
Showing posts from October 26, 2020

Would I just know if he liked me

I f24 really like this guy m26 I used to work with, I just can't tell if he likes me or not. I added him first on social media and he always replies to my snapchats or sends them first himself, he also accepted all my friend requests, I still go to the shop he works at often to see him but its always general chat, he seems interested in my day but is quiet vague in his questions over social media and again its general but we do talk everyday on social media. We get along well in eachothers company i just can't tell if he likes me or is just being nice. I just don't want to ask him out straight away because I have a tendency to read these signals wrong, any advice would be much appreciated thanks TLDR- would I even have to ask if he actually liked me or would I just know Submitted October 26, 2020 at 11:55PM I f24 really like this guy m26 I used to work with, I just can't tell if he likes me or not. I added him first on social media and he always replies to my sna...

Bad things that every dater will experience

If you're dating in the 21st century, it's inevitable that you'll have these experiences: You go on what feels like a fantastic first date. Great conversation, wonderful chemistry. But when you text them afterwards (maybe later that night or the next day), they ghost you or hit you with a rejection. The person you're seeing tells you they're just not ready to date anyone right now. Then you find out through social media that they're dating someone else. You've started dating someone, and you're both in agreement that ghosting sucks. They tell you that they would never ghost someone; they'd rather be upfront and break up. A few weeks later, they ghost you. You're seeing someone who's starting to fade on you. They're texting you less, responding to you slower, hanging out with you less often, etc. You ask them what's going on, and they say, "I'm just really busy with work/family right now. I still like you." But they...

Am I being too picky?

So as the typical disclaimer for these types of posts, I would consider myself an above average girl. I'm in my early 20s, studying to become a doctor, good with hair/makeup/clothes/etc. and I'm slender and have a healthy lifestyle. Looks-wise I would say I'm probably in the 7-8 range. However I have been on quite a few online dates and the only guys who seem to be interested in me are guys I would never consider dating. Aka guys I am definitely not physically attracted to, or guys who have red flags like no job/education or drug use, etc. They tend to put me on a pedestal and often badger me if I want to go on another date with them, etc. Plus I feel like they are sometimes only into me because of their lack of other options, not because I would actually be their first choice. Meanwhile the guys who I would say are within my league (also in the 7-8 range) are more wishy-washy. They're always semi-interested, open to a second date with me but they don't actively pu...

Really need help in seeing if my friend likes me or not

Hi, I (22F) met my friend (22M) during freshman year in college through mutual friends. I recently started to go out more and went to one our friend's house where I met him again. Whenever I saw him, he would do eye contact with me and talk a lot. I felt some chemistry between us whenever I saw him! After seeing him a couple times at my friends house I messaged him asking if there was something going on. I also just got out of a long relationship so I'm not really familiar to the flirting world anymore lol. He informed that he though I was pretty and was just checking me out. I told him I had an old crush on him, he replied that he had one too. He added that he would be lying if he said he still didn't. We've been seeing each other for the last 2 weeks or so and its mostly just Netflix and chill type of nights, but one night he told him he was into to me. I was shocked that night and couldn't say anything at the time. The next time I saw him, I told him I was into ...

/u/bramble_shade on Happy ace week!!

That’s what my phone sees as I stare at this, grinning and chuckling rather alarmingly, at midnight I love it October 27, 2020 at 12:02AM

/u/ohno_throwaway3 on Has being ace/aro affected how you present and dressed yourself in public?

