
Showing posts from April 11, 2021

How do I get my ex to talk to me again

How do I get my ex to talk to me again m25 here we were gonna have a baby and get married then broke up she got a new man then started talking to me again saying she didn’t get over me things looked good then bam went out with her friends and stopped talking to me and seems like all that was nothing to her now haven’t talked to her in two weeks Submitted April 12, 2021 at 12:01AM How do I get my ex to talk to me again m25 here we were gonna have a baby and get married then broke up she got a new man then started talking to me again saying she didn’t get over me things looked good then bam went out with her friends and stopped talking to me and seems like all that was nothing to her now haven’t talked to her in two weeks

How do you guys actually meet new people?

So I'm looking to make new friends and also put myself out there in dating. I have pretty bad depression and my therapist told me it's important to go out and meet new people but idk how to. I'm trying to take a travel job soon so I'll get to move to some more populous areas but I don't know how to go out and meet people without seeming wierd... Submitted April 12, 2021 at 12:02AM So I'm looking to make new friends and also put myself out there in dating. I have pretty bad depression and my therapist told me it's important to go out and meet new people but idk how to. I'm trying to take a travel job soon so I'll get to move to some more populous areas but I don't know how to go out and meet people without seeming wierd...

Do I move on or see how things go

Am I in the right place for this? Who knows. Me and my partner split up a few weeks back after nearly a year together. Because he felt I deserve better than him. And doesn’t want to hurt me. He feels he can’t give me what I’d want, but he was already doing that and a whole lot more anyway. And I know it wasn’t a made up excuse because he genuinely has never been able to lie to me. We still talk every other day. But pretty much game together everyday. I saw him today and spent over an hour just chatting in my car when I dropped him off. The only awkward thing between us is when it comes to saying goodbye because it’s the hug and kinda awkward not being able to kiss him now like I used to. I want to tell him my thoughts on the whole relationship ending because I do believe it could work. But I get quite a bit of anxiety when it comes to talking my feelings in any situation because I don’t like people worrying about my problems. What would be suggested? Or has anyone had a similar s...


okay so i was talking to someone for almost four months and he dropped me because apparently i don’t have anything going for myself and the way he chose to do that was to distant himself from me instead of being straight up welllll i found that to be very fake and confronted him about it once i found out he is now telling me we can be friends and maybe start again later in life this is bothering me because i do still like him and want to be friends with him and MAYBE pursue something in the future together but am i just dumb for that? i also found out the advice he was getting to distance himself from me was from his mom isn’t that weird too instead of her telling him to just be straight up or am i the weird one for thinking that? Submitted April 12, 2021 at 12:08AM okay so i was talking to someone for almost four months and he dropped me because apparently i don’t have anything going for myself and the way he chose to do that was to distant himself from me instead of being stra...

Small Town Struggles

Hi, I am your rare “born and raised in a small town but decided to escape” kind of guy! I’m 21 and I’m solely attracted to women. I was wondering how I approach new people that I have no connection to in a way that would eventually lead to some sort of intimacy. I’ve tried before and I was told my pure advances were to obvious and familiar, despite me being entirely respectful, I mean come on I’m not really a “hey baby, nice lips I wanna kiss em” type of guy. Where I’m from you either know everyone or you’re introduced to everyone. So it’s a lot easier to familiarize yourself with someone who typically does the same stuff you do and most definitely knows everyone you do. So really I’m wondering how I approach a woman I find myself attracted, visually only at this point, and not immediately repel them by either A seeming to make myself too familiar Or B not getting my point across directly and just starting a meaningless 5 minute conversation Submitted April 12, 2021 at 12:09AM ...

Puked on the first date

I (28F) had a first date with a guy (28M). Anyway it was going really well and I was planning on only having two drinks but he wanted to keep drinking and eventually I caved to peer pressure. Now being the pandemic, I haven’t drank in OVER A YEAR...We ended up having shots and I don’t remember anything but in the morning was told I had puked on his floor :(. The date besides this was really good and we were talking a few days after but now I haven’t heard from him all weekend. I obviously apologized and said how embarrassed I was because it’s easily the worst thing that’s ever happened to me on a date I ACTUALLY enjoyed. Did I ruin it? Should I apologize again? sigh Submitted April 12, 2021 at 12:16AM I (28F) had a first date with a guy (28M). Anyway it was going really well and I was planning on only having two drinks but he wanted to keep drinking and eventually I caved to peer pressure. Now being the pandemic, I haven’t drank in OVER A YEAR...We ended up having shots and I d...

