
Showing posts from December 30, 2022

I am attracted to older women

I am deeply attracted to older women and I wish I knew how to approach them without getting myself in danger. I find them better looking, they wear better clothes and nicer underwear than younger women, have better bodies too! I’m 30 and love the age of between (30-50) I would love a relationship with one, how would I go about it? Is there anyone with experience of older women and how they did it? Submitted December 31, 2022 at 01:16AM I am deeply attracted to older women and I wish I knew how to approach them without getting myself in danger. I find them better looking, they wear better clothes and nicer underwear than younger women, have better bodies too!I’m 30 and love the age of between (30-50)I would love a relationship with one, how would I go about it?Is there anyone with experience of older women and how they did it?

/u/CoeusTheCanny on Is it just me or is this numbering system bad? like why is asexuality 0. People don't even BELIEVE us and so many of us feel constantly excluded. A lot other stuff also makes no sense.

I'd honestly consider the use of a slur the biggest sign that this system is full of shit. December 31, 2022 at 12:06AM

/u/klgommers06 on asexuality and wanting sex?

I get what youre saying but just like all sexualities, asexuality will be about sexual attraction and not just general sexual desire. Sure, you may try things out to see whether or not you enjoy it but even if asexuals enjoy sex and maybe even desire it, doesnt mean they arent asexual. Asexuals could maybe like/want sex because e.g they enjoy the physical sensations better while still not being attracted to whoever theyre having sex with. Them not being attracted makes them asexual. There are quite a number of other reasons why someone would want sex besides sexual attraction. Its also about instuctual vs learned approach. Attraction should be instictual, it sort of "flares up" sexual desire (emotional arousal) even if the person had no knowlegde about sex and if its supposed to feel good. Asexual cannot in that regard experience sexual desire until they know its supposed to feel nice. December 31, 2022 at 12:06AM

/u/TheKiller36_real on Am I asexual?

whether you enjoy sex, which part specifically, with whom or your libido all don't matter towards being ace or not have you ever felt an urge to have sex with someone specific? (eg. your bf) December 31, 2022 at 12:05AM

/u/SqushyMain on Is it just me or is this numbering system bad? like why is asexuality 0. People don't even BELIEVE us and so many of us feel constantly excluded. A lot other stuff also makes no sense.

They also used the r slur. December 31, 2022 at 12:05AM

/u/FixGlass4697 on Is it just me or is this numbering system bad? like why is asexuality 0. People don't even BELIEVE us and so many of us feel constantly excluded. A lot other stuff also makes no sense.

Definitely, gross December 31, 2022 at 12:04AM

I'm poly they are mono and ended things

Someone I'm dating ended with me as they don't think they can date me as a poly human or be in a poly relationship. While the breakup was totally okay as in no bad blood, I cried a lot and we were both really kind to each other about it and its only been 6 weeks. Its left me wondering.. Did this person person just want exclusivity from me and could I offer that to them. Submitted December 31, 2022 at 12:03AM Someone I'm dating ended with me as they don't think they can date me as a poly human or be in a poly relationship. While the breakup was totally okay as in no bad blood, I cried a lot and we were both really kind to each other about it and its only been 6 weeks. Its left me wondering.. Did this person person just want exclusivity from me and could I offer that to them.