
Showing posts from June 6, 2021

/u/norbert2066 on My friend called me cis and straight, when I’m heteromantic asexual, and now I’m really confused

Straight is the word that is mostly used to stating the "norm". This includes sexual attraction toward other persons in a certain way. Since op is ace, calling her straight would make her reality invisible to others and force her in a certain way to hide (aka, hiding in the closet). It therefore cannot be used to describe op. June 07, 2021 at 12:04AM

/u/Interesting_Birdy on Discussion

I'm with my husband because I love him. I could not explain why it was a man that I feel in love with vs a woman. But, in a world where he did not exist I can tell you that I have no preference for any particular gender and could have just as easily fallen in love with a woman or any other gender. June 07, 2021 at 12:02AM

/u/LieAblaze on Helping my fiancé realize he's probably ace

Yeah, based on what you’re saying he could maybe be a gray ace, but I’d talk to him and explain everything, that might help him identify something June 06, 2021 at 11:58PM

/u/zinnia_cosmos on Helping my fiancé realize he's probably ace

Thank you, this helps a lot! I really appreciate it. It's also validating to know that other people see what I'm seeing regarding the possibility that he's ace June 06, 2021 at 11:57PM

/u/LieAblaze on Helping my fiancé realize he's probably ace

Haha yeah, many people are confused on that, especially if they’ve never been exposed to all this stuff. That’s where I would try to start then, maybe that’ll help him understand it better June 06, 2021 at 11:55PM

/u/zinnia_cosmos on Helping my fiancé realize he's probably ace

Yeah i think this is definitely a part of it. I think he also doesn't understand that gray ace and low libido are different. For him he thinks he just "does want sex very often," but by "very often" he means "ever at all" haha June 06, 2021 at 11:50PM

/u/David_The_Redditor on what do asexuals do when their sex drives go up?

Exactly! June 06, 2021 at 11:49PM

/u/pheonixlord255 on Are there any asexual themed books you would reccomend to help me try and see if I'm on the asexual spectrum?

Agreed it can be somewhat of a dry read June 06, 2021 at 11:48PM

/u/Interesting_Birdy on Which of these do you relate with?

sniff sniff ... Aromatic. June 06, 2021 at 11:46PM

/u/maybe_ace22 on i dont know if im asexual or just paranoid about myself

you said there are many labels, is there a quick way of identifying which one(s) I am? June 06, 2021 at 11:44PM

/u/ForestSmurf on Which of these do you relate with?

Aromantic and aromatic. June 06, 2021 at 11:40PM

/u/-Solidwater on Which of these do you relate with?

Demi and grey June 06, 2021 at 11:38PM

/u/moxieinaboxie on Ik nobody cares but I spent way to long on these so I decided I’d share with you guys:)

I did mine the same way, yours look wonderful!! June 06, 2021 at 11:38PM

/u/spookyjuice69 on what do asexuals do when their sex drives go up?

Arousal is a pesky biological flaw and doesn’t necessitate the involvement of another person. 🤷🏻‍♀️ June 06, 2021 at 11:37PM

/u/Thornescape on Discussion

Yes, the homo-hetero romantic spectrum exists very similar to the homo-hetero sexual spectrum. There are people who actually prefer different genders romantically than sexually. I can't say that I have encountered anyone who is a complete opposite (heterosexual homoromantic or homosexual heteroromantic), but I've heard a lot about people who were bi + hetero or homo. They might enjoy sex with any gender, but only want actual romance with one type. June 06, 2021 at 11:37PM

/u/pheonixlord255 on Am I grey or demi?

U might be demisexual June 06, 2021 at 11:37PM

/u/Lionoras on My friend called me cis and straight, when I’m heteromantic asexual, and now I’m really confused

no one is obligated to money just because they're gay It's actually emotional blackmail. I'd save the text in case they send rumors Straight means "sexual attraction to opposite sex". Do you have sexual attraction? No? Ace ace baby! I'd send back "Well then you have to send me money too. If you don't, you aphobic. (see how dumb you sound?) June 06, 2021 at 11:32PM

/u/Thornescape on How do I deal with being used?

In my experience, it's actually worse than that. When I talked to people who took this approach, they really didn't care about the bigger picture. They just wanted the man to "prove" that they were really interested, because if they were really interested then they would "work harder to get their attention". They wanted to be desired and chased after because they were amazing and worth fighting for, etc etc. It's very similar to the mindset of women who want men to fight over them. If you ignore the obvious problems with the approach when applied to other situations, it kind of makes sense. It's exciting and thrilling to be desired and complimented etc. I can understand that feeling. It's intoxicating. It's a horrific mentality, without a doubt. What's worse is that it's shown up in books and movies and used as a plot device, making more people familiar with the concept and encouraging others to use that model. It happens enough t...

/u/tempted_temptress on It’s feels like 90% of search results on Reddit are porn

Yep my boyfriend was pretty much exclusively a hentai watcher. Almost always hmv which was worse in a way because it unintentionall conditioned him to having to have the music to be able to orgasm June 06, 2021 at 11:31PM

/u/JaysLost on help guys

As biromantic and asexual I describe myself as romantically unlimited but sexually extremely limited June 06, 2021 at 11:30PM

/u/tempted_temptress on It’s feels like 90% of search results on Reddit are porn

Yeah like an “adult content” tag or xxx tag. June 06, 2021 at 11:26PM

/u/LieAblaze on Helping my fiancé realize he's probably ace

I feel like many people have a wrong idea of what ace is, it seems to be that case with him; he’s assuming that being ace means you can’t love or date, stuff like that, so maybe I would recommend trying to explain what ace actually means to try and get his idea of ace in the right place, like maybe sit down and talk to him about it, trying to be the least vague possible Idk, that’s what I would try first June 06, 2021 at 11:26PM

/u/Lionoras on A few hours ago, a man on a relationship forum posted about breaking up with his SO for not being sexually attracted to him. As much as I don't shame him...such cases always evoke a big anxiety in me personally. Anyone else?

Yeah, I'd like to be upfront too, but I'm never sure when is the right timing. And how to express it correctly! I mean, before you have sex -sure. You should tell it, because then you already have a level of intimicy where you can tell it. Not directly on the first few dates, because that could come off rather than an insult. Not in a "confession" way, because then it sounds like I somehow have a problem. You know, some form of "Hi, my name is Lio and I have no attraction to bodies", sounds like "Hi, I'm a registered sex offender" tone wise. All in all it's like...on one side, you don't want to fucking scare away someone who thinks all kind of...well..."propaganda" (sex without attraction is bad, closeted lesbian, you want my money, no sex at all...) and on the other side you don't want to be caught with someone that you stay around 6months and then he finds out and starts nagging you to bits. Rn, my only idea is to si...