
Showing posts from August 31, 2022

/u/CEPEHbKOE on Open relationship with an ace?

it can work BUT IT MAY NOT. some aces are very possessive of their partners and want no open relationships. i saw people here who reacted pretty poorly to their partners even suggesting it. TLDR: depends entirely on the person. talking about things is always better i think. just don't forget the "i want to stay with my partner" part - basically the reason why you want to try 'open' stuff in the first place. September 01, 2022 at 12:48AM

/u/Jakequaza__ on What’s the most irritating thing someone has said to you after you told them you’re ace?

When i told my ex boyfriend i am ace and probably never want sex he said “thats not gonna stop me continuing to ask for it” September 01, 2022 at 12:48AM

/u/Azrael_Alaric on What’s the most irritating thing someone has said to you after you told them you’re ace?

'So, you hate sex?' Nope. Hecking love it. Still ace. September 01, 2022 at 12:48AM

/u/alaskadotpink on Your stance on antisexuals?

Anyone who thinks its their business to judge or even comment on what other people do in their spare time, as long as its not harmful, is shit in my opinion. Don't like sex for yourself? Cool. Think its kinda gross? Same. But once it stops involving your own personal being, shush. Being "antisex" (not used in the context of sex repulsed) has nothing to do with asexuality. September 01, 2022 at 12:45AM

/u/unoriginalasshat on What’s the most irritating thing someone has said to you after you told them you’re ace?

As someone on the autism spectrum... how is being ace a 'symptom' of autism? I'm genuinely curious how people came to that conclusion. September 01, 2022 at 12:45AM

Is he interested or just stringing me along?

I decided to call it quits with a guy [34] I was seeing [30] casually. He wanted exclusive FWB and I wanted actual dates. We parted really well and even did a small gift exchange of things we had already bought each other right after splitting. He told me to let him know if I ever wanted to hang out as friends. I kicked this back to him because if he had actually ever been willing to hangout in addition to sex, I would have kept seeing him. Didn't hear anything back, which I wasn't suprised by. Cut to a bit later. Was open to a hookup. Messaged him good luck on his upcoming vasectomy in a few days and basically indicated I'd be interested in hooking up if he was.... He messaged back that he was on no activity orders on the days leading up to the vasectomy but after recovery he'd be interested in celebrating. Now, having had an ex have a vasectomy while I was with him, I didn't fully believe this because there was no restriction leading up to the vasectomy and had...

/u/dixonjpeg on What’s the most irritating thing someone has said to you after you told them you’re ace?

Report him, that’s inappropriate to say in a work place🤢 August 31, 2022 at 11:41PM