
Showing posts from June 2, 2021

/u/WolfSpirit84 on Posted this yesterday on Tumblr. What's the most asexual thing you've done before realizing you were asexual?

Wait, a censored Game of Thrones? I would be a bit more interested in that. Though tbh i think its pretty irredeemable from all the... lets say problematic things that are called 'character building'. June 03, 2021 at 12:00AM

/u/ThePinkTeenager on Some friends shared this on FB for pride month and I nearly cried when I saw the ace being included

Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't there kinkster aces or something like that? June 02, 2021 at 11:56PM

/u/macho_madness420 on Which of these do you relate with?

Demi-aromatic: smelling of beef glaze. June 02, 2021 at 11:56PM

/u/gevelynna2220 on I personally don’t like the whole dragon/cake/garlic bread ace thing

I wish I could give this more than one kudos just for the last part. June 02, 2021 at 11:55PM

/u/soafafilla on Gotta keep me mah friends like this 😂 love this ass hole. Happy pride month friends! 🖤🤍💜

This is the r/asexuality reddit. Not a personal reddit or a live blog. Nobody has any idea as to what your posting or the context... June 02, 2021 at 11:55PM

/u/Spinofl12 on Which of these do you relate with?

I’m somewhere on the aromantic spectrum with also being ace. Being aromatic sounds nice too tho lol June 02, 2021 at 11:51PM

/u/gevelynna2220 on I personally don’t like the whole dragon/cake/garlic bread ace thing

You know, I need the affirmations and whatnot and still don't really appreciate the jokes? Feels counter to what I need. I also don't like the stereotypes for gay or lesbian people, or really any poking fun at a sexuality or romantic preference. I guess it isn't my cup of tea. I would totally be down for more discussions versus memes myself. June 02, 2021 at 11:50PM

/u/ThePinkTeenager on Feels awesome to be included (these posters by a political party are all over town:)

I wore a bracelet specifically designed to look like the ace flag today and nobody mentioned the resemblance. I feel like I'm wearing my sexuality on my wrist and people have no idea. June 02, 2021 at 11:50PM

/u/Aoi_Chan26 on Partners have sex, on average, once a week

I appreciate it. I’ll be in touch June 02, 2021 at 11:46PM

/u/QuagsireInAHumanSuit on As someone thinking I might be grey ace, I find thing this so weird (and annoying)

Yes! There’s a comedian I’m moderately obsessed with, and every facial expression makes him look like a different person to me, and he has exactly one face I find aesthetically attractive. When I was in high school people started asking my mother why I wasn’t dating anybody, and her response was “she thinks boys are handsome until they talk.” Once someone says something above a certain threshold of stupid I cannot find them physically attractive, and every teenaged boy hit that threshold pretty quickly. Is this an a-spec thing? June 02, 2021 at 11:46PM

/u/i_dont_like_the_sex_ on This is the equivalent of a dildo for asexuals

You know how sexual people use dildos to DIY their physical needs, well cuddling is something most asexuals are crazy about, so this would be a “dildo” for an asexual without a partner. June 02, 2021 at 11:45PM

/u/taoimean on I personally don’t like the whole dragon/cake/garlic bread ace thing

I would sub to something like r/AceAdults or r/AcesOver30 , personally. I've been tempted to make such a thing recently but didn't know if I had the spoons to moderate it. June 02, 2021 at 11:44PM

/u/Mysterious_Detail_98 on I personally don’t like the whole dragon/cake/garlic bread ace thing

So my take as a younger ace. I think some enjoy the dragons and stuff because when toehe memes come out about not liking sex it just doesn't apply to everyone. So saying we like somethint over sex still allow sex postive aces to join in. If we could have something that's more mature and include sex positives that would be a win win June 02, 2021 at 11:44PM

/u/gevelynna2220 on I personally don’t like the whole dragon/cake/garlic bread ace thing

It is finally explained! I am new to the online presence for of being Ace anything. I have known I am demi for a long time but hadn't joined this subreddit til this week and had NO IDEA what was happening. I like cake, garlic bread and dragons as much as the next person but I don't see how it has anything to do with my sexual preferences. June 02, 2021 at 11:41PM

/u/DemonsAce on Posted this yesterday on Tumblr. What's the most asexual thing you've done before realizing you were asexual?

Me talking myself into having a crush on someone because every third grader had one despite not being even friend level interested in them and the fact that they were the first one to say something to me after my friends kept bugging me about it June 02, 2021 at 11:40PM

/u/Koryuusei on Which of these do you relate with?

I haven't yet figured out my romantic orientation (and that's okay). As a sex-repulsed asexual who has no interest in dating (for the moment), it's a little hard to figure out, but I'm not in any sort of hurry and I'm comfortable where I am. It's okay not to know. June 02, 2021 at 11:40PM

/u/all-the-happy-yellow on This is awesome

I once saw ace merch that said “yee naw” and while it’s the tackiest thing I’ve ever seen, it’s also the funniest. June 02, 2021 at 11:36PM

/u/Dragon111365 on Which of these do you relate with?

I'm asexual heteroromantic. I want the relationship without the horny. June 02, 2021 at 11:35PM

/u/Throttle_Kitty on Posted this yesterday on Tumblr. What's the most asexual thing you've done before realizing you were asexual?

Every time I turn on a new show it's like "Why all the boobs?" Are people just like, whippin it out in the middle of these shows? Why is that woman's ass out now? This scene could have worked fine, sans the ass. June 02, 2021 at 11:34PM

/u/uncertain649261 on Which of these do you relate with?

I can imagine but I hear stories of many ace people having satisfying relationships in this sub and elsewhere, so it might not a bad thing to be hopeful maybe. June 02, 2021 at 11:34PM

/u/Pizza_woman36784 on Posted this yesterday on Tumblr. What's the most asexual thing you've done before realizing you were asexual?

I tried really hard to not get a crush on anyone cause I thought if I got in a relationship it had to be sexual. I then found out that asexuality was a thing and it explained everything. June 02, 2021 at 11:32PM

/u/Gladiator_Fembot on YALL LOOK WHAT I FOUND

No... A(i)Sexual... no? No one? I'll shut up. June 02, 2021 at 11:28PM

/u/PistachioPug on Being from a third world country where asexuality awareness is almost nonexistent makes me grateful for this community!

I'm American and it's only slightly less nonexistent here. Well into my twenties I still thought something was probably medically wrong with me. I am so grateful awareness is starting to grow and that the Internet exists. I hope someday no one ever has to grow up feeling the way I did. June 02, 2021 at 11:27PM