
Showing posts from July 29, 2023

/u/joyce-nope on "They're just covering their bases, it's policy, it doesn't hurt anything" etc

Someone says they are not pregnant. But they are and the procedures are causing severe disabilities that could have been avoided. Something that can cost even more if u want to just see it from the financial pov. Plus, as another person said here: many people in the us seem to be very misinformed and uneducated about sex, so I can think of a few situations in which people could be pregnant but we're thinking 'oh no, you can't get pregnant from THAT or sth along the lines' July 29, 2023 at 11:20PM

/u/Ill-Inevitable4850 on [TW:slight sexual content] im absolutely livid.

I said i should have asked that it is not shaming that it is stating the fact that I shouldn't have asked because it's not to my interest. All you're doing is shaming me for not wanting to hear about fingering people. I never shamed them i said i should have asked because it grossed me out to here about sex which is also completely reasonable because im 14 fucking years old and a victim in multiple rape cases. It's reasonable for me to be slightly grossed out to hear about sexual activity, doesnt mean im shaming anyone. I literally disclaimed that fact, but instead, i just continued to be harassed by the mods for no reason. My comment wasnt inappropriate im just an innocent person so i wish i didnt ask so i didnt have to hear. I literally blamed myself with those words and to say that its unnecessary for me to say what i said is completely fucked up July 29, 2023 at 11:17PM