Should I settle?
So my ex fiancé (M28) and I (F31) have been together for 6 years. I recently broke up with him 2 weeks ago because throughout our entire relationship he was very dependent on me. When we first got together he had a lot of mental health issues and I was with him through all that supporting and encouraging him the best I could. We lived together and I would cook and clean and work 40 hrs a week. I started feeling like his mom eventually and in return he was not always very nice to me. He would call me derogatory names, would get easily offended at almost everything I’d say, sometimes would publicly embarrass me and when I would call him out on it he would just say “stop caring what other people think, we’re not the Kardashian’s”. He was very selfish and the relationship was about him and his needs and I always gave in to him to avoid arguments. He’s also very pushy and can be controlling. I admit I should have been more assertive and advocated for myself more, however the few times I d...