I noticed a pattern developing
So over the past several years I’ve gone out with a good handful of different people. recently I was going out with a girl for about month and it was going really well. We had pretty good chemistry, similar sense of humor and she had been giving me the amount of attention I had been craving which was right in that sweet spot of not too little but not too much. I was really excited to see where things went with her. But then out of the blue she texts me basically saying “hey sorry I got lot going on in my life right now and I I’ve been thinking it over, I don’t think I’m ready for a relationship right now I’m sorry”. I ended up calling her because I hate it when shit ends over text and we got into a little bit more. She said that I was the nicest guy she has ever dated and that there was nothing wrong with me but for some reason the feelings just weren’t there and she didn’t want to lead me on. I don’t have any reason to believe she was trying to save me from hurt feelings either by s...