
Showing posts from November 5, 2020

He won't promise me forever..?

Is if OK and normal if someone you're dating, tells you that they really like you, they keep asking to see you each and every day, but they tell you that they can't promise you FOREVER and if you were ever to break up, you would still have a good relationship? Submitted November 06, 2020 at 12:09AM Is if OK and normal if someone you're dating, tells you that they really like you, they keep asking to see you each and every day, but they tell you that they can't promise you FOREVER and if you were ever to break up, you would still have a good relationship?

Guys who are passive and insecure when pursuing a girl are so lame. It's so frustrating as a woman when you receive these guys in your inbox

Like, you wonder to yourself why they even messaged you in the first place. To waste your time? They want you, yet are too passive and insecure, too submissive to pursue you. Guys: as a woman I can tell you this is sooo frustrating. I swear, I always think to myself what a waste of time it is to get messages from these types of guys. Just skip my inbox and leave it to the pursuing alphas is what I always think to myself. Any other ladies here who are also super frustrated with these types of guys? Submitted November 06, 2020 at 12:12AM Like, you wonder to yourself why they even messaged you in the first place. To waste your time? They want you, yet are too passive and insecure, too submissive to pursue you. Guys: as a woman I can tell you this is sooo frustrating. I swear, I always think to myself what a waste of time it is to get messages from these types of guys. Just skip my inbox and leave it to the pursuing alphas is what I always think to myself. Any other ladies here who ...

Not your typical post

My girlfriends birthday is coming up in December I am looking to make her a collage book of places that she wants to go in life vacations, trips, etc. does anybody have any suggestions on a website similar to Shutterfly that I can customize my own book for her I need something that gives me full control of what I do. Thank you very much! Submitted November 06, 2020 at 12:13AM My girlfriends birthday is coming up in December I am looking to make her a collage book of places that she wants to go in life vacations, trips, etc. does anybody have any suggestions on a website similar to Shutterfly that I can customize my own book for her I need something that gives me full control of what I do. Thank you very much!

/u/jaestai on As a teenager in 2020, it’s difficult being ace.

Yea I hate when characters are sexualized. It’s really unnecessary. That’s true- a few of my friends were accepting. Some other people were not. They said it was “just a phase,” and “I’m too young to decide that.” That’s why I don’t tell too many people. November 06, 2020 at 12:05AM

/u/Embersturntodust on Is there a way to kill the sex drive?

Preferences.. yeah as in tall square jaw good eyes hairline and good bone structure. In other words im not anyones type. Beauty isnt subjective when it comes to guys looks. Thats why little over 10% of men are getting the majority of female attention. I get.mad because people wont listen and blame my personality when i know for a fact that they dont like my appearance because i cannot get matches on picture based dating apps. You can literally have a criminal record as a bio on those and still get interest if you look good enough. Ive done the fake male model profile experiments just to see the difference and those get heaps of matches with young decent looking people as opposed to mine who only ever gets obese people or ones like a decade older or the odd man in disguise. The couple i did get who were ok wernt interested in talking. Youre trying to tell me that 80% of men are failing on the dating app because of bad personality..... Ridiculous. The good looking guy can say anything ...

/u/jaestai on As a teenager in 2020, it’s difficult being ace.

That’s understandable. I mean, there will be times of good and bad in every aspect of life. I do agree that there are many positives of being ace right now. I personally keep my orientation to myself and a few friends, and that may be why I don’t see it on such a larger scale. I’m glad to hear that things are getting better for the asexual community! I look forward to experiencing that change. November 06, 2020 at 12:02AM

/u/Anna3422 on For baby aces!!! (Description in comments)

That is what asexuality is. At the end of the day, people are very complicated and asexuality just describes a wide variety of overlapping experiences. The fact is that some aces experience such strong romantic and sensual attraction that they mistake it as sexual, some aces have a libido although they don't want sex with people, some enjoy sex just because they like making their partner happy, some find sex intellectually interesting. It's worth noting that sexual attraction is a very narrow experience and many things that often go along with it are actually separate things. November 06, 2020 at 12:01AM

/u/Jackvader2020 on For baby aces!!! (Description in comments)

That just makes you asexual with no libido. November 05, 2020 at 11:58PM

/u/jaestai on As a teenager in 2020, it’s difficult being ace.

I agree. I personally think that “sex sells” is such a toxic concept as well. It makes it seem as if those who don’t want sex are undesirable, and that’s an unhealthy mindset. Thank you for the reassurance and advice. I really appreciate it. November 05, 2020 at 11:54PM

/u/Amacei on Followup to my post about my school's GSA doing an ace history lesson, here are the slides they showed today!

My only complain is that they left out our first icon Mr Clean November 05, 2020 at 11:52PM

/u/ItsPlainOleSteve on As a gray ace, the "tasting kombucha" meme is probably the best representation of my feelings towards sex

This is me- November 05, 2020 at 11:48PM

/u/ItsPlainOleSteve on As a gray ace, the "tasting kombucha" meme is probably the best representation of my feelings towards sex

This is a mood November 05, 2020 at 11:48PM

/u/Embersturntodust on Is there a way to kill the sex drive?

