I agree, a naked person is like a naked mannequin to me: where's the imagination? What's the point? I know what people look like naked, it's not particularly interesting or novel since I don't get the sexual thoughts that usually make them enticing for allos. However, even things like swimwear or highly, impractically skimpy clothing, things some allos might prefer to complete nudity, still are kinda boring to me, because (I'm guessing here) for them, they cover up the "enticing parts" to leave them to their imagination and fantasy, while for me, all I see is a conveniently covered naked person with just a little style. There are some swimwear that can kinda appeal to me if they're interesting enough, but they're usually leagues behind things like tuxedos, uniforms, dresses, casual wear, things that really win me over, where actual style can be implemented. For me, my aesthetic attraction is half-the outfit, half-the person wearing it. I'm no...