
Showing posts from September 15, 2022

Is it bad to develop feelings too fast?

I (22m) met this girl (18f) through various online circles, we first talked (2 weeks ago) because she was and still is going through a breakup and needed some emotional support. 1 week ago i feel like we’ve texted more and more and i am starting to catch feelings for her. I feel its especially bad because of her current emotional situation, plus the chances of us ever meeting are slim considering that we in totally different parts of the world. The thing is, she will at some point move somewhere close to where i am from and I could imagine things eventually working out. So im conflicted by many things. Is 1 week too little time to develop feelings for someone? If so any advice on how can i avoid this? In addition to this, should i tell her how i feel? tbh i dont even know if she’s into me+given her current emotional status i dont feel its the appropiate and responsible thing to do. I need some external opinions on the subject. Ty for your time Submitted September 16, 2022 at ...

Is it even worth it anymore?

There’s this girl I’ve been talking to i had a crush on for a week in college , i met her by coming across her while she was playing genshin impact in the student lounge , we nerded out for a bit, then we added each other and played for 5 hours, i got invited to her friends discord server and after that me and her talked everyday in person and online about shit we like and about our majors, just getting to know each other in general , yesterday i took a leap of faith and asked her out for a date, she said she didn’t mind, i was so happy, she went and had to get launch and i was like cool call me when you’re done, a hour later i got a message from her saying that she was done eating then soon she told me “I thought about it a little while and I think I can't go on date with you cus um. we met like a week ago and that's pretty fast u a good person totally just not interested just yet in dating” I respected her opinion and said “got it, I understand, I’ll talk to you after you fi...

/u/Nukegm426 on Wife recently came out as Gray Ace/Demi Sexual, wants me to start dating.

Again you haven’t either read or comprehended what was said or are willfully ignoring it because you have this preconceived notion of what I meant. September 15, 2022 at 11:31PM

/u/spyritsolz on Do you think it’s possible to be aesthetically attracted to titties?

I think boobs are cute I just wouldn't wanna see one naked or in my face lmao September 15, 2022 at 11:27PM

/u/AccomplishedData8676 on Sex vs sex drive. Cis-females, how does PIV feel for you?

I don’t think I’ve ever only felt one way about sex. I understand aesthetic or personal attraction v. sensual and physical enjoyment. One does not necessarily relate to the other. I tend to like someone’s aesthetics or personality at a different moment than deciding if I would like touch and how much of it… those decisions evolve in my mind differently. And sex has mostly to do with that act in that moment… even though I might fantasize about being close and cuddly with someone bc of their cuteness or friendliness. In reality, I find that all sex is a kind of work. It just kind of happens when people feel they’re willing to explore it. Enjoying it is a personal choice, as well as an awareness of what’s comfortable and conducive to sensation. I’ve chosen to enjoy all sex when it happens, just as I’m choosing to relish life in general. Anyways… I like PIV sex a lot when the guy is extremely in command. I like the activity that goes with racing libido (which is different than the attr...

/u/skoffs on Do you think it’s possible to be aesthetically attracted to titties?

That's actually pretty interesting. So boob, yes, but what about nipple? Also yes, apathetic, or "nope"? September 15, 2022 at 11:26PM

/u/due2expire on Do you think it’s possible to be aesthetically attracted to titties?

Breasts are objectively great. September 15, 2022 at 11:24PM

/u/FallWithHonor on Does anyone else cringe whenever people are obsessed with sex and make it very clear?

These types of people are everywhere, and while yes, it is cringe, please hear me out When I first joined the military I was a straight laced flyer, believing that god would give me as perfect bride so I didn't have to know anything about sex... Probably my most idiotic belief I can think of growing up. Anyways, I tried to fit in to the group. Most normal humans use sex as a determination factor for social ranking. But I obviously knew nothing and was made fun of for it. Fast forward to when I stopped actually caring what people thought about it, and at first people put me at the bottom of the social ladder because I wouldn't participate. I then found out that is all they can talk about because it's their obsession. It drives nearly everything in the toxic masculine machine. And it's only perception, but everyone is afraid of being revealed for who they are so they keep pretending. After a while the conditioning takes hold and the person forgets who they are and the...