I’m 28F, he’s 28M. We started off as friends and became really close. Three years ago, his fiancé, unfortunately took her own life. (Do not ask why). But I know he carries that guilt with him and he has ever since. He hasn’t had anyone in his life romantically ever since because he feels shame & that it’s like cheating on her in a way. He’s battling the need to move on and move forward, but his habits keep him back. We started to bloom into more than friends, somehow, for about a month. I am a lover of all things beautiful in the world, I love poetry and romcoms. I’m very compassionate, and I try to find the beauty in everyone. He makes fun of me for loving fairytales and romcoms. But he was that guy before… he did have it in him. As things started to progress between us, he gets very uncomfortable talking about real feelings. If I try to jokingly make any kind of moment that would resemble a romcom at all, or any kind of sappy romance, he gets irritated. I’m not trying to upse...