
Showing posts from May 1, 2019

For those who were rebounding after the end of the LTR

Did you ever meet someone you felt strongly about but couldn't commit to? What happened? Also once your head cleared up later did you ever feel compelled to reach out to them again to see if it could work? Personally, I have never felt compelled to reach out to anyone I rebounded with. But I also don't feel like I've met anyone when I was rebounding that gave me tingly feels. Submitted May 01, 2019 at 02:56AM Did you ever meet someone you felt strongly about but couldn't commit to? What happened?Also once your head cleared up later did you ever feel compelled to reach out to them again to see if it could work?Personally, I have never felt compelled to reach out to anyone I rebounded with. But I also don't feel like I've met anyone when I was rebounding that gave me tingly feels.

So now i'm turning into the one not trying/not texting much

So I used to be the one to always return texts and would become super jaded when I felt like someone wasn't putting in the same effort as me. So I took a few months to recharge my dating batteries. And I started trying to date again 2 months ago when I officially turned 30 (woot woot) But ever since I've started dating again I just don't approach it the same. I don't text people back like I used to even those that seem to put in effort. So what i'm asking is if anyone else has experienced anything like this? I want to text these women and enjoy conversations with them but maybe i'm still a little jaded and don't see the point of putting in all this effort. Anyone have any idea's? Submitted May 01, 2019 at 03:19AM So I used to be the one to always return texts and would become super jaded when I felt like someone wasn't putting in the same effort as me. So I took a few months to recharge my dating batteries. And I started trying to date again ...

Dating other careful what you wish for

A little while back I (37m) told my wife (34f) I wanted to sleep with other women. For a very short time I considered having an affair but quickly realized that was the wrong way to go. So I just brought it up to her one day instead. Initially she recoiled a bit but soon warmed to the idea. We decided to each make a tinder account with a full disclosure rule. As I expected, she found a date first and met him for coffee one morning (as far as I know there was no touching or anything). I was surprised at how badly I felt by the whole thing - heartbreak, dispair, anger...all the things one would expect to feel towards a spouse messing with someone else. So I brought that up to her as well. I explained every which way that it took me by surprise and that I was unexpectedly and decidedly not ok with it. Ill drop the whole thing on my end, I said, and told her I wanted her to do the same....which is where things went astray... "Just change the way you think about it" was the bas...

Don't think my husband loves me anymore

We've been married for over a decade and have two younger kids. He does pretty much nothing to show any interest in me. He rarely says anything nice to me, he never buys me gifts not even for my birthday or Christmas, I always buy him one, actually he's pretty spotty at celebrating my birthday at all, he rarely touches me (even nonsexually) and we don't really have a sex life anymore. He's also talked about bailing twice during our marriages, both times when I/we were going through tough times (one of them was a difficult pregnancy). We don't fight much (or badly when we do), but I feel like he just has no interest in me no matter what I try. He says I'm not "fun" but quite frankly, I work a full time job, do the bulk of the childcare, and most of the daily housework. And when I try to find fun things to do as a date, he usually shows little interest or even complains. He does not suggest fun dates or activities even if I ask or hell even press for t...

Husband says his happiness is dependent on my happiness.. I feel trapped.

My husband and I got married young. We’ve been working on making it work for years. He has a demanding job that requires him to be away from the home half of the week. When he comes back, he is too tired to do much. I can see that he is struggling. I’ve tried to hold it together for the kids(we have two), but I just don’t think I can do it anymore. Husband barely has the mental capacity to play with the kids, let alone work on our relationship. It’s not his fault. He started a business and it’s been going great. But he has little energy to do much else. It’s been eight years of playing the supporting role and staying for the good of the family. But now, I’m starting to feel hopeless and suicidal. I tried to end our marriage to focus on coparenting, but he says that everything else is pointless if we can’t be a single family unit. He says that his happiness is dependent on my happiness level of being a family together. I am so unhappy in our relationship. But I’m more worried about...

