
Showing posts from September 22, 2020

/u/_The_physics_girl_ on Ah yes, just another day on Tumblr...

you can't positively identify as something if you don't know what it is Well, true that. September 22, 2020 at 11:55PM

/u/Jackvader2020 on Hitting me with those hard ace vibes. I’m the pizza man.

Or you can eat the whole pizza in one sitting. Mama didn't raise no quitter! September 22, 2020 at 11:54PM

/u/uM4rconig on So I did something...

I am new to the reddit app, and right after posting I saw that the text I wrote was not sent with the image, so I will write again. ​ So, as some of you may have seen, I put some characters as app icons, but some of them (Futaba Sakura from Persona 5 and Amity from The Owl House) are not canonically asexual, but in my opinion I think it would make sense if they were , so I put it on, because I couldn't think of any other character I discovered myself as an ace in June, so I'm not sure if using non-canonically ace characters can be seen as an offense, if I offended someone with that, please tell me. ​ Finally, I would like to give credit to the creator of the first wallpaper u/checkyesromeo (The second I couldn't find the breeder, if any of you know him, please tell me) September 22, 2020 at 11:53PM

/u/weizikeng on Found this post on r/unpopularopinions. Tw: aphobia

Look on the bright side. If this is in fact an unpopular opinion then that means that these sexualities are accepted by the general public. September 22, 2020 at 11:51PM

/u/Lethe_Nyx on i need help

“I’m sorry, I can’t fake it anymore. I’m breaking up with you” - that’s what I’d do September 22, 2020 at 11:50PM

/u/SpangledSparrow on Ah yes, just another day on Tumblr...

Key word "may" lol. Never said it was common, just that more people may be demi than we realize because, like you said, many people don't know what being demi is actually like. And not to crap on statistics or anything but if people generally don't know what demisexuality is, how can we be sure that only .18% of people are demi (you can't positively identify as something if you don't know what it is; yay erasure)? September 22, 2020 at 11:50PM

/u/NessieAvery on Me, with ADHD and chronic depression, finding this subreddit and realizing I might be part of another group people don't think exists

Hello! Fellow ace ADHD(undiagnosed) here! I did things the other way around, found the ace community first, tried to introduce it to my parents, it got rejected, so I stayed in the closet and came out to some friends instead. Then I found out about ADHD, also inattentive type, tried to introduce it to my parents, it got rejected, so I booked myself an appointment with the doctor and am now waiting for a specialist. Since then I've found many wonderful people who are ADHD, ace or even both! You're never as alone as you think. September 22, 2020 at 11:49PM

/u/hambakmeritru on I want to know what your ace relationships are like!

Nonexistant! My sister once promised to plan a mad hatter wedding for me and make it a giant tea party, and for the longest time, that was the only thing that made me want a relationship (well, that and the idea of a roommate to help me pay rent). But my apathy for a relationship even trumped that. ...I still do really want a giant tea party, though... When this COVID plague is over, I'm gonna celebrate with a tea party. September 22, 2020 at 11:44PM

/u/introspections_scary on Me, with ADHD and chronic depression, finding this subreddit and realizing I might be part of another group people don't think exists

Thanks, I'm not sure if loving cake and garlic bread is inherent to the asexual experience, but if it isn't I'm certainly not the exception. Two of the best things in the world. I hope I'll heal from depression too, but it's not really clear. It seems to be a genetic thing for me more than circumstance. My grandmother committed suicide, my cousin used to self harm, and my mom was suicidal for years. My parents are divorced, and it was my dad's house that told me I really seem happy but even my mom was shocked. The good news is that antidepressants seem to work well for me, and I've experienced minimal side effects. Thanks for the kind words, the welcome these comments have given me has been incredible. It's great to see so many people who have gone down similar paths in life and ended up happy. It never fails to amaze me how closely I can relate to random people on the internet without ever knowing their names. September 22, 2020 at 11:42PM

/u/hambakmeritru on One Of My Perscriptions Have Lowered My Sex Drive

Talk to your doctor about your fear of shrinkage. I'm not a doctor, so any advice I give you would be woefully ignorant and completely pulled out of my ass. September 22, 2020 at 11:40PM

/u/_The_physics_girl_ on Ah yes, just another day on Tumblr...

