
Showing posts from April 22, 2021

/u/Controllerpleb on Stop ot

Why does he look like off-brand Tavarish? April 23, 2021 at 12:05AM

/u/vv3323 on The Great Pretenter

I can confidently say that this is relatable April 23, 2021 at 12:00AM

/u/Apathicary on The Great Pretenter

Im in a nice healthy halfway mark between the two, where my parents don't care at all about my sex life. April 22, 2021 at 11:59PM

/u/DomFemboy on How to verify if I'm on the asexual spectrum ?

Yeah no, sexual arousal and sexual attraction are two seperate things but many people can confuse the two as the same thing. You can be asexual and get turned on by looking at porn (for example) or just naturally feel horny. Asexuals just don't get turned on when looking at someone which isn't like other sexualities. Other sexualities find attractive people to turn them on right away but asexuals don't have those thoughts (if they're not grey-ace/demi). April 22, 2021 at 11:57PM

/u/Least-Salt1926 on It's only a theory...

I could see it April 22, 2021 at 11:53PM

/u/De4th13 on This has probably been done

Your welcome anything to make people feel more comfortable with your sexuality April 22, 2021 at 11:52PM

/u/LightRayAAA on When people would say things like, "They look good enough to eat" or "You look like a snack", I couldn't relate.. Until today, now that's a snack! 😋

To be honest, I have no clue whether I'd feel comfortable eating that or not April 22, 2021 at 11:49PM

/u/ClericKieran on Representation: how do I explicitly confirm a character as ace in a story?

You could always have someone flirt with them, or someone see them with a friend and mistake them for a couple, to which the ace character can reply in a way that starts to clear up the sexuality. Either by just saying "nah, I'm ace" or even a "you're not my type" "who is your type?" "No one, really" And move along with the story. April 22, 2021 at 11:40PM

/u/Sufficient_Ad313 on My ace pride masks came in! Aren't they amazing?

Omg I love all of these April 22, 2021 at 11:36PM

/u/ClericKieran on Confused about Asexuality

Read the wiki in this reddit. April 22, 2021 at 11:32PM

/u/avacado1036 on Stop ot

yeah, i mean if other people like it that's ok but personally i don't see the point, like why would anyone want to watch that ???I April 22, 2021 at 11:30PM

/u/Eighty8Ducks on Does anyone else feel anxious when people are sexually attracted to you?

I am new to this sub but I just wanted to share that I have felt similarly and you are not alone. I have struggled with never quite understanding sexuality or sexual attraction and so feeling really uncomfortable in situations that suggest anything potentially involving it. Unfortunately in current society that is a large fraction of personal relations, and the fraction just seems to grow as we get older. On top of that I have been through similar situations like you describe regarding sexual harassment but have been lucky to have friends and family who are there for me as I work on feeling safer again at my own pace. They taught, and helped, me to be more patient with myself and my healing, and just by doing so have helped me start working on feeling safer with intimacy. I wrote this just because I wanted to express some emotional camaraderie and reassure you that the experience you first described is not okay, regardless of one’s sexuality , but that you are not alone. It is okay t...

/u/avacado1036 on Stop ot

SAME April 22, 2021 at 11:29PM

/u/TeebsAce on Colored in Ace theme :) good?

Gives off Cartoon Network vibes (in a good way) April 22, 2021 at 11:20PM

/u/HelloImSparky on Confused about Asexuality

Asexuality is an inability to experience sexual attraction. Some asexual people have sex or enter romantic relationships. April 22, 2021 at 11:20PM

/u/TeebsAce on I felt like this can belong here...

This reminds me of those “Sonic says” memes. Sonic says: If you don’t reply to creepy text messages, you deserve the death! April 22, 2021 at 11:19PM

/u/Cie_08 on How do you feel about romantic relationships in fiction? Other - please comment!

Intimate scenes are always poorly done imo like in bridgerton it just moves so fast for no reason. April 22, 2021 at 11:19PM

/u/askwomenthrowaway23 on How to verify if I'm on the asexual spectrum ?

oh god i always thought “get turned on but isn’t directed towards anyone” was called arousal ? and “sexual desire” was for that arousal specifically pointed at someone? i always thought asexuality was the “lack of sexual desire” so i’d like to know if i have a misconception. Not referring to “sexual desire” in OP’s post though, because if you are questioning there’s a decent chance you might use one term that has one definition but actually mean something else. Referring to it in your reply and explanation because I really don’t wanna have said “asexuality is the lack of sexual desire” and to have actually just been misinforming people At least according to this page on the FAQ , arousal and sexual attraction are different, and scrolling down to the bolded Sexual attraction section on this page confirms arousal is basically getting turned on and sexual attraction is it being directed at someone. I can’t find anything on the FAQ or glossary about this, but I was working under the po...

/u/TeebsAce on Representation: how do I explicitly confirm a character as ace in a story?

They could just mention it casually in a conversation or something if you must say it outright. Personally I prefer (both when writing and consuming) for things to be implicit rather than explicit (not just with representation but with pretty much every character detail) but I know that style is not favored by everyone April 22, 2021 at 11:17PM

/u/askwomenthrowaway23 on Confused

I absolutely love the organization of your post. Anyways, sexual activity is not the same thing as sexual desire. You can enjoy sex and even want to have it and still be asexual as long as sexual desire is missing. Enjoying the physical sensation of sex, sensual stuff that often accompanies sex like the feel of your partner’s hand on your skin, and making your partner happy are all reasons you can enjoy or want sex, reasons that can be totally separate from sexual attraction/desire. Sexuality is fluid. That said, a lot of people categorize themselves based on what they feel right now and if they believe they would continue feeling that way forever if sexuality weren’t fluid and change weren’t possible. If you believe you won’t ever feel sexual attraction or desire if it weren’t for the possibility of fluidity, you’re probably asexual. If you believe you might feel it only if you get close enough to someone, you’re probably demisexual. If you believe you might feel it but only very ...

/u/Ace_Glorfindel on Representation: how do I explicitly confirm a character as ace in a story?

Yeah, it’s hard. With this story, you have almost no reason to bring this up except for awesome representation, so a little circumlocution may be merited! I’d suggest having the character mull in an off-hand moment about a romance between side characters, even one in the past. Just along the lines of “something I never wanted, but...” and so on. April 22, 2021 at 11:15PM

/u/Cirrum on Stop ot

Then there are the sex scenes that are almost useless sex scenes except they say one tiny bit of info halfway through before continuing on with their 3 minute long span April 22, 2021 at 11:11PM

/u/Cat-Lover20 on New office. Time to show off my pride.

I love this!! April 22, 2021 at 11:10PM