Oh, I love fanfic too! I'm not sex-repulsed at all, so I read plenty of explicit stuff (I identify as an aegosexual ace), and reading different relationship dynamics and even stuff like kink has helped me figure out a lot about feelings, and relationships, and what romantic or sexual attraction might feel like and what kinds of relationships I might want in real life. I generally feel kind of weird about real-people fic, but I was looking through the "asexual character" tag on AO3 and I found this fic called Bloom (BTS) that was actually really relatable to my experience with asexuality. It starts with the main character realizing that his friends are all hooking up with people, and him having been aware that they were all sexual, in theory, but not actually realizing it, and oh boy, I have had that revelation multiple times in college. It's not like I want to be allosexual, or that I feel "broken" or anything, it's just this kind of weird sinking f...