
Showing posts from November 1, 2022

I met a Guy

No the first time it happened haha but I met a guy at a party ( we have some friends in common and go to the same uni) and I thought he was cute. The next day I try and slide into his dm on insta… he answers and ask me a question but when I answered he did t open my message. Then the next day he posted stories etc etc was active but never opened my message… It’s not the first guy to ask me a question and then not answer or open my text I don’t understand why someone would do that … also what do I do (I’m not going to double text but it’s sucks) Submitted November 02, 2022 at 02:15AM No the first time it happened haha but I met a guy at a party ( we have some friends in common and go to the same uni) and I thought he was cute. The next day I try and slide into his dm on insta… he answers and ask me a question but when I answered he did t open my message. Then the next day he posted stories etc etc was active but never opened my message… It’s not the first guy to ask me a question...

FWB sending wildly conflicting signals.

My (M35) FWB (F29) has recently been acting out of character while reiterating she isn't trying to make this anything serious. Background: We worked together for about 6 months and there was always sexual tension that finally came to a head once she left our workplace. Since then, about 3 months ago, we have been hanging out casually and sleeping together as we agreed we weren't looking for anything serious. This went on perfectly and I was happy with the arrangement. A few weeks ago she began to call me regularly on the phone and want to talk for hours and asking me loads of "hypothetical" questions about scenarios that don't exist. At first I was okay with it, but it's been kind of constant to the point where if we're both home, she's wanting to talk. I've had situations where someone caught feelings and just put an end to it, but I'm also constantly getting "clarification" that she wants no titles and nothing serious, but from m...

/u/Sparkly_9 on Help writing a sex repulsed ace

I think it depends on the person tbh. I’m asexual and I consider myself VERY sex repulsed, but I still make dirty jokes and stuff because I have the sense of humor of a 5th grader. On top of that, my partner and I are very physically affectionate, just not sexually. For me mention of sex (non jokingly) leaves me indifferent, unless they start going into detail then I find it nasty. Overall I just hate the idea of myself having sec w anyone because it seems messy and gross. Again, depends on the person. November 02, 2022 at 12:31AM

/u/shapeshifterhedgehog on Pap smears and asexuality

I was terrified for my first pap smear too. When finding a doctor I kinda went by gender honestly, the clinics I could afford had mostly male obgyns and I know gender doesn't affect your skill in the profession but for my own peace of mind and who I was comfortable with seeing my body, I chose a doctor who was a woman. So like even if it doesn't seem like there's a rational reason for who you choose, sometimes it's helpful to still choose someone who's first impression gives you peace of mind. Doctors shouldn't do anything you're not comfortable with so if they're not checking in and making sure you're comfortable, it might be good to just tell them you wouldn't be comfortable with that today and then just see what you can do to leave and schedule with someone else. Also if they're not being very respectful about your sex life that is also bad vibes. If they pass the vibe check tell them you're really nervous and if they're good the...

How long into dating do I stop seeing my ex?

So I (F21) been seeing my ex (M22) since I was 16 (now 21). We’ve been on and off from basically a year into the relationship. It was a toxic, physically abusive relationship. I still see my ex basically everyday and it kind of is like we’re in a relationship in way. Thought this year I’ve discovered him talking to one girl continuously, not multiple, 3 separate times. The talking to the specific girls would go on for a couple of month and I never knew, I have been near other people through the time I’ve been involved with him. Anyway, one of the girls he was speaking to and I seen was talking everyday, showering with compliments, asking to meet etc. even though we’re not together, to me this looked like an initiation of a relationship of sorts. When confronted I asked him to remove her as he was seeing me, he argued for hours begging me not to tell her and that he’d rather not see me and continue things with her. He look this back at a later date and I messaged her to tell her the si...

Ladies, how long do you wait for the guy to ask for your number/first date?

This guy hit me up on tinder and we’ve been messaging back and fourth a lot but only for a day now and we’re having a good conversation but idk if I should just make the move and ask him out? Because I feel like if I don’t we’re going to be stuck messaging on tinder if he doesn’t ask for my number/socials. Submitted November 02, 2022 at 12:13AM This guy hit me up on tinder and we’ve been messaging back and fourth a lot but only for a day now and we’re having a good conversation but idk if I should just make the move and ask him out? Because I feel like if I don’t we’re going to be stuck messaging on tinder if he doesn’t ask for my number/socials.