
Showing posts from February 8, 2021

/u/Thresheld on What sexual attraction feels like (confirmed by two of my allo friends) (I can't remember the site I got this from but hope it helps!)

definetely! if it helps, most of the not genetalia-specific/non-explicit things I relate to on a romantic level (sometimes), and I identify as asexual gray/omniromantic. February 09, 2021 at 12:03AM

/u/cyberwarrior101 on Not this

Well that immediately makes him a decent person in my eyes. He was able to listen to others and change his beliefs when given a new perspective, then swallow his pride and apologize for his actions. More people need to be like that. February 09, 2021 at 12:03AM

/u/emilyandco on what if...

I actually changed the whole text :) tell me if u understand what I tried to explain cuz I explain things very badly February 09, 2021 at 12:02AM

/u/some_strange_circus on ahaha

I got checked for sleep apnea a while back and was told I snore 96% of the time I'm asleep, so sadly I probably can't do this with anyone. I'd feel bad. :( February 09, 2021 at 12:02AM

/u/real-eyes-realise on What sexual attraction feels like (confirmed by two of my allo friends) (I can't remember the site I got this from but hope it helps!)

Thank you for clarifying, think I may be demisexual too. February 09, 2021 at 12:00AM

/u/AppleTied on Crushes

It's no problem and I don't mind answering! So I like the idea of romance a lot, though I've have never had a crush and certainly haven't fallen in love before so I'm trying to figure out if that means anything in terms of my romantic orientation or if it's just I haven't met someone I'd fall for yet. One time at work however, I met this person who I only talked to for a minute, but they were super sweet and friendly, just low-key kind of adorable. Talking to them made me happy and I would like to get to know them a lot, but I can't really tell if this was a crush or a squish? February 09, 2021 at 12:00AM

/u/Shae_Revan_Vizsla on what if...

Well we shall see what happens! February 08, 2021 at 11:58PM

/u/PhoenixKnight777 on Bis and Aces unite.

As I bi-rom ace, I couldn’t agree more. February 08, 2021 at 11:57PM

/u/emilyandco on what if...

I’m not allo either :) I think I formulated the text really badly ’ let me rephrase that and tell me if u get what I meant cuz even I, after reading it again, don’t get what I’m saying really 😭 February 08, 2021 at 11:56PM

/u/Shae_Revan_Vizsla on what if...

Well I'm not allo but I'm in! I wanna be a part of secret cool club too!! February 08, 2021 at 11:54PM

/u/edproductions_yt on im not ace

oh ok February 08, 2021 at 11:54PM

/u/Downtown_League4110 on Crushes

you’re welcome. Do you mind if I ask what you feel? You don’t have to answer the question. February 08, 2021 at 11:53PM

/u/endureandsurvive27 on Thought y'all might enjoy the new tattoo I got the other day

That’s sick! I love it. I want to get an ace tattoo eventually! February 08, 2021 at 11:53PM

/u/PrinceOfYourHeart on What sexual attraction feels like (confirmed by two of my allo friends) (I can't remember the site I got this from but hope it helps!)

I know!! I am demi and once experienced sexual attraction, but it would only be with this specific human being. Then it clicked in my brain that people usually feel that way towards other people!! It was somewhat of an scary realization... February 08, 2021 at 11:52PM

/u/Dreezyie on im not ace

bye February 08, 2021 at 11:51PM

/u/AppleTied on Celebrities

Oh that makes sense, thank you for the reply! February 08, 2021 at 11:51PM

/u/Nerdatron_of_Pi on Well... Yes please 👀

S C U M February 08, 2021 at 11:46PM

/u/theturtwig50 on Why I hate dating apps...

All I can hear is PLEASE TOUCH MY PEEPEE PLEASE February 08, 2021 at 11:46PM

/u/Nerdatron_of_Pi on Well... Yes please 👀

This dude probably mains Meta Knight February 08, 2021 at 11:46PM

/u/pinkpurpleb1ue on Celebrities

Allosexual here. Yeah, "smash or pass" is very much about aesthetic attraction. I don't tend to find myself sexually attracted to celebrities (though do on occasion), it's usually just aesthetic attraction. I think most people tend to use the term sexual attraction when what they really mean is aesthetic attraction because it doesn't occur to them to kinda differentiate between them. Personally I find that there's some blurred lines between the two sometimes as well. Another thing is that a lot of people wouldn't actually have sex with their celebrity crush, but say they would in theory because it's just kind of a wild idea rather than something based in reality. February 08, 2021 at 11:44PM

/u/AppleTied on Crushes

Oh okay, thank you for the reply! Don't worry about not knowing, half the reason I made this post is to figure out if what I felt was romantic orientation, so it's still helpful! February 08, 2021 at 11:41PM

/u/AHauntingAlternative on What sexual attraction feels like (confirmed by two of my allo friends) (I can't remember the site I got this from but hope it helps!)

Sometimes I get down on my asexuality and I wish to be allo because I'm made to feel weird and not normal (which isnt true, I know, but the brain is a fickle creature) Now I'm very sure I never want to experience sexual attraction. That sounds awful. 😬 February 08, 2021 at 11:39PM

/u/Astraterris on What sexual attraction feels like (confirmed by two of my allo friends) (I can't remember the site I got this from but hope it helps!)

That sounds exhausting?? February 08, 2021 at 11:38PM