
Showing posts from June 26, 2020

/u/PokestarFan on I’m in this picture and I don’t like it...

Yeah but the thing about Boku no Pico is that there also exists an anime called Boku no Hero Academia, so innocent people could think that’s what they’re watching, but 177013 is porn and you need to know which website to use. Now 177013 isn’t as just shockingly gross as something like Euphoria, but it’s more sad just watching the descent into addiction and homelessness. One of my friends read it and was extremely messed up for a week. June 27, 2020 at 12:00AM

/u/stolenteacups on I’m in this picture and I don’t like it...

I’m suddenly so grateful I’ve seen this Euphoria only June 27, 2020 at 12:00AM

/u/LadyCardinal on Why is it so hard for people to grasp?????

I'm sorry that happened to you. People just don't get the concept of split attraction at all. I think even those who grasp the basic concept of asexuality struggle with the amount of queer theory you need to really understand it. Being allo and gay is pretty straightforward, relatively speaking; anybody can understand "a man who wants to have sex with men," whether they approve of the idea or not. But really getting asexuality requires picking apart waaay too many basic cultural assumptions about love and sex for most people to bother with. June 27, 2020 at 12:00AM

/u/bubble-wrap- on A comic has never made me realize I'm ace more than this one

God I’m the same. Except I haven’t had crushes. June 26, 2020 at 11:59PM

/u/TDplay on HEY YOU!

it's 12:58 am. close but no cigar. I'll continue scrolling. June 26, 2020 at 11:58PM

/u/PokestarFan on I’m in this picture and I don’t like it...

Yeah it’s awful. Off the top of my head, I remember: Guy getting a boner from a girl who was electrocuted to death A whole lot of scat (porn using poop) Forceful taking of virginities (with a lot of blood) Almost electrocuting someone with sex toys The anime form of The Human Centipede (6 girls are hooked up with tubes from anus to the next one’s mouth and given laxatives by IV because god knows someone’s going to masturbate to that) There’s more but I’m lucky to have forgot it all June 26, 2020 at 11:58PM

/u/internetmantelet on I’m in this picture and I don’t like it...

This this this June 26, 2020 at 11:56PM

/u/stolenteacups on I’m in this picture and I don’t like it...

Jesus Christ, sounds awful. Everybody I’m talking about an HBO tv series w/ real people! June 26, 2020 at 11:54PM

/u/stolenteacups on I’m in this picture and I don’t like it...

Um no, I’m talking about a tv show on hbo. June 26, 2020 at 11:52PM

/u/DEMON212 on Is anyone else fascinated by the ace pride colours?

Purple has been my favourite colour since I was a kid, I am naturally drawn to black, white and grey. I adore Venom as he's black and white. I don't get it at all but even the shade of green in the Aromantic flag is one of the only shades of green I've ever liked. The way I see people describe themselves here, the terms friends have said, everything tracks with my own life. I've felt like an outsider my whole life. I have Autism and I don't really click with other Autistics all that much. But the day I found this forum I felt I had found my home. I've never instantly gelled with something before like this it making me have an existential crisis as I worry all these years of feeling like a freak, I've snapped and made a world for myself and am currently sitting in an insane asylum like that 1 episode of Buffy The Vampire Slayer 😹😹😹 June 26, 2020 at 11:48PM

/u/Annoelle on Went to an asexual meeting irl, one toxic gatekeeper nearly runined it.

Asexuals can have a preference romantically. Asexuals can enjoy sex. These are two truths that a lot of people can’t seem to grasp. The fact that you are not attracted physically to other people doesn’t mean you are required to be aromantic or not take part in any sexual practices. Asexuality has a lot of gray areas and can include any number of other aspects of pride. It’s not a matter of a gay or straight label, it’s a matter of how your body and mind work together as an individual. People like that are narcissists. He wanted everything to be exactly like his narrative and couldn’t handle it if someone didn’t follow suit. Disgusting. June 26, 2020 at 11:46PM

/u/JustASadBubble on I’m in this picture and I don’t like it...

