I’m a 31 year old man. Never had a girlfriend or a relationship. It’s not for lack of trying either, I’ve been trying to find that mutual interest for years now but it just does not exist, I’m not anyone’s type, despite being the best version of myself I can be and improving year after year Still, the worst part is realizing that everyone notices how much of a failure you are when it comes to the most basic thing humanity has done continuously for millennia No one vocally says anything atleast not yet, but you feel it more and more as you get older I’ve been trying to find things I enjoy to distract myself with but it’s been so difficult realizing that I’m never going to have the chance at love or to give someone all this affection I have, or to have a family of my own that I can hold close when my mom and dad are gone The second worst part is that once you’re past the college phase, and you’re a working adult, basically any hopes of finding that are slim to none. There’s no way ...