
Showing posts from June 5, 2022

Boyfriend has double standards- help!

So I(28F) had some problems lately with my long distance boyfriend (30M), who commented on Instagram on another woman's pics with hearts and fires. I found this completely disrespectful as this person was not a friend of his, but a visitor of the hotel he works. The woman was not responding on the comments. But 2 months ago was doing the same with me , was liking all my pics, putting comments like most beautiful person I ever met, my world and things like this. So I felt really sad we had an argument and I broke up with him at the moment I saw this on Instagram. After days we discussed it and he tried manipulating me and saying me things like she was his friend and stupid things like this and a comment means nothing and doesn't flirt etc. Also told me that he doesn't spend money or say i love you on other women but only me . My point of view is different though. If he wants to pursue other person or 2nd gf he should stay single. Also this is actively flirting , what is th...

/u/EZbreezy343 on I’m asexual, and no one knows. So here I am announcing it to strangers!

Made me tear up a little, ty. June 06, 2022 at 01:13AM

Needing advice

Hi! I need advice on this situation, preferably from a male perspective as it can be different and provide a different aspect. I recently matched with this guy (23M and me 22F) on a dating app and we’ve been chatting and are wanting to meet up but I look on his social media and noticed that I knew his brother. His brother is a few years older (25M) and we had matched several years back on another dating app. Nothing super explicit happened between me and his brother but we did make out and he ended up being super pushy and and kind of an asshole. Do you think now that I’m talking to the brother things won’t ever work out? Do you think I should be honest or not bring it up until he brings it up? I’d love to know what you guys think! *** To add: this brother is now in a long term relationship Submitted June 06, 2022 at 12:59AM Hi! I need advice on this situation, preferably from a male perspective as it can be different and provide a different aspect. I recently matched with this...

/u/Purple_potato-1234 on Asexual husband-questions and advice

Thank you so much for your very complete answer and the great book suggestions! I totally understand your point that only him can tell whether he is or not asexual, but as you probably guessed from my post he’s not the type to enjoy this type of introspection, even less as a discussion! This is why I want to learn more on my side, so I can understand his standpoint better and not do/anything harmful that could break the trust. So far I haven’t been too pushy (I hope), but more than the lack of sex I have been struggling with the lack of clarity. First after marriage, in the end no. Then when we are ready for kids, but now it doesn’t seem to be happening either… It would have been easier to deal with for me if it had been a clear “I really cannot”. But it’s very possible that he thought he could force himself when the time comes, and actually meant it. Right? Anyway, thanks again for your input! June 06, 2022 at 12:36AM

How to get better at dating

I'm a 29m, never been on a date, had a gf, and still a virgin as well as never got past kissing a woman, last and only kiss was on my prom night 11 years ago. I have always been shy, lack of confidence, low self esteem about my body, and I am introverted as well as suffering from social anxiety. Everytime I try to say hi to women, they avoid me, I try to talk to women and they avoid me and seem uninterested. I try to be charismatic, charming, and funny but end up being weird, creepy, and corny. I'm boring to be around since I don't talk much due to not knowing what to say or not being funny or afraid of sounding stupid or saying the wrong things. I want to know how I could be more charismatic charming and funny, how I could talk to women, flirt, make them laugh, make them like me and be attracted and interested to me. I have no idea what I am doing with women. When I do a conversation going with women, I just talk to them as I would to a friend and they never seem to be in...