
Showing posts from July 2, 2023

/u/Naga_polarbeardog on Did anyone else pretend to have crushes?

This seems like an aro question rather an ace question. Because crushes can be just romantic attraction. July 02, 2023 at 11:07PM

/u/cookiesdragon on When they say you haven't met the right person... they're RIGHT! ;)

I'm a (personally) sex repulsed asexual. In the past I forced myself to date to fit in with society's expectations but it never felt right. It took half of my twenties to come to term with being asexual and I am happy being single. There is no right person for me because I'm uninterested in dating, haven't dated in twenty years. But that's just me and everyone's different, wanting different things. July 02, 2023 at 11:01PM