Why do i think they exist? Uh because females consider the bulk of the male population to be unattractive and bamg guys if they look good regardless of personality. Plenty of angry shitty people get relationships its nothing to do with that its not my fucking attitude as NONE OF THEM HAVE EVEN SPOKE TO ME OR MATCHED TO BEGIN WITH. My appearance is not fine if it was i would have had people interested. Stop trying tonmake out that they are these angelic moral people who get put off by the slightest hint of bad personality the bottom line is that if you look good enough you get people approaching and matching with you. Why is that so hard for you to see. Vibes dont exist theyre completely determined and interpreted by someone's appearance. Also even if it was behavior why do you think i got this way in the first place.. its because of years of being a decent person and getting nowhere. You can spout personality all you want but ive never acted bad in pubs bars or on apps and still i...

/u/FiveSixSleven on For baby aces!!! (Description in comments)

This seems a silly question, but what is asexuality then? When I first heard of asexuality, I was told it was having no sexual attraction or desire and that sounded like it described me, but I've seen so many posts here talking about asexuals who experence what sounds to me to be sexual attraction and desire, so at this point I really am unsure what asexuality is. Is there a word for people who don't experence sexual attraction or desire if that isn't what asexuality is? November 05, 2020 at 11:36PM

/u/Blue_and_Bronze on As a gray ace, the "tasting kombucha" meme is probably the best representation of my feelings towards sex

Is it still greyace if you don’t experience any sexual attraction and only sensual(?) attraction? Like you want to kiss and cuddle but nothing further? I usually use ace-spec just because it’s a super broad vague term November 05, 2020 at 11:30PM

/u/IAmTheLawls on As a gray ace, the "tasting kombucha" meme is probably the best representation of my feelings towards sex

Oh uh. I've been struggling trying to identify. Going "I can't be ace because sometimes I feel sexual attraction" Thank you for sharing this meme, it's introduced me to this thought and has cleared up a foggy spot in my head. Thank you. November 05, 2020 at 11:30PM

/u/Hiraetheus0 on [Self] Happy asexuality awareness week!! I came out fully a few days ago ☺️ sex positive asexual bi/pan romantic bean here!!

Never thought about it, but I think I fall into the same category, or something similar. I'm an extremely kinky guy and I enjoy sex when I have it, but a lot of the time I don't want it. Fucks with a lot of relationships. I've had girls start to blame themselves for being ugly, or blame me for not being able to get hard when I'm not feeling it, and either leave or cheat on me. Maybe I just need to find a gorgeous ace girl like you 😅 November 05, 2020 at 11:29PM

/u/JustWantToPatCats on Asexual guy

Try being a sex favourable ace that makes everyone confused haha November 05, 2020 at 11:28PM

/u/Gravity-FAN on For baby aces!!! (Description in comments)

It's okay to like sex, sexual content, enjoy sexual acts (such as masturbation and similar things) or just be the most sexual person of your friend group. That's okay!! It still makes you ace!! Because asexuality isn't celibacy. And if you don't like sex, or are neutral to it, that's still ace. We are all experiencing similar things (well, the lack of) and it makes us special. Our feelings for someone are genuine because we're not attracted for their genitals/gender/sex organs etc... We're attracted to the person. (And my aros are still valid if you want a partner or want a romantic relationship) Love you all! ❤️ November 05, 2020 at 11:23PM

/u/needtofindpasta on I need advice

I'm not religious, but that seems like a good approach, and I'm glad that it's made you feel better. I hope you have a good day too! November 05, 2020 at 11:16PM

/u/Gravity-FAN on Girlfriend has asked for an open relationship, I think I'm ok with it. Any words of wisdom?

For many aces, they live like a normal relationship. They have the sex like any allosexual person. Communication is key, treat her right, don't lie, make sure you both understand what is being said etc...... You're still ace even if you like sex. Many people think ace is celibacy, which is not the case. And many allosexual people refer to ace because they are sex repulsed but experience sexual attraction. I don't care what the label used is, but ace doesn't equal not having sex. I hope you enjoy your relationship! November 05, 2020 at 11:16PM

/u/bowtyke on As a gray ace, the "tasting kombucha" meme is probably the best representation of my feelings towards sex

Present November 05, 2020 at 11:15PM

/u/Gravity-FAN on I am having a real dilemma here. I call myself an homoromantic asexual and do not like real sex. But like fictional sex, fanfiction smut, and etc. Am I alone? I feel werid and was always told an asexual can't like that stuff ethier...

Still 100% asexual. Asexual is only having a lack/no of sexual attraction. You can still have sex, read smut, be into sexual stuff and still be ace. November 05, 2020 at 11:12PM