
Showing posts from October 19, 2022

Someone you run into regularly asks you out. You reject them. How would you want them to respond so you don’t feel awkward next time you see them?

I (M30s) have been out of the dating world a long time. Planning on asking someone out, but I really want to avoid them feeling anything negative if they say no. Anything I can say or do to let them know rejection is totally okay? Submitted October 20, 2022 at 01:08AM I (M30s) have been out of the dating world a long time. Planning on asking someone out, but I really want to avoid them feeling anything negative if they say no. Anything I can say or do to let them know rejection is totally okay?

This girl at school

This girl at my school is very attractive and I'm tryna be friends with her but since she thinks i made uncomfortable talking about her body she only wants to be acquaintances as of right now what should I do? Submitted October 20, 2022 at 01:12AM This girl at my school is very attractive and I'm tryna be friends with her but since she thinks i made uncomfortable talking about her body she only wants to be acquaintances as of right now what should I do?

/u/wholesome_as_fudge on this is kinda dumb and me having an existential crisis, but they say a life without love is not worth living, but what if i don't love? Am i worth living?

I feel like society's insistence that romantic/sexual love is the only thing worth caring about in life is silly, and honestly, insidious. It flattens the full experience of life into a Hallmark card. We as humans are capable of so many types of connections and intimacy it's incredible. If you don't have any immediate connections, you can always connect with yourself. Try to be your own best friend. This is easier said than done, but you do have a lifetime to get to know yourself. I think that's worth so much. October 20, 2022 at 12:26AM

/u/Mystiquesword on Thing people have said to me because I’m ace

Ive stopped coming out once i was told not to by other aces. I have had a few gay friends through work now but its kind of unfair that they get to be out & about….& i dont. But so long as they dont know, everything is fine. Yet some moron here thinks it’s homophobic. No. Its just being protective of myself. Im perfectly fine with gay folks being gay. But i dont want any acephobic slander comments coming my way, so i dont come out to them & warn other aces not to either. Exactly like how i was warned. It also hurts cuz unlike what that idiot up there said, i am extremely accepting of everyone (& i have been warned to not be so open by the way), so when i myself am not accepted, i get crushed. I just wish they were perfectly fine with me being ace. But it doesnt go both ways. Yet. October 20, 2022 at 12:20AM

Is he just looking to hook up?

So long story short last weekend at the NFL game we went too with a bunch of friends we were both drinking a little bit and he said to me he like how he has a great connection with me and we always have fun together. It was kinda random and i thought maybe he said that because of having a drink so i didn’t think much! In the past we hooked up twice but this was years ago. So yesterday was our friends birthday dinner and i was talking to him about i was so glad the cold weather has started and i love outdoor fires and love to cuddle in the winter and i asked him if he is the cuddling type and he goes sometimes. But he goes it would be hard for me to do that with you? He was like I don’t think i would be able to keep my hands off you. I just smiled! He hasnt ever been like open with his feelings with him. Its hard for me to read him, but from the outside do you think he might just trying to sleep with me again or something more? Submitted October 20, 2022 at 12:10AM So long story ...

/u/-InconspicuousMoose- on Absolutely love this

TIL there is a word for the group comprised of everyone who is not asexual. Thanks OP October 19, 2022 at 11:07PM