Feelings Hurt as a Father

Good morning everyone, ​ So my wife's mother and sister suppose to be going to Ohio for a tournament for her sister. Her mom asked us did we want to go but I didnt respond because I really wasnt interested. So later that day my wife called me while I was at work and was hinting that she wanted to go. Of course I wouldnt have a problem but I just told her that we would talk. Then I said "Well since you are going on the weekend, I can take off of work that Friday to be there with our son (Just turned 1) during the weekend." Her response was ," Just you and him?" ​ When she asked that it really hurt my feelings as a father because it made me feel like she isn't confident that I wont look after our son. Im not sure if shes saying that because her mom ( who is extremely obsessed with our son) is pressuring her to bring him on the trip or what but all I know is that it really hurt me pretty bad. I asked her why she said it and she said " Oh Idk" and...

Something needs to be done in order to make marriage more attractive to men, because otherwise they're just going to continue running away from it.

In the past, men would marry because the societal pressure was very strong, but also because it was pretty much the only way to get laid. The latter reason is not valid anymore. If anything, it's the other way round, i.e. bachelors get laid way more often than married men. In the current days and ages, both men and women have a much lesser need to get married, but men in particular. This is because - women can now provide for themselves, but we are still light years away from women being willing to do so. Many women are ambitious, and keen to be independent. However a lot of them are still totally fine, and in fact eager, to be provided for by a man. Men do nearly never have such an option. - the reason many women still want a provider is that they have a much stronger biological urge to have children, which, by nature, requires them to have a partner they know they can rely on. Many men also want children, but, on average, much less than women do. - in spite of the shift in...

Stingy Husband

I’m eight and a half months pregnant and work full time at an extremely stressful job. My husband also works full time and makes six figures and over double what I make. With my job I have very limited time off and no paid holidays. The daycare we were looking at was around 800.00 a month. We have minimal bills and vehicles are paid off. My husband however has a disabled father and pays all his bills except the mortgage because his house is paid off and car paid off. His dad gets around 700.00 a month and is not expected to co tribute to his bills per my husband. Recently I’ve told my husband I am planning on quitting my job because it’s too stressful and I would like to spend time raising my own child instead of paying someone else to raise them. We also don’t have any family help for our child which makes things more difficult. I’ve helped him to apply for more assistance for his father to help cut those bills. So here’s my issue..... my husband keeps flip flopping between telling m...

Why one should or shouldn't marry Submitted April 30, 2019 at 06:41PM

Words hurt

I know this to be true. It was my words that wounded my husband and led to the start of our deadbedroom. I am not going to hash that out, so please don't ask. I have worked hard in the last three years to make up for my mistakes. I have done a lot of self-improvement. Lately, I have noticed a running theme to our arguments. He always phrases things as "I have told you this 100 times" "If you listened the first time" "how many times are you going to bring this up" Sure, I need assurance in the past 3 years of our DB. He doesn't see how any of this is abusive and condescending. I restart therapy next week for myself. Our latest argument ended with me saying we either need to do counseling or decide how to tell the kids we are ending things. When the DB first started he refused couples counseling because I was the one to make the mistake to our relationship and I should be the one to fix it. And, I did. 18 months of consistently going and working on...

Our Sex Life is Way Better Now

​ When my husband and I first started dating, he watched porn regularly. As a sex ed teacher and sex researcher, I knew that porn could have some bad effects on your sex life but I enjoyed it myself from time-to-time and saw some benefits. I was a strong feminist interested in a liberated, fulfilling sex life so why rule out a whole activity on a little bit of research that probably didn’t apply to us. He wasn’t watching it at work, jeopardizing his job, or obsessively masturbating so it couldn’t be all that bad? Like most young love, our sex life started out hot and heavy. We had sex multiple times each day, in all the strange places and positions that make you regret skipping so many yoga classes. I specifically remember having sex one day while he was on a conference call – lots of use of the mute button. After the initial haze wore off, I started to realize that our sex wasn’t that good. First off, he could only climax in one position, which was a great position sometimes but g...

Trying to save my marriage. Need advice

My wife (23F) and I (23M) have been married for 2 years. We feel in love and married young but it hasn’t been what I thought marriage would be. We’ve had a lot of financial struggles because I was laid off from my job so we moved across country because I found another job. Throughout the beginning of our marriage both of us have been miserable at different times. Most of our marriage has been up and down. When things were good they were really good. But when things were bad they were some of the worst times of both of our lives. For the last 6 months of so I’ve been struggling with some deep depression ( which my wife is aware of). I believe this is a big part of why I’m struggling so much with marriage. However, for the last few months it seems like all me and my wife do is fight. Our sex life has basically died and is nonexistent. And on top of that my wife told me the other day that she has been holding anger and resentment towards me for things that happened in the past. She h...

