
Showing posts from June 18, 2019

Whew that escalate quickly Submitted June 18, 2019 at 11:34PM

Anyone else watch The Mist? A nice guy I didn't really see coming. Submitted June 18, 2019 at 11:36PM

There’s way too much going on here for me to follow Submitted June 18, 2019 at 11:47PM

mAy I pLeAsE hAvE a CrUmB oF pUsSy Submitted June 19, 2019 at 12:06AM

/u/chanaleh on sex lol

Exactly my thought when I saw it. I mean, I get that it feels good, I just don't get why another person is necessary. June 19, 2019 at 12:12AM

/u/chanaleh on A little rant about acephobes.

Outliers =\= unnatural, any more than those with fertility issues are unnatural. There are always creatures outside the gold standard for reproduction, that's how evolution happens. Aces are just evolutionary dead ends, for the most part. So are mules, but you don't see anyone saying they're not natural... June 19, 2019 at 12:11AM

/u/the_red_wyrm on Me: I'm asexual. LITERALLY EVERYONE I KNOW: *Instantly becomes Medical Dr/biologist/psychology and tells me why I'm not*

"Have you had your hormone levels checked?" Yup. I have to on a regular basis, being on transgender HRT. Fortunately for me, I am in the normal female range for estradiol and testosterone. I'm still ace af. June 19, 2019 at 12:10AM

/u/ThisAceIsMild on This makes sense now, and I love you

So now I have to nake a choice. I can either set out and reclaim my sexuality from the jerk who stole it from me, or I can stay here and eat cake with my homies... I choose cake. June 19, 2019 at 12:08AM

/u/uploadFeelsEXE on Being 13, is it too early to confirm if I'm ace?

Let me play the devil's advocate and say it is probably too early. Sexuality changes a lot during your teenage years, if you make a big declaration it might come back to bite you if you develop further. June 19, 2019 at 12:07AM


sorry if this is to kinky but like, can u rub ur hands through my hair and tell me that you love me Submitted June 18, 2019 at 11:24PM sorry if this is to kinky but like, can u rub ur hands through my hair and tell me that you love me

I need advice.

Sorry in advance if I just start to digress. I've got a lot on my jumbled mind. I've fallen in love with the most beautiful person. We started out as friends for a few months because we work together and I've been nothing but an open book to them since day one. I decided I would try to start this a different way than i normally do because I havent been looking for love for a long time and this just kinda fell into my lap and it seems more special than anything I've ever been a part of. Ever since the first day we hung out outside of work, I've never felt more at home with another person. So fearless and open, not having to worry about being judged. There was one thing in the beginning we talked about that didnt really sit well with me and that thing is that they like polyamorous relationships. Now I've never been part of one before and ive never thought of sharing a partner with another person ever. I'd like to think its something I could be open to but I s...

My crazy ex still blowing up my phone

My ex was really toxic, I still miss the good times we had because they were really good, but the bad times, all of the arguments, fights, lack of trust from her for no reason whatsoever, her snooping through my phone with her friend without me knowing and finding absolutely nothing, getting jealous that I had other female friends, etc, were really really bad, so I cut her off. She blew up my phone today trying to pick an argument with me out of nothing, and I tried to just let her burn herself out but once she started attacking me personally I shut her down real fast. The fucked up thing is, i still miss her, i miss having those arguments, I miss her being so into me that she thought I was cheating on her just cause I’m texting female friends, then pretending like she doesn’t actually care that much. It was funny, it was cute, and while it was extremely toxic, I miss it. I had almost gotten over her till today. I want to block her but I don’t, because I still miss having those toxic ...

Stop chasing the wrong one. The right won't run


Having a soulmate is not always about romance


If the feelings are mutual, the effort will be equal


I love that feeling i get when i see your smile


Love isn't a reason to tolerate disrespect


Distance is not for the fearful


A strong relationship


Falling in love with you I had no control over


Love One Another Wednesday Blessings


/u/rejectedcryptid on Me: I'm asexual. LITERALLY EVERYONE I KNOW: *Instantly becomes Medical Dr/biologist/psychology and tells me why I'm not*

I won't come out to my therapist or any doctors. While I'm not too worried about my therapist, you never know. I just don't want to deal with this kind of bullshit from people who think they can "correct" my sex life. If my family finds out I think they'll be cool with it, my dad's side is huge and my mom has plenty of her cousins that i can connect with, (granted i did meet them for the 1st time at my great uncle's funeral) so it's not like there are no babies in the family June 19, 2019 at 12:00AM