
Showing posts from July 26, 2021

/u/bunnyspongebob on A movie with no unnecessary sex scenes!!

Despite how stupid the word "Based" sounds to me, I've just gotta say it to this paragraph. Based July 26, 2021 at 11:59PM

/u/ArcadiaRivea on dating sucks

Me, and why I'm staying away from Tinder/other apps I know of because I hear they're just cesspits looking for sex :( July 26, 2021 at 11:57PM

/u/ArcadiaRivea on Will I ever find a partner?

Apart from the religion I am, and me being a year older, you described me 😅 Though, I have had times where I thought it was romance but they were a dud... I don't believe I'd actually know what proper romance was July 26, 2021 at 11:48PM

/u/supermassivenova on How do I know if I’m actually ace or it’s just a side effect of antidepressants

that sounds like asexuality! you may also have little to no sexual desires because of antidepressants as well, both can be true! but as the user above said, asexuality is little to no sexual attraction which sounds like what you described also, to answer your question from your original post, i figured i was ace after being in a relationship for a few years and started to get an inkling i didnt feel the same way about sex like most people did. i started looking into it more, and found out asexuals can have sex and still want sex with a partner for a number of reasons and still not feel sexual attraction (as i also realized in this research i dont feel sexual attraction). once i was able to explain to my partner i was ace and what that meant in terms of sex, he totally accepted it and understood and yes it definitely helps in not feeling pressured to do stuff now that we are on the same page. realizing i was ace has definitely made my life easier in my relationship and just in general...

/u/cyanidesmile555 on Which do you find easier to discover: your sexual orientation or your romantic orientation?

Sexual. I've noticed that because sex is equated with romance and dating so often it can be hard for people to realize that these attractions don't necessarily go hand-in-hand. Looking back now, I think part of the reason it took me so long to realize I was ace but not aro is because I was under the impression that "well I want to fall in love and date, so surely I must feel sexual attraction too, right?" July 26, 2021 at 11:43PM

/u/Devan538 on We often talk about the repulsion of sex itself, but anyone else annoyed by everything AROUND the topic of sex?

I'm pretty much a sasquatch, and you don't get cold as easily as others, and clothes feel nicer. July 26, 2021 at 11:42PM

/u/raevynfyre on Does anybody else feel like their genitalia isn't part of their body?

I would trade in genitalia for the Barbie doll version (just smooth with nothing). I'm okay with my breasts, but if I needed a mastectomy, I would have them removed and rock an awesome chest tattoo instead. I don't have any interest or use in my parts. July 26, 2021 at 11:42PM

/u/TheGrandCorgimancer on Why do people come out to their friends/family?

Idk, I do not talk about my relationship almost at all with my family, and especially about what goes on in bed. Like... no, why would I? July 26, 2021 at 11:41PM

/u/bcmouf on Where are you from?

Originally german, but have permanent residency in Canada now July 26, 2021 at 11:40PM

/u/Devan538 on We often talk about the repulsion of sex itself, but anyone else annoyed by everything AROUND the topic of sex?

Yes. July 26, 2021 at 11:39PM

/u/Imagination_Humble on Where are you from?

Canadian here too! I'm from the western part though. July 26, 2021 at 11:37PM

/u/ArcadiaRivea on I just came out

I know that, which is a good point :) I just meant, to me, it seems silly that it's acceptable to choose not to have sex and to instill those values in people... but if you naturally feel that way, you're somehow wrong. It doesn't seem very "loving of thy neighbour" which, if I remember what my teacher told me, was about no matter what people's differences are you should accept them. To me it seems like it's on par with the gay conversion therapy Guess an example of what I mean is: if people frowned upon those who don't like chocolate, but its ok if you choose to not eat chocolate (I'm not trying to start anything btw, just trying to understand it, because I'm not Christian, only grew up being taught about it and having to go to church with the school) July 26, 2021 at 11:37PM

/u/AcePilot95 on 34F unsure if she’s ready for a relationship or if this 34M is a red flag?

what can I say except yikes . That does sound like he's putting you under pressure July 26, 2021 at 11:36PM

/u/TheTyrianKnight on A movie with no unnecessary sex scenes!!

Correction: Tony Stark and News Lady in the first Iron Man movie… July 26, 2021 at 11:35PM

/u/AppletonSunday on Soooo... what’s so cool about porn?

fetish stuff. like robots,monsters,tentacles and so on July 26, 2021 at 11:34PM

/u/Ersonified on A movie with no unnecessary sex scenes!!

I cannot wait for the next movie... July 26, 2021 at 11:33PM

/u/AppletonSunday on Where are you from?

UK July 26, 2021 at 11:32PM

/u/panic1204 on A movie with no unnecessary sex scenes!!

Oh, just looked it up it sounds interesting! Thanks I'll look into it! July 26, 2021 at 11:30PM

/u/DozySkunk on Does anybody else feel like their genitalia isn't part of their body?

Ace and agender person here - They're a part of my body, just like my knees or my shoulders. I don't think about my it unless I'm washing it or it hurts. July 26, 2021 at 11:28PM

/u/supermassivenova on We often talk about the repulsion of sex itself, but anyone else annoyed by everything AROUND the topic of sex?

ah i see, yeah broken down like that i can see where you are coming from. sorry to assume anything! i will say its easier when you do let go of all the pressure, i used to stress a lot about all the things i was supposed to do in a relationship like having the “right” number of sex per week and i felt all that pressure of being good a woman and taking care of my partner. i have recently realized how patriarchal all that is and all that matters is if me and my partner are both happy. it has definitely been a hard thing to come to terms with, like you said societies ideals are really ingrained and hard to forget, but also realizing i was asexual helped a lot and then being able to have very real convos with my partner about what my asexuality means, was all very helpful in letting go of all the pressure July 26, 2021 at 11:24PM

/u/37RatsInATrenchcoat on Which do you find easier to discover: your sexual orientation or your romantic orientation?

Honestly, both. No matter how long i think about it, i can never figure myself out. Cuz i know im asexual, i know i dont See myself in a romantic relationship , but i still find guys Hot. July 26, 2021 at 11:21PM

/u/Jedi_Among_Sith on Soooo... what’s so cool about porn?

I watched it so I could learn how to fake enjoyment. That was long ago, and I’ve never seen any other realistic purpose for it. July 26, 2021 at 11:18PM

/u/ArcadiaRivea on What do you want from asexual romances?

If I'm honest my main request would be that it's available as a paperback since that's what I exclusively read 😛 I'd happily buy that story! I'm gonna try to come at this from multiple possible angles, and there's bound to be thing I miss but other wonderful people will likely already have said/will add! Personally (and this all purely my own opinion!) regardless of both characters views about sex, I'd like that kept to a minimum. I don't like when regular, non-steamy books details the sex scenes. Just a simple "they made love" or "they kissed passionately" then move on is sufficient, more than that kind of ruins the story for me. If you want to add a "she tore her clothes off and admired her beauty", that's also acceptable, if it's kept short and simple. I don't really like reading what could easily be inferred, there's art in subtlety As for the actual content of the romance... that would depend on how...