/u/64intelligentperson on This really triggered me

I would of burned them and sent them packing with a much MUCH worse insult. April 12, 2021 at 12:06AM

/u/64intelligentperson on This really triggered me

oh OH OH \ triggered\ ** THAT WORD REALLY TRIGGERS ME DUE TO A PERSON I KNEW April 12, 2021 at 12:05AM

/u/jess_the_werefox on This really triggered me

Oh my GOD this pissed me off to read... what the mcfuck are they on? April 12, 2021 at 12:01AM

/u/Korny-Kitty-123 on Educating my Social Justice teacher

Good luck and would also love to read if you are comfortable posting it here April 12, 2021 at 12:00AM

/u/Vonlilleth on This really triggered me

Why the hell would you want to be part of the lgbt community anyways? April 11, 2021 at 11:53PM

/u/_Silver_Sins_ on This really triggered me

I didn't think i'd ever had such a strong desire to murder a stranger but here we are i guess, literally say sweetie one more fucking time i swear- April 11, 2021 at 11:52PM

/u/ABC123DEF456GHI7891 on Found where I would least expect it, in one of those interactive visual novel romance games. Amazing representation

I remember that story book! It was the first one I played in Choices. It's nice to see some representation 🙂 I think I got a different dialogue a while back, they said something about how they saw everyone as a friend. April 11, 2021 at 11:51PM

/u/ttttteya on Every time

This one hits different. I remember 16 years old me being confused when people told me that. i didn't even know asexuality was something, now i'm really happy to see that nothing was wrong with me and that we have a beautiful community April 11, 2021 at 11:46PM

/u/Aboxofdeth on How do you usually casually describe your sexuality to others?

My flavor of ace is aego/anego. I usually run with "the fantasy of sex sounds great. The reality is meh at best." April 11, 2021 at 11:45PM

/u/TheLegendOfXela on Opinions on being ace and not telling your partner?

Yes, please tell your partner. Sex life is a very important thing, and the reality of not having sex regularly can be off putting to some people. I wasn’t aware of my sexuality, and because I didn’t want to have sex often, they felt ugly, unwanted, unloved, etc. Asexuality is not something a lot of people understand, but open communication is so important in a healthy relationship. April 11, 2021 at 11:45PM

/u/peach_doll on Not my meme I got this from u/mrduncansir42 go check his profile for more memes

Squidward's "Being dead or anything else" response also applies. :) April 11, 2021 at 11:34PM

/u/thesmellofdust on I know I'm asexual, but don't know if I'm aromantic too???

I've been thinking of the way to ask this where the tone of voice is with kindness. But it's hard to get the correct tone when writing. I hope it comes through as intended. Do you need to decide right away if you are aromantic or not? I'm in a similar place as you in my life. I love fictional characters mostly because I know I'll never have to meet them. I'm on the extreme end of the introvert scale. If it was 100 years ago, I would be one of those people who never spoke or make eye contact and lived in a hut in the woods with chickens. Actually, I think I'm that way now. Only with geese and sheep as well as the chickens. This is a big part of making me wonder if I'm aromantic or just antisocial or both. And yet, I would like to find another person I could trust enough to spend the rest of my life living with. Someone who can understand that I'm not going to speak for days and this doesn't mean anything bad about them. And I would in tern accept ...

/u/ToothlessFeline on This really triggered me

Seriously. I would have shut that convo down early. When it devolves to “you’re wrong”/“no you’re wrong”/“no you’re wrong”, there is zero chance that it’s going to get better. And that’s not even considering the condescending gatekeeping. Simple principle: you do not get to decide whether I am cishet. The End. April 11, 2021 at 11:25PM

/u/GOLDENninjaXbox on It’s here 😁

Try somewhere like Etsy they have people who make Ace rings and see if u can get one made to fit your hand April 11, 2021 at 11:24PM

/u/Extreme_Confidence_4 on This really triggered me

Yikes April 11, 2021 at 11:21PM

/u/bookace on This really triggered me

"Asexual means you lack sexual attraction, it has nothing to do with your sexuality" wait what. Your sexual attraction is...LITERALLY your sexuality??? This person makes no sense! April 11, 2021 at 11:19PM

/u/LanasPikachu on It’s here 😁

Uhh... how tho? April 11, 2021 at 11:11PM