
Showing posts from July 13, 2020

/u/InfiniteEmotions on "...Like trying to find the absence of something..."

Yeah, I was frustrated. But they were healthy. I don't know; maybe I just got a pair of entitled turtles. July 13, 2020 at 11:46PM

/u/salatashe on Asexuality and Fetishes: Am I ACTUALLY asexual?

Yes, i think so. Idk how to help you, hope you can find an answer though! July 13, 2020 at 11:46PM

/u/InfiniteEmotions on "...Like trying to find the absence of something..."

I'm glad. I just never connected with mine. They've got a better home now; and it's a lot better. Their new home has a pond on the property and they're not stuck in my little 30 gal tank. (They were rapidly outgrowing it, but knowing they were going to be outside I wanted them to reach a certain size before taking them over.) July 13, 2020 at 11:45PM

/u/spongbarbara on Ace books?

Thanks for the suggestion! July 13, 2020 at 11:45PM

/u/RABlackAuthor on Is asexuality the reason I can talk to girls like they’re normal humans

Hahahaha... I love this. One of my favorite things about being older (55) and having my hair go gray is that now I can finally be friendly toward young woman and it's not automatically assumed that I'm hitting on them. July 13, 2020 at 11:45PM

/u/yourenotmymom_yet on Am I aroace or is there another term for what I feel?

You could still be experiencing emotional and sensual attraction. There are a few other types of attraction that aroaces might still experience. July 13, 2020 at 11:43PM

/u/gatuni1570 on I spent far too long on this

My aegosexual butt in a nutshell July 13, 2020 at 11:43PM

/u/Tookoofox on Difference Repulsed Allo vs Ace?

Mmmmaybe? Not really. There's a lot of grey, and a lot of blurred lines any time you ever talk about sexuality, but here's how I'd clarify it. For me, when it comes to sexual fantasies, I often build avatars to represent ideas about sex. 'Big strong man' or 'femboy' or 'classically beautiful woman' etc. Then I built fantasies around those ideas. But 'I' am almost never there. Whereas a sex-repulsed allosexual would probably fantasize about themselves having sex with a particular target in mind. But would then be repulsed if faced with the possibility of actually doing the thing. I don't speak for everyone, but that's how I would define it. July 13, 2020 at 11:42PM

/u/yourenotmymom_yet on What’s your opinion on getting kids/ giving birth/ adoption?

I want kids, but there is no way in hell a parasite human will be living inside of me. The thought of being pregnant has always made me gag, so adoption it is for me! July 13, 2020 at 11:37PM

/u/DefinitelySteveIrwin on Asexuality and Fetishes: Am I ACTUALLY asexual?

Thanks for the input. What I am trying to figure out is if my fetish counts as a form of sexuality or not. I guess it's kind of in a grey area. Going by the most basic definition, in that I'm not naturally interested in the idea of sex (or of anything with genitals really), I would guess that I count as ace. If we go into the definition of what exactly sexual attraction means, I'm not sure whether I technically experience that or not, depending on what it means to different people. July 13, 2020 at 11:36PM

/u/DefinitelySteveIrwin on Asexuality and Fetishes: Am I ACTUALLY asexual?

Thanks for the tip! I read about aegosexuality on the FAQ but not sure if it would apply to me. I'm not really interested in fantasies or ideas unless I would like to experience them in real life - unless I'm misunderstanding, aegosexuality is about fantasizing or enjoying the idea of something that one would not actually want to do in real life, correct? July 13, 2020 at 11:33PM

/u/IDefinitelyHaveACat on Ballgowns and wizard robes are also acceptable

Because reality fucking sucks July 13, 2020 at 11:32PM

/u/AsexualPlantMain on An excellent new meme courtesy of The Owl House!

Thanks, that really means a lot! July 13, 2020 at 11:29PM

/u/faceambition on This belongs here

It's actually a very disgusting and even sexist term used by some members of the LGBTQIA+ community to describe people who are able to reproduce. And it has unfortunately even been used to describe people who are bi, pan, ace, etc. even within the community. July 13, 2020 at 11:29PM

/u/talonita on "...Like trying to find the absence of something..."