Marriage Over.

Two weeks ago, my life changed forever. My husband the person I love the person I gave my heart to told me he doesn't love me. This broke my heart and changed my world turning it upside down. The last two weeks have been a blur of love and heart which has ended in up tonight.  ​I asked to see him today. Mainly for myself I just needed to be close to him to have him hear. We ended up talking he loves two women what is he meant to do. He doesn't know. We spent the evening going backwards and forwards some nice moments where we seem to forget what position we're in to angry shouting and frustration.  I asked him what he would do if I put a end to it all now, stopping all this heartbreak etc. He said I'm not giving him enough time that I have just been interrogating him. I told him I'm his wife and do not deserve to be a second option but the only option.  ​ When we got back to to the house I told him if its space you need then you got. He left I've deactivated...

What was the best part/moment of your wedding? Advice and tips for wedding planning?

Im 8 months pregnant, a mushy mess and I have been engaged since the new year. Ive been watching youtube videos, finding subreddits and browsing pinterest Im so excited. Wedding planning begins once the baby is here and we are settled, and I cant wait to finally stop saying the word fiance! What was your favourite part of your wedding? Any tips and ideas for planning? Submitted April 30, 2019 at 10:57PM Im 8 months pregnant, a mushy mess and I have been engaged since the new year. Ive been watching youtube videos, finding subreddits and browsing pinterest Im so excited. Wedding planning begins once the baby is here and we are settled, and I cant wait to finally stop saying the word fiance! What was your favourite part of your wedding? Any tips and ideas for planning?

No place I'd rather be

I could be playing Overwatch, eating brownies and generally fucking around. But I'm currently snuggled up with my sleeping hubby(at 7 pm) who is much like a cat in the way that if you move at all, he's disturbed and alert. So I'm essentially trapped here.. But I love it. Submitted May 01, 2019 at 12:19AM I could be playing Overwatch, eating brownies and generally fucking around. But I'm currently snuggled up with my sleeping hubby(at 7 pm) who is much like a cat in the way that if you move at all, he's disturbed and alert. So I'm essentially trapped here..But I love it.

Husband appreciation post.

This is a rough time for me. Today my coffee in my sealed, closed hydroflask fell on the floor. I had almost no coffee because for whatever reason the one at work tastes like dirt. And I had to clean a ton of coffee of the damn floor... I’ve had a constant headache that won’t go away no matter what. I’m super tired and am sleeping very poorly. My grandma might have cancer and I might have to use all of my PTO/ the money I was going to use to pay off the last of my student loans to fly home, board my dogs, and care for her if she needs surgery (he’d come too). She might have the same kind of cancer my grandpa passed away from so I’ve just been panicking since I found out. My dog is limping badly... to be fair this one I’m unsure about because he can run and gets excited about snacks/ dinner he suddenly is 100% okay. But then nothing interesting is happening and he’s back to limping badly. I’m hesitating on taking him to the vet because the last 2 times there was an issue they basically...

Road to 3k marriage Submitted May 01, 2019 at 03:03AM

Having a husband is like having a child at times

Seriously. Worked a full day. Ran to the store to get ingredients for supper. Unloaded & started to prep for dinner before I had to get back to work. Husband being so sweet said to leave it, he’d make supper after he picked up one of the kids from an activity. Instead I did the dishes. He said “don’t worry about that I can do that”, “I can help just tell me what you need”. I told him I had a little bit of time before I had to leave again I could get some done. Did most dishes except for some odds & ends, and two pans thick with grease told him those would need to soak. Fast forward - I leave again for work after texting him the recipe for supper. Come back after 1+ hrs later. Dishes still “soaking”. Supper done (I do count my blessings although he only had to feed himself and one child), all dishes still sitting there. I start scrubbing the “soaking” dishes. He gets off the couch and rinses his bowl saying how good supper was. Goes back to the couch. Then asks if I want him t...

Husband (26M) has no faith in me (24F) to do new job right based on previous failures

I apoligize for the wall of text. This got longer then I expected TLDR at the bottom. To give some background husband and I met in high school when I was 16 and he was 17 and have been together since and just celebrated our 9 year anniversary. After graduation we both started off in the work force working at a local fast food place. 9 years later he is still working at that place as a assistant manager. In those 9 years, I left to work at a few differnet jobs to try different fields out. Because i was not happy at the fast food place. Through all theses years I have also struggled with severe anxiety and depression and after my dad died in 2015 that became much more heighten. I've tried to keep it under control but there are some days that get the best me and I've had to stay home and call out from work. It's every several months that it happens if that but husband has said things on those days like "get over it" "just ignore it and push through" I k...