Some of the articles/studies I've read suggest that asexual women tend to dress more androginously or conservatively. Of course, that's not the norm and there are many exceptions. There's some info on it over at r/AcePhilosophy . To actually answer your question, I've always been a tomboy, and I did start to avoid any revealing clothes after some sleazy encounters. October 26, 2020 at 11:56PM

/u/ChekYurGramer on Pushy friends who won't accept

Yeah. In the past few decades, a lot of countries have been updating the wording of sexual assault laws to be more gender-neutral, but other places (and societal consciousness) are lagging behind. I'm sorry you've had a rough time of it, and I hope you're able to find better friends. October 26, 2020 at 11:52PM

/u/needtofindpasta on i think im asexual

To me it sounds like you fall under the asexual umbrella. Of course, the only one who can ever truly decide that is you, but from what you've described, that's the impression I'm getting. It's pretty normal to be confused. In my experience, I read about asexuality, and the definition just seemed to fit. If you're curious, there's a bunch of resources pinned at the top of the sub that you could check out. The bottom line is just identify as whatever you feel fits you best, or you feel the most comfortable identifying as in that moment. I hope this is what you're looking for 💜 October 26, 2020 at 11:52PM

/u/rokhal on Anyone else relieved when they found out about asexuality?

Totally. I was in my late twenties when I finally realized "this is me, this is actually how I am" and it was such a relief to know that sexuality wouldn't, like, take over my brain one full moon and force me to start trying to find a date and let someone else live in my house and sacrifice my career for them. I was very scared that I might have to change, because I was happy. And then I found out I wouldn't have to. October 26, 2020 at 11:47PM

/u/Head_Lynx on Happy ace week!!

No. I know. I was just complementing it. ^ October 26, 2020 at 11:46PM

/u/embarrassed_ace on Happy ace week everyone! I made this informational presentation and I’m hoping this can gain some traction.

Thank you for the feedback! I will be updating the presentation shortly. October 26, 2020 at 11:45PM

/u/nsilverman9 on Phrog says happy ace week!

Cooper October 26, 2020 at 11:43PM

/u/needtofindpasta on Ay yes my first experience of aphobia

I just wanted to say that you are valid, and that anyone who says you aren't isn't worth listening to 💜 October 26, 2020 at 11:41PM

/u/mockingjayed on Happy ace week everyone! I made this informational presentation and I’m hoping this can gain some traction.

maybe just the first part “some asexuals may enjoy sex” I think is pretty comprehensive and inclusive October 26, 2020 at 11:40PM

/u/utopianpolecat on I’ve been waiting all month to make this cake for ace week!

What flavour? Is it vanilla but with food colouring? I want some! I just made carrot ginger bisque last night, but I might do some garlic bread tonight to go with. October 26, 2020 at 11:39PM

/u/AprilStorms on It's a fACE mask

Psst... fold up a little bit of toilet paper and place it on your nose. Or sew some flower wire into it and bend it so it fits your face October 26, 2020 at 11:37PM

/u/CrackedHalo1233 on It's a fACE mask

The pun did it for me 🤍💜🖤 October 26, 2020 at 11:32PM

/u/LillyPad1313 on Showing my pride for ace week!

THIS IS SO GORGEOUS, AND I AM SO JEALOUS! October 26, 2020 at 11:28PM

/u/Reddit-Book-Bot on Too true!

Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of Bible Was I a good bot? | info | More Books October 26, 2020 at 11:25PM

/u/PlagueGhosty on Here are some books with asexual rep!

Oh geez, same here! I realized that most of my fanfiction characters were at least demisexual a while back. I used to (and still do!) write my epic length asexual romance fanfictions, except now I have an actual understanding of my OCs instead of saying, “Well, they just weren’t interested until they knew him really well...Also they don’t DO sex because they just...don’t??? I mean sometimes they do but not because they NEED it, you know??” 😂 October 26, 2020 at 11:23PM

/u/TeebsAce on Hi! Someone who likes My Hero Academia. If I ask to chose a character to be aroace, who would you choose? I want to do a drawing of a character using the colors when I have a little free time! But I'm not quite sure who to choose. Read more in comment!

YaoMomo has always given me aroace vibes to be honest October 26, 2020 at 11:20PM

/u/JayJamSnoo on LMAO my birthday is on october

ty!! October 26, 2020 at 11:12PM

/u/TheChronologer1 on Do I post about ace week?

I voted "post", but only if you want to. I don't see any harm in it, but don't let us pressure you into doing something you don't want to. October 26, 2020 at 11:10PM