Demisexuality may be more common than people realize ​ Demisexuality isn't common at all, LOL, we are 18% of the total 1% of aces that exist in this world, that's not a lot of people. there are far more asexuals than demi. People just confuse the definition of demi and believe it means "having trust in someone before sex". When it means "Having 0 sexual attraction to 99.9999999999% of human population except like 1-3 people that I have an emotional bond with for years." ​ You can also sleep around being demi, just like you can do it as ace. though most demi are sex repulsed from strangers (like me) and would not be able to do that. September 22, 2020 at 11:37PM

/u/Weirdyxxy on Fellow dragon summoners, we got a haiku!

Hail to Loki for that! September 22, 2020 at 11:34PM

/u/bobbylemons69 on I never have/don't experience sexual attraction (only romantic) but I still am afraid of dying a virgin??? What am I???

Lol I guess I'm not alone September 22, 2020 at 11:33PM

/u/JosiahSilas on Are the allos okay?

This sounds so exhausting September 22, 2020 at 11:32PM

From a friends story- Submitted September 22, 2020 at 11:30PM

Nice guys always finish last should've known that Submitted September 22, 2020 at 11:30PM

Posted about getting a sexually harassing message. Dude doesn’t get it. Submitted September 22, 2020 at 11:33PM

I’m surprised #niceguysfinishlast wasn’t in the caption Submitted September 22, 2020 at 11:35PM

How to sexify the bedroom

Our bedroom is bland. Clothes around, papers, TV and kind of a mess. We somewhat use it as a mini storage space on top of sleeping and TV. We have older night stands, carpet is eh, painted wood paneling, not quite the sex palace. Looking for ideas on what to do for cleaning it up, what to put in there to liven it up a bit, etc. I'd love to do a full remodel but in the meantime just after smaller ideas. Submitted September 22, 2020 at 11:37PM Our bedroom is bland. Clothes around, papers, TV and kind of a mess. We somewhat use it as a mini storage space on top of sleeping and TV. We have older night stands, carpet is eh, painted wood paneling, not quite the sex palace.Looking for ideas on what to do for cleaning it up, what to put in there to liven it up a bit, etc. I'd love to do a full remodel but in the meantime just after smaller ideas.

Wife ghosting me

47M, wife is 45, we have three kids (9,12,14). I posted on here previously that she has been very impatient, contemptuous, irritable, critical. Just super miserable, mostly towards me. I’ve been trying to be a “better husband” with more housework, more attentive with the kids, making meals and whatnot. Now she’s gone from being pissy to the silent treatment. Doesn’t really talk to me unless it’s necessary, never touches me (no sex or affection), and doesn’t answer my texts. Going on a couple of weeks like that. Anyone here gone through that (partner ignoring them) and come out the other side (fixed communication)? This is really wearing me down as a person and honestly I don’t deserve it. I’m browsing rental listings but I work from home and have so much stuff the thought of trying to move out is overwhelming and daunting. Submitted September 22, 2020 at 11:52PM 47M, wife is 45, we have three kids (9,12,14). I posted on here previously that she has been very impatient, contemp...

No physical attraction... dealbreaker?

I’ve (35F) been on a few dates with a guy (34M) that I have a good connection with mentally but no attraction to physically. He’s a good enough looking guy, but the attraction just isn’t there. Has anyone been in a similar situation where the physical attraction came later? Attraction on all levels is important to me, but I don’t want to let go of a potential good thing too soon because I didn’t give it enough time. Also, curious, how important is physical attraction in a budding relationship to you? Submitted September 22, 2020 at 11:52PM I’ve (35F) been on a few dates with a guy (34M) that I have a good connection with mentally but no attraction to physically. He’s a good enough looking guy, but the attraction just isn’t there. Has anyone been in a similar situation where the physical attraction came later? Attraction on all levels is important to me, but I don’t want to let go of a potential good thing too soon because I didn’t give it enough time.Also, curious, how importan...

How do you differentiate someone flirting from someone who just wants to have sex?

I've come across a lot of guys while OLD who will make comments about my body or appearance in pictures and some comments are more forward while others feel more innocent. To be honest I don't even know if there is a difference between someone flirting and someone expressing that they want to have sex. I'm a bit lost in this area and need some clarity. Of course I always get around to asking some form of "what are you looking for" but I've learned that sometimes those answers aren't honest. Currently, there are two guys I'm talking to and sometimes they'll throw innuendos into our conversations and I don't know if it's flirting or if they just want to see if I'll continue to play into the sexy talk and for that to develop into actual sex. For example I told one of these guys that I had a bath before bed last night and he asked "where was my invitation?" A few days before that we were talking about his sleep issues and I sta...