My husband never wants to spend time with me

I’m very upset about this.. have been married for three years..before we got married he always wanted to spend time together but now never does..I have never experienced this. I have been married before and had several relationships before marriage none like this. They always wanted to spend time with me, my husband never does. I went through a severe depression after our marriage (he knew I was prone to depression before we married) and I paid my own bills during that time (worked from home) but since I “didn’t make good money like before my depression” and gained weight during that time (30 lbs which I am currently working on losing) I literally get no love. He comes home and I get zero attention, this has gone on two years and I feel like having an affair since he is NEVER there. I have not cheated but it crosses my mind. Please help redditors what should I do?! (He is 30 I’m 34 no kids) Submitted May 01, 2019 at 05:55AM I’m very upset about this.. have been married for three...

Help help! Husband got new tattoo without even a word to me

I first would like to apologize for the long post, but there’s a lot of back story and story to my questions.... So my husband has gotten several tattoos in the last few years (3 of which he got while on a trip that he never even told me about...I just saw them after the fact when he got home), about 6 new ones in total. When I met him, he had 3. 2 smaller pieces and 1 larger piece that was unfinished. While dating we’d discussed tattoos and never once did he ever mention wanting to get more. He is army and was due to deploy in 2017. A few months prior, he asked me if I knew of any good tattoo places, and I told him no. I don’t have any tattoos but I have had several piercings. After asking around to a few of my friends, I found him some recommendations. I just thought he was getting his larger piece finished... We went into a few, he talked to a few artists and viewed their portfolios and he decided on one of the locations. After he made his decision, they started talking about p...

High Sex?

So my wife recently tried (after being anti marijuana use her whole life due to her upbringing) and it was truly a hilarious and fun experience. But we did have sex that night and she claims she really couldn’t remember a lot. But she did say it was way better than normal sex. I don’t really wanna read too much into this? But does anyone else have insight on the difference between sober and high sex? Ideally I don’t want to get her high just for her to have amazing sex, but is it better than being sober? Thanks for the input! Would love some help on this Submitted May 01, 2019 at 06:51AM So my wife recently tried (after being anti marijuana use her whole life due to her upbringing) and it was truly a hilarious and fun experience. But we did have sex that night and she claims she really couldn’t remember a lot. But she did say it was way better than normal sex. I don’t really wanna read too much into this? But does anyone else have insight on the difference between sober and high...

"what am I doing wrong ?" Submitted May 01, 2019 at 01:37AM

Lots of comments about "grass-eating liberal feminists" on the new MIB movie trailer on Instagram Submitted May 01, 2019 at 01:45AM

oof. Submitted May 01, 2019 at 01:51AM

My friend decided to transition into a nice guy Submitted May 01, 2019 at 02:05AM

Well That escalated quickly. Submitted May 01, 2019 at 02:12AM

A nice guy on my friends snap Submitted May 01, 2019 at 02:31AM

I bet you are Submitted May 01, 2019 at 02:32AM

M’lady Submitted May 01, 2019 at 02:39AM

I stopped talking to him because he kept being a dick to me, despite him calling me "a princess" Submitted May 01, 2019 at 02:40AM

Good luck living on love! Submitted May 01, 2019 at 03:10AM

Women make dating apps suck Submitted May 01, 2019 at 04:08AM

Sonic is a nice guy Submitted May 01, 2019 at 04:58AM

unsolicited dick pick from a white guy... Submitted May 01, 2019 at 05:06AM

Sends me a very similar message a day later on a new account but he fixed it up a bit so he’s making progress Submitted May 01, 2019 at 05:30AM

