Hello, you touched lots of topics in your post, so I don't really know which I should respond to, or in what order, but, regarding your epiphany, and this is only my personal point of view of course there's no right or wrong, but I feel like : -people do have sex and do want to have sex because it's fun? Maybe I just don't understand the concept of sex but think about casual hookups for example, it's seems to me that it's just for fun. I also think people can have sex to bond with a partner, like it's a part of creating an intimate relationship with someone (for some people at least, not everyone) but I don't know if there's an intrinsic desire to have a sexual relationship with someone (at least it's not just that, it's part of something bigger), I feel it's more like what you said in the beginning, having a romantic relionship with someone and sex is just a part of it (for allosexuals at least I guess). I've myself been questionin...