
Showing posts from February 4, 2023

/u/INVISIBLE-EYELIDS on Feel like I'm having an identity crisis trying to figure out what I am and what to do

I'm sorry you have to navigate this. We see posts like yours on this subreddit from time to time. You're not the only one. First, the easy stuff: Don't worry too much about getting the labels exactly right. If "bisexual gray ace" feels right-ish, it's ok to roll with it. If you're not sure, "ace" is an umbrella term. You could also just use that if you're not sure. Coming out to your spouse is hard. I found the advice on this page to be really helpful. Nevermind that you're not coming out to your parents. In particular, take a look at the part about having a script. The other important thing you need to do with your partner is to figure out your respective needs and boundaries. I think this video has a ton of helpful advice on how to do that: My partner and I also found couples counseling to be super helpful. Be sure to select someone LGBT-affirming. I don't dare sugar coat this. Thi...

So I’m dating this guy

I’m dating this guy (very very early stages) and my best friend and him chat a bit on a continuous daily basis (they encountered each other when we met at parties and social events and I had introduced him to her and I mention her). Nothing out of the ordinary goes on in the conversations as I saw some of the texts and most of the time he talks about me and just silly regular small talk. However, it does irk me the fact that he gets to ask her stuff about me like where I’m going in the weekends etc. before me and there’s always a chance for him to learn things about me from her. I prefer him knowing all these things first hand from me. Similarly, he gets to tell her stuff before I know. I prefer if he comes to me first even tough these are little every day things however I rather not have it persist. Like what bugs me is that he gets to know that stuff from my friend before I get to tell him myself. And he comes asking me that same thing despite knowing the answer already. For instanc...

What do you do when you just met someone, are texting, haven’t had 1st date yet, and the convo is boring?

How do you un-boring a convo. We’re both in our early 40’s and life isn’t that wild for each of us. I’m honestly not sure what to talk about. Pls help It’s not her fault. We’re just both out of practice maybe? Submitted February 05, 2023 at 12:12AM How do you un-boring a convo.We’re both in our early 40’s and life isn’t that wild for each of us. I’m honestly not sure what to talk about. Pls helpIt’s not her fault. We’re just both out of practice maybe?

What do [M18]you call it when you want emotional and sexual intimacy with someone but not a serious future together?

And how do I propose this to a girl without being a complete tool and long winded like this title ? Woman’s pov is preferred Submitted February 05, 2023 at 12:12AM And how do I propose this to a girl without being a complete tool and long winded like this title ?Woman’s pov is preferred

/u/Crowe3717 on Just wondering how many of us lefties

I'm ambidextrous except for things I needed to learn how to do (like writing and playing tennis), which I always learned to do right handed because that was "normal" But I'm also left-eye and left-foot dominant so... February 04, 2023 at 11:32PM

/u/Committeeman on Anyone else thought they were bi before discovering they’re actually ace?

+3 €: February 04, 2023 at 11:30PM