X for Doubt Submitted May 01, 2019 at 05:49AM

It's all a game Submitted May 01, 2019 at 06:04AM

Lol okay. Submitted May 01, 2019 at 06:06AM

A different take on the nice guy mentality. Submitted May 01, 2019 at 06:38AM

Hes texted like 200 times in past week Submitted May 01, 2019 at 06:41AM

Too busy dating BOYS instead of MEN Submitted May 01, 2019 at 06:51AM

How do I confess

So I've been talking to this girl for a while now and were really good friends (I'm a girl too and were both pansexual). Our friendship is pretty mich based around us being huge dorks and flirting. But i dont know if she sees my flirting as a joke or seriously. The thing is i would ask her out but shes really popular and im an outcast. Not too mention a good mutual friend of ours asked me out. Then another mutual friend asked her out. We both denied them and we went back to being friends. But me and her have been saying why dont we just date? But i dont wanna put our other friends in that kind of situation. Not too mention the school year is almost up and we wont see each other till next school year. What do i do? (Sorry for how long it is) Submitted May 01, 2019 at 04:59AM So I've been talking to this girl for a while now and were really good friends (I'm a girl too and were both pansexual). Our friendship is pretty mich based around us being huge dorks and flir...

She gave me her number but not sure if she’s into me. Should I text her?

I have this really cute new neighbour who is my age. I’ve never spoken to her before but we follow eachother on Instagram. I got a DM from today her saying that her car got broken into and she was wondering if I saw anything. I told her no but I’d keep a lookout, and she was very responsive with me so I transitioned the conversation elsewhere. I talked to her pretty much all day over DMs, exchanging roughly 20 messages . We both sent a few winky faces and I was under the impression that we were both lightly flirting with eachother. The convo started to slow down so I said “hey can I have your number so I can let you know right away if I see anything suspicious? It has nothing to do with you being cute, strictly business;)”. She replied “ahahah ok ok, here it is ________, text me if you find him 👀” . I replied “will do!” And that was it. I was a little taken back by her response cause it certainly didn’t feel like an invitation to text her anytime soon...and she was responsive all da...

¯\_(ツ)_/¯ idk man idk

so i asked a girl in my t=math class if she wanted to study math with me she said yes we are acquaintances as in i see her at work i sometimes have small talk with her at school but today at work she seemed kinda excited to see me but idk i can never tell if a girl is just nice or if the like me well the point is that ti wanna ask her out idk when or how should i do it after we are done studding math should i do it before should i do it after we study math together more than once help i haven't really ever asked a girl out so.. Submitted May 01, 2019 at 05:03AM so i asked a girl in my t=math class if she wanted to study math with me she said yes we are acquaintances as in i see her at work i sometimes have small talk with her at school but today at work she seemed kinda excited to see me but idk i can never tell if a girl is just nice or if the like me well the point is that ti wanna ask her out idk when or how should i do it after we are done studding math should i do it be...

A guy gave me his number, and I'm not sure what to write

Normally I'd start off a conversation with a little banter about whatever we'd spoken about or something like this, but i actually haven't spoken to this guy. I was working and had seen a guy that i thought was pretty hot, and noticed him smiling at me. Later his colleague came up to me to ask me if i was single and said would it be ok if she gave me a card with his number. ( which at first I was thinking, dude do it yourself, but actually I was working and wouldn't have been able to stop and talk and it would have been a little bit awkward given the particular situation). So i actually haven't spoken to him and have no idea how to start. "Hey" or "hey, this is xxx from yesterday" just sounds kinda lame. I normally like to ask a question or make a joke to get some banter going, but yeah. No context or anything for this one. Not even a photo/or tinter bio to go off! Edit: currently thinking: "Do you always give your number to strange...

I've got my first legit date. What do?

I don't know what came over me. I had literally met this girl for the first time and my inner Adonnis/Chad whatever you want to call it took over my body. I'm usually reserved, not talkative at all, generally a passive guy with a blank expression, all business. For some reason, I decided I'd strike up a conversation with her. We talk for like 10 minutes and suddenly I feel my body, it couldn't be been my conscious decision, asking her out. She was all blushes and smiles and she agrees. It wasn't until I got home that I realized what I'd done. After having a pseudo panic attack, I'm not sure what to do. I've never been as interested in girls as my peers and honestly I'm not sure if I have what it takes to keep up a relationship. I don't want to hurt her but I also think I made a big mistake by deviating from my usual self. Please give me your advice. Submitted May 01, 2019 at 05:09AM I don't know what came over me. I had literally met...

Have you ever felt that gut feeling telling you to kiss your date? Has it worked for you?