It's actually still really confusing, and it's hard to remember how I felt, now this person is out of my life again. For reference I prefer the grey label now. But I'd say yes, immediately something felt different, but I wouldn't say it was sexual attraction straight away. There was this person, and they were interested in me, and that was... Exciting! I wanted to see where that went, I was open to seeing where that went, when usually I get flustered and would rather they just didn't. As time went on that excitement for the situation sort of morphed into excitement for the person until it got to the stage where yeah I'd call it sexual attraction. I'm still pretty sure it's different from what allo people experience, and it came and went sometimes (sometimes mid-sex lol) but it was different to anything I'd experienced before. Hope that kind of helps :) July 13, 2020 at 11:29PM

/u/faceambition on This belongs here

Just gonna risk the downvotes and say it: this does not belong here. The concept that aces can't be horny is just not true. Asexuality is a lack of sexual attraction, not a lack of libido. July 13, 2020 at 11:27PM

/u/RABlackAuthor on Allos are out there "accidentally" having sex and that's how I know I'm ace

Yes, I've had people tell me "it just happens." How exactly does that work? Psychic aliens take over their bodies, like in that one old Star Trek episode? July 13, 2020 at 11:13PM

/u/GoStarFall on Am I aroace or is there another term for what I feel?

Maybe something like alterous attraction ? You might also want to look up "squish", which is like a platonic friend crush. July 13, 2020 at 11:08PM

Watching a fictional movie about abuse= wanting to be abused?? The “fictional story” is referring to the movie 365 Days. Submitted July 13, 2020 at 11:45PM

Quick and to the point Submitted July 13, 2020 at 11:54PM

Dealing with a partner who is short-tempered/critical of just about everything?

I don't know how to phrase this without it being a rant, but I suppose I'm hoping others on this subreddit can share success stories of dealing with a spouse who is very different than you, personality-wise. I consider myself to be a very "easy-going" person. My personality is very lax, and I can handle disruptions or inconveniences in life without much grief (I am far from a push-over, growing up in a very Italian household, we're certainly not afraid to speak our minds or address problems that need addressing). All that said, I'm just not the type to get riled up about things unless they're super bothersome. My spouse is very different. They tend to "explode" at a moment's notice, often over things that seem quite innocuous to me. I try to be respectful, to understand that their frustrations must be coming from a place of sincere upset, but some of the things seem so easy to ignore without even bringing up. Given the "quarantine...

Sister in abusive relationship has cut me off

My sister is an abusive relationship. She has called the cops on him for cornering her once, if he doesn’t get his way he’s mean to her, he’s very jealous & told her leave him alone while he plays video games instead of helping with their newborn. She almost left him 5 years ago prior to their child. He seemed to have become worst after baby was born & quarantine. She almost left him again right after baby was born but changed her mind and now cut me off. She says I gave her advice that didnt match her personality & hes a good man. She got angry at me for telling her brother she needed therapy in an attempt for him to intervene & help me this was 3 years ago. She also told one of my aunts she was very sad I mentioned to my aunt she has PP depression. I told my sister I mentioned it to my aunt She said I shouldn’t have told her even though she was going to my aunt telling her about her sadness. She says she can’t trust me anymore I think she’s afraid I will tell everyon...

For sleepovers, should explicit permission always be asked or should the other person speak up if they don’t want a sleepover?

The other thread got me thinking, I don’t think I’ve ever asked for permission when sleeping over. I haven’t had any one off situations, so it’s always been with someone I’ve been dating, whether casually or more traditionally. And usually we will have a date and then sex, and then we’ll cuddle and it will be well past midnight or 1 am. Plus I love morning sex. Almost all times the guy or I stay, and usually no one asks for permission. There have been a handful of occasions where that hasn’t happened or permission has been asked. So, this made me think have me and my partners been totally inconsiderate of one another? Do I need to ask if it’s okay or do they need to speak up if it’s not? Submitted July 13, 2020 at 11:33PM The other thread got me thinking, I don’t think I’ve ever asked for permission when sleeping over. I haven’t had any one off situations, so it’s always been with someone I’ve been dating, whether casually or more traditionally. And usually we will have a date ...