talking about non-binary people. Yes, I think so. You're focusing on language and definitions and missing the point. Scientific studies have demonstrated that transgender brains align with their desired sex. Using the correct, desired pronouns and name of a transgender person gives them euphoria and helps to lessen gender dysphoria to the point of literally being suicide prevention. Social and medical transition relieves gender dysphoria and significantly improves mental health. Suicide rates in transgender people are tied to discrimination. It is a demonstrable fact that trans people are who they say they are, and that to stubbornly deny that and complain that their entire existence is wrong is directly harmful to them. Rephrase your arguments to be about asexual people and see what you think of them. July 21, 2021 at 11:51PM

/u/aeonasceticism on My biology teacher said that it's impossible and dumb for a person to identify as asexual

They do. And that was discussed. And now you'll see proof of it when you visit the doc for sex test. July 21, 2021 at 11:51PM

/u/aeonasceticism on My biology teacher said that it's impossible and dumb for a person to identify as asexual

It's not about keys. You're purposefully misinterpreting and not worth it. And yes one may end up writing ovum instead x in type errors. July 21, 2021 at 11:50PM

/u/TimeyWimey1467 on My biology teacher said that it's impossible and dumb for a person to identify as asexual

Comeon. Engage with me here. Now you must agree that to assess if a human fits male or female or neither, they must have an agreed upon definition of sex right? Agree or disagree? July 21, 2021 at 11:50PM

/u/ToastAdorbs on My biology teacher said that it's impossible and dumb for a person to identify as asexual

I don't care what method you use. Generally morphology is used by doctors to declare sex at birth. No model works perfectly. July 21, 2021 at 11:49PM

/u/aeonasceticism on My biology teacher said that it's impossible and dumb for a person to identify as asexual

I did tell. Now the docs should help you know if you're intersex or not. July 21, 2021 at 11:49PM

/u/TimeyWimey1467 on My biology teacher said that it's impossible and dumb for a person to identify as asexual

Yeah. That happens to me a lot. While trying to write Ovum, I accidentally write X. Instructions of writing Sperm, I accidentally type Y. Just like you. Such an easy mistake. The keys are all close by so its easy to make that mistake. 😂 July 21, 2021 at 11:49PM

/u/ChibiMistress on My sibling and I went to the park..

I'd have to be home to see what's all on my shelf, but I do have a book in my Kindle app called Wild Tea by Nick Hoyle. It's pretty new but it has wild flowers and berries so expanding my little tea garden. (Some small pots on the balcony) July 21, 2021 at 11:48PM