The only time I've felt it I kissed the girl and she wanted to, but I don't know if I should always listen to it. What's your experience on the subject? Submitted May 01, 2019 at 05:12AM The only time I've felt it I kissed the girl and she wanted to, but I don't know if I should always listen to it. What's your experience on the subject?

"Cooldown" time between asking out girls?

I have just recently asked out a girl in my major at college. But she politely said no because she was currently in a relationship, and said that if she wasn't she'd have said yes. But that's beside the point. While yes, I did genuinely like this girl not only for her personality, but for also her looks. I also like a few other girls that are in the same major, and would like to properly ask them out. I would do so, but I feel like it would be weird if I just started going around asking girls out. ​ Am I the only one who thinks this? should I wait it out? Submitted May 01, 2019 at 05:14AM I have just recently asked out a girl in my major at college. But she politely said no because she was currently in a relationship, and said that if she wasn't she'd have said yes. But that's beside the point.While yes, I did genuinely like this girl not only for her personality, but for also her looks. I also like a few other girls that are in the same major, and wou...

Need advice

So I find myself in a predicament and in need of advice involving dating. There is this girl I’ve been talking to for about a 2 weeks, things seem to be going great, we mesh really well and she’s even admitted that we do, also mentioning how I’m the only guy she’s talking to (though she does still have the dating app we met on), and that she gets a good feeling about me, as do I admit to getting a good feeling about her. She has even brought up the point about meeting her family and even eventually meeting mine, leading me to believe that this could lead to an eventual relationship. Though the past 2 days the convos have seemed like she’s not putting in as much effort/taking longer to respond than usual, which has caused for me to worry a bit.I was wondering if I could get any advice on this situation and whether or not my worrying is an over reaction or justified. Submitted May 01, 2019 at 05:19AM So I find myself in a predicament and in need of advice involving dating. There i...

How to work out how much she (18F) is in to me (19M)

Met this girl on tinder a few weeks ago, she stayed over one night 2 weeks ago, nothing happened but we had a good laugh and really got on...we have been on 2 sit down meal dates since as well as a trip to a shopping centre where we were holding hands etc. She then came back to mine and met my mum and dad. She has also come over again since, we got intimate and had a great time. We talk throughout the day, we have plans to go out for dinner again in the next day or so, as well as a plan to meet her parents. I’m just trying to gauge where she is with it all, what her views are etc. what’s the best way to find this info? I almost feel slightly anxious about it, and I’m not sure why, I question whether I feel it is going too well? Edit: she also talks regularly about how nice my mum and dad are and that we should go away on holiday etc. Submitted May 01, 2019 at 05:39AM Met this girl on tinder a few weeks ago, she stayed over one night 2 weeks ago, nothing happened but we had a go...

Do guys swipe right for every girl on dating apps?

My friend said she met her fiancé on a dating app so I decided I’d give it a try since its becoming increasingly apparent that I’m too socially inept and shy to build a proper love life. I thoughtfully answer questions and consider profiles and get excited when someone seemingly compatible likes me back. Still, sometimes I read the profiles of the people who have “accepted” me and we are so obviously incompatible it seems like they didn’t bother to look at my profile at all. Like one time a local guy liked me across two dating apps and I was thinking oh this must not be a fluke if he’s done it twice. So I waited for him to message me, thinking that maybe he didn’t want to be too forward. In the end I approached him first and then he unmatched us...?!?! And then another seemingly nice guy liked me on a dating app but when I read our compatibility profile it said he didn’t want to date outside his race and I was very obviously not his why did he swipe right on me? The only ...

Girl was finicky should I give another chance or move on

Me and this girl who I’m attracted to and is kind and hot were supposed to go on our second date and while making plans for that I also initiated plans for Netflix and chill afterwards. Then before our second date she said she might not want to do Netflix after all but it’s a maybe afterwards. Then after the date she said she wanted to chill with some friends instead and asked me if that was okay to which I replied she can do whatever she wants to do. and when I dropped her off to her friends one of the girl friends mentioned she was tired and just wanted to Netflix and chill. Now I have opportunity for another date who is hotter so I’m wondering if I should not waste any time on the first girl and just go out with this new opportunity? Or should I give her another chance by asking her for a reschedule on Netflix and chill and take time away from this new girl ? I don’t have much time in the town I’m in which is why I don’t want to waste any Submitted May 01, 2019 at 05:56AM Me ...