
Showing posts from August 9, 2019

/u/lakija on Always scared for no reason

I feel the same way. When people hit on me or try to ask me out, I feel like my body suddenly sprouts swords all over it to keep people at bay. But I wonder if I would react the same way if a woman hit on me. I don’t think so. But fear from being part of a Christian family would prevent me from engaging. Damn, for as many strides as I’ve made in life there’s still so many stumbling blocks in front of me. August 10, 2019 at 12:27AM

Arranged a meeting with my crush, what to do at the first meeting? (Both 16)

Hello! I would like some advice. I have known this girl for 3 years. We were in the same class during the first year and had a lot of fun together. But then she switched classes and we kind of stopped communicating. For the last week i have been on a vacation and thought a lot of stuff over and realised i really like this girl. I asked her out to the local park and to have lunch as well (before or after the park?). She agreed. I will be composed and my true self but what else? Should i make it clear that i like her and how (because she might just think i am just a friend who has decided to invite her)? Should i go for a front hug at the start, should i make honest compliments about her shoes etc., should i try holding hands or it will be awkward, should i kiss her on the cheek at the end and if yes should i ask for permission or wait to kiss on another meeting? Also i would like to know about signs that she might be into me. (I will take her from her place) Submitted August 10, 20...

Does anyone else fear unintentionally being a catfish?

I 25F, have lost a lot of weight. So I don't see myself the way other people may see me. My friends and coworkers tell me I am extra harsh on myself. I post my "middle of the road" photos online, so if I look better he will be pleasantly surprised but if not, it's not too far off from what he thinks I look like I guess. So when I look in the mirror I feel like I look different than I do in selfies too. I've had guys not go past a first date with me and I can't tell if its because we didn't vibe or maybe he was unimpressed with me in person. I over think this a lot and it keeps me from dating often. It's actually a fear for me at this point. When I full on smile with teeth, my face looks sooo much rounder and chubbier than when I smile with a closed mouth or not smile at all. But of course guys like it when you smile, but I don't want to look chubby. I also hate the way my profile looks from the side. It's just this downward spiral of though...

Is not knowing if someone likes you actually a sign they don't?

I've got mixed answers on this. Some claim that you will know if someone else likes you, as it will be pretty obvious. If you find yourself questioning or unsure, then it's more of a sign that they don't. Others may say that some people are just shy and hard to read. What do you think? Submitted August 10, 2019 at 12:24AM I've got mixed answers on this. Some claim that you will know if someone else likes you, as it will be pretty obvious. If you find yourself questioning or unsure, then it's more of a sign that they don't. Others may say that some people are just shy and hard to read. What do you think?

/u/al0neinthecr0wd on Ace shirt i found at a goodwill

I want that T-shirt!!!! August 10, 2019 at 12:23AM

/u/Fisherman_Gabe on I AM A PRECIOUS WORK OF ART!

People get like that with gay people also. at first I thought they were joking but no, actually genuinely upset cuz they can't sex it. weirdos August 10, 2019 at 12:20AM

/u/ImagineTheMammoth on So HuffPost posted an article about dating while asexual!

I think i'm being dumb but i couldnt find the comment section 😳 August 10, 2019 at 12:05AM

/u/that_dumpster_fire on Mods & ideas needed for a new Reddit community about members of LGBTQ+ with mental health issues [important] [serious]

Second on that name change. August 10, 2019 at 12:02AM

/u/mo_leahq on Mods & ideas needed for a new Reddit community about members of LGBTQ+ with mental health issues [important] [serious]

I loved your name & i am open to any suggestions regarding the community August 10, 2019 at 12:01AM


We as in general society hype up art in society. We always have and we admire the skill and talent it took to make art. We are fascinating and grasped when we find a piece that bleeds emotion or conveys a strong message. We historically murder for war, revenge, fun, food, curiosity, pleasure, strategic, dominance, jealously.... ex. We don’t value life nearly as much because we think of others as insignificant to our lives. And most who do care only care to the point of acknowledging it’s a thing/problem but rarely take action. Outliers are the independents who think for themselves or not at all in either in good or bad. August 10, 2019 at 12:01AM

/u/SkeetTheSkeetySkeet on Thought this belonged here

We have an Ace Hardware in my town and I feel ace solidarity just driving past the sign August 10, 2019 at 12:00AM

i've given up...

No text found Submitted August 09, 2019 at 11:52PM No text found

Found in a twitch chat Submitted August 09, 2019 at 11:24PM

Found a nice guy on Facebook Submitted August 09, 2019 at 11:27PM

I wonder how bad he looked like for her to react this way Submitted August 09, 2019 at 11:36PM

Some girl he knows logged into his snap. Here are the results Submitted August 09, 2019 at 11:37PM

/u/yeetreetdeleteme on Mods & ideas needed for a new Reddit community about members of LGBTQ+ with mental health issues [important] [serious]

I really like the one already picked out August 10, 2019 at 12:00AM

Pretty sure everything on that sub counts. Submitted August 09, 2019 at 11:44PM

Even mangas have nice guys Submitted August 09, 2019 at 11:45PM

Your gotta love them nice guys Submitted August 09, 2019 at 11:53PM

A nice guy on Snapchat Submitted August 09, 2019 at 11:59PM

This dude sent my friend a dick pick and this is how he responds to rejection. More story in comments! Submitted August 09, 2019 at 11:59PM