
Showing posts from August 14, 2021

/u/genienie on What is your opinion about having children?

Yeah, this is exactly much my reasoning as well. I don’t dislike kids, though I’ll admit I have no clue how to interact with them, but my personality, tendencies, and interests are very much aligned against myself attempting to raise children. August 15, 2021 at 12:00AM

/u/Big_Barda_Babe on Been ashamed for years until I learned about asexuality

Don't give me ideas for my next tattoo 💀 August 14, 2021 at 11:57PM

/u/Cheshie_D on Germaphobia, ace, or both: body hair

I’m not sure where you’re getting your statistics seeing as many, if not most, Americans shower everyday (which is actually bad for you). So what do you consider “proper hygiene”? August 14, 2021 at 11:53PM

/u/humiliatedgrapes on What is your opinion about having children?

I'm not a kid person in general aka never had maternal instincts and they just annoy me to no end . No shade to kid people, I just really prefer the company of adults. So being aro ace is just a wonderful cosmic gift of built in birth control. August 14, 2021 at 11:50PM

/u/LunaTheTrip on 😈

It's the blatant misogyny for me. I go to that subreddit for spooky stories, not sexist aphobic fanfic. August 14, 2021 at 11:48PM

/u/JimakuNoNadare on Do you fantasize about friendships?

For the past 20 years or so I’ve had a habit of looking around whatever classroom or meeting I am in—it only works with a gathering—and imagining a sudden rift occurring that separates everyone in the room, sending us all onto independent desert islands in pairs. I daydream about what person I would want to be marooned with, because I am extremely shy but if it were just me and another on an island, we would HAVE to end up getting to know one another and becoming friends. Didn’t realize it, but now that you mention it, it does sound rather like platonic fantasy. August 14, 2021 at 11:47PM

/u/Big_Barda_Babe on Do you have sexual dreams?

I've only had romantic(?) dreams where I'd just cuddle with another person. Idk if that's even weirder or not lol August 14, 2021 at 11:45PM

/u/acetloc on for romantic attraction, is it normal to be jealous of their friends or does that make it platonic attraction?

Jealousy is always the most confusing thing in the world, I never know why I'm jealous until I'm no longer jealous August 14, 2021 at 11:42PM

/u/JuanitaTheCowboyRat on Naked human bodies are disgusting.

I've always thought that. I realised a bit ago while looking at art I had bare chests. Male, female... doesn't matter. To me people look their absoloute best in crop tops. Don't question my brain. Don't wanna see people shirtless, but would prefer tiny shirt... August 14, 2021 at 11:42PM

/u/avocadw on Naked human bodies are disgusting.

You have just described how i feel every day. I think women bodies are pretty aesthetically, except for the genital and the nipples just as you said. Sometimes i even question about me being ace for thinking some woman's body is pretty lol. And completely agreed with the men's part, I'm panromantic but i think i have a preference on girls since i can't find most of the men i see attractive. Seriously why do people like big men with big muscles, it's kinda disgusting sometimes. And i would never ever want to see somebody naked on my front, geez it's so weird and unconfortable, I really can't understand allos '-' August 14, 2021 at 11:41PM

/u/Ramblingperegrin on Germaphobia, ace, or both: body hair

If you have a therapist, tell them such things and thoughts upset you. They'll either know how to handle it, or can recommend a colleague who deals with that kind of issue more effectively than they can. An LGBTQ+ specialist therapist might be able to tell you more and give you constructive means of dealing with this issue. August 14, 2021 at 11:39PM

/u/dysmnemonic on i had sex (pls read)

Of course it's ok! You're absolutely valid, and definitely allowed here. I'd like to hope we're much less into 'gold star' style nonsense than certain other communities. Please feel free to help yourself to some cake. August 14, 2021 at 11:38PM

/u/Wonderfulwomen1122 on Germaphobia, ace, or both: body hair

I just find body hair gross. It makes someone looks like they didn’t wash, nor the smell of it (unless it’s from someone’s head….sometimes). August 14, 2021 at 11:37PM

/u/Avlo12 on You ever think of how Tolkien created an entire series/world and never even mentioned sex?

Wasn't Tolkien Polish writer ? Cuz i forgot August 14, 2021 at 11:35PM

/u/Wonderfulwomen1122 on Germaphobia, ace, or both: body hair

Who do I speak to about this? I don’t think my therapist would be of use about this issue. I hate of the idea of going down on someone, and getting their fluids, feeces and pube hairs in my mouth, outside of my imagination. And I just can’t get over the hyperpigmentation around the genital and anus areas, specifically if someone’s very hairy, but really pale, and I feel uncomfortable just talking about it right now, but so does not talking to anyone about it. August 14, 2021 at 11:35PM

/u/justobsolete on What is your opinion about having children?

My reasons for not wanting to have kids have nothing to do with my asexuality, though. I do have a fear of being pregnant, so I'd adopt if I wanted kids, but I just don't have the mental/emotional energy for kids. I can barely take care of myself. I definitely can't stick to a schedule. I just couldn't handle kids. I don't even have pets because I want to be free to be able to spend all night pokemon'ing or whatever I want to do without having to worry about coming back and feeding them and giving them attention and whatnot. I wouldn't be a good parent. August 14, 2021 at 11:35PM

/u/Mrs_ChanandlerBong_ on Please dont tell me Im the only one constantly being spammed with this lmao

I delete the Reddit app every Sunday afternoon and re-download it every Friday afternoon. When searching "Reddit" in the App Store, the first app is the official Reddit, the second is Apollo (what I use), and the third is a different app dealing with porn addiction, apparently for porn-addicted redditors. Interesting. August 14, 2021 at 11:32PM

/u/lotvinresin on What is it like dating as an asexual?

My girlfriend and I are both aspec, so actually, lack of sexual attraction is a good thing for us. And neither one of us are cheaters. August 14, 2021 at 11:31PM

/u/Dvwu on Geek asexual news!

What about Bruce? August 14, 2021 at 11:31PM

/u/lotvinresin on Are you comfortable joining a GSA or an LGBTQ+ Activism club in your school/college?

I was on the eboard for our university’s pride alliance, and often took the reins when we went over asexuality. I’m now realizing I might not be ace though so oops. You live and you learn 😅 August 14, 2021 at 11:30PM

/u/justobsolete on for romantic attraction, is it normal to be jealous of their friends or does that make it platonic attraction?

Jealous in what way? Jealousy is a very common human emotion. It doesn't have just one reason why we feel it. August 14, 2021 at 11:30PM

Hi does anyone know if MYONE condoms ship outside of the US?

Basically the title I went onto their website and the option is to ship within the US Submitted August 14, 2021 at 11:00PM Basically the title I went onto their website and the option is to ship within the US

My boyfriend is turned on by me saying slurs... what the heck?

Today, we were just talking to each other. And at one point, he kept jokingly trying to get me to say cr*cker. Even out of context, like not as an insult but as in cheese and crackers, etc. Still, I refused at first, but eventually I said it. (I'm sorry.) He got SO heated. He immediately pulled me on top of him and we... well, we got very very heated, very quickly. During this, breaking away from a kiss, he told me to say something else. I hesitated for a long while, then said ch*nk. I am Asian myself and have had that word used against me personally, so I thought it was okay to say. And again, the same effect. But like. I'm not the kind of person who throws around slurs willynilly. I've never said them before in my life, honestly. But for some reason this turns him on more than anything ever has - in his words, him convincing me to say things I don't really want to say. Is this normal? I've never heard of this kink before and honestly, I'm at a loss. S...