Boku no pico is kinda outdated for fake recommendations It’s all about 177013 now June 26, 2020 at 11:45PM

/u/ToothlessFeline on I'm done with r/Unpopularopinion

That sub is little more than an echo chamber. Waste of bits. June 26, 2020 at 11:39PM

/u/TheChronologer1 on Why is it so hard for people to grasp?????

Omg, yes. Those people are the worst to run into. Luckily, there are people that would like to learn first before forming conclusions, but the other types of people are much more common. "You can't be gay and aroace. Not even gay and ace. That's not how that works." Yes, please explain to me my own sexuality. This man who is attracted to other men can't be gay. Never. June 26, 2020 at 11:39PM

/u/youtube-sent-me-here on A comic has never made me realize I'm ace more than this one

Sorry it’s bad advice, you can “do literally anything else” it doesn’t magically make you happy and ok June 26, 2020 at 11:36PM

/u/xhannah__ on After days and days of questioning my sexuality, I can PROUDLY say that I am a PAN ROMANTIC ASEXUAL 🖤🤍💜

lol 😂 June 26, 2020 at 11:34PM

/u/Anxious-Internet on I'm done with r/Unpopularopinion

Its so hurtful, tbh. We think we have a place there (its in the name!) but we dont. And we also dont have a real place one the other side. And reasons why this happens, from telling that ace, demi and even aro and so on, dont excist. Or that if you dont have a need for sex how could you be part of a community where there it is a big part? Or we didnt suffer enough for this. When I dont that this was a game, who has more than the other instead of giving a save space for people. June 26, 2020 at 11:34PM

/u/xhannah__ on After days and days of questioning my sexuality, I can PROUDLY say that I am a PAN ROMANTIC ASEXUAL 🖤🤍💜

Ty ✌️ June 26, 2020 at 11:34PM

/u/preciousillusion on Anyone else hyped for human cloning? That just me?

My mother told me today that there are people on Facebook who think POTUS and VP are clones, so I can’t get too excited about their imaginations running into reality. June 26, 2020 at 11:34PM

Husband had a Karen moment today...

Went out for late lunch today,ordered his food.Came different from what he ordered.I said to him,let me go get the waitress.He has injured back,is 100% disabled.Making sure he doesnt have to get up etc..Anyway ,to kinda add to it.Right now I got a Karen haircut as I am trying to grow hair out and I am all gray. He says ,go get the am like..OH HELL NO.Thinking I might end up on here or TikTok...I said I take care of swear I am supernice and not a Karen.But he was upset ,waitress was sorry,not her fault,it happens,she was a sweetheart. Husband was sooo hangry tho..And yeah they messed up but at the end he was pretty much licking the plate. Been with him 30 years.Best man in the world.Still gives me goosebumbs when he touches me.There isnt a woman on this earth that gets treated better than I am at the end of the day. Tell your loved one how you truly feel.You might not be able tommorow.. Peace Submitted June 26, 2020 at 11:36PM Went out for late lunch to...


This house is so empty! My husband works 3rd shift I got so use to sleeping beside him that when he's gone at night I can't sleep good anymore. When he's sleeping during the day I'm so lonely and bored. We don't have kids yet so it's just me all day and all night. It's sad and my depression set's in. I appreciate him work so hard to provide for us but I hating be alone. It makes me hold some resentment towards him I have tried for 2 years for him to get a shift change but he won't do it. I wonder what kinda of impact till have on family life once we do have kids if it's like this now. He barely has a day off and when he does he sleeps all day it's more like a roommate situation they husband and wife. Yeah I try to play the good house wife make dinner and coffee before he leaves but one or two hours a day isn't enough someone said I'm being needed for wanting more than 2 hours a day with him. I don't think it's wrong to ask fo...

I posted the second ss on whisper and the dude messaged all the people replying to yell at them too 😂 Submitted June 26, 2020 at 11:33PM

Truly terrifying (Junji Ito's Frankenstein.) Submitted June 26, 2020 at 11:38PM