I (f46) have been seeing a guy for over a year (m38) who was pretty persistent in the beginning, but we were definitely still seeing other people until the pandemic hit. Still, we saw each other pretty much once a week (or more) until this last month. Legitimately our kid schedules stopped lining up and things started opening up and we both got busy. He’s been clear all along that this is something he wants... for now. Seems to think my life would make his pretty complicated, even though I have no interest in that kind of mess. In the past, I would have felt the pullback and panicked. But this time? I just asked what was up, let him know if he’s not into it anymore that’s ok, and got the long list of reasons he was busy (why do we do that when we could all just say I’m just not interested in prioritizing you right now?), and his need for time to himself. All legit, and probably mostly true, but also all shit we say when we don’t want to hurt someone’s feelings. I made clear I’d love ...