
Showing posts from December 7, 2022

/u/lunelily on I feel so lost

Thanks so much!! December 08, 2022 at 01:06AM

Should I (23F) give it one last shot with my ex fling (26M) when he expects to pick up like we weren't broken up for long periods of time over the last two years? Keep running into each other.

Hi all, looking for some advice. I met this guy (26M) about two years ago. I was really into him at first, however he ghosted me with absolutely no explanation for about 3 months shortly after we got together. During those 3 months I easily moved on and got into a new relationship. That relationship ended, however, and this guy has popped back up more than once over the course of the last two years. The problem is, he has the same pattern of randomly reaching out and trying to pick up as if we didn't stop talking for significant periods of time. He will just text me "hey *insert pet name*" after months of not speaking and no explanation and then either ask to come over or invite me over (in an attempt to sleep with me, which has not worked even once since he initially ghosted me two years ago). I just stopped replying to his out of the blue messages after I realized he doesn't take me seriously. However, we ran into each other a week ago after 8 months not speaking, ...

/u/allo100 on Ace in fwb situation

Just say no. Anybody should be free to say no at any time. If he leaves, then you know he was just there for the sex. December 08, 2022 at 12:05AM

/u/buzzz001 on No. Sexual attraction doesn't live in a palantir.

I love how everyone is dragging that person. I really wasn't expecting that when I went to the comment section. December 08, 2022 at 12:04AM

What was supposed to be a holiday fling turned out to be the spark of our lives and now he’s scared and acting distant.

TLDR: Dating this guy who I have an amazing connection with but he didn’t expect us to be kicking it off from the start. He says he really likes me and that he’s scared for the goodbye so he’s now all of a sudden distant but still wants to see me. I’m so confused. At the moment I’m on a holiday and about 3.5 weeks ago I had a date with a guy. We instantly had this insane connection, sparks were flying (he lives here till February). We were both very confused and also expressed this to each other. We had a couple more amazing dates, he told me how much he likes me, introduced me to his friends and then I went to another city for a week. When I came back I immediately saw him again and obviously it was still magical. That night I got sick from the food we ate but he was super sweet to me and wanted me to stay so I felt comfortable. Eventually I went back to my Airbnb the next day - which is when he got sick. I brought him some stuff (fruit, broth, painkillers) to get better soon. A fe...

Confused about wth he wants

So I was seeing a guy last year and we were doing good but I did mess it up, he was putting in way more effort than I was, I blurted that it is only casual and that I’m still not over (or he thought I was still seeing) my ex from back home. I was going through a difficult time, working long hours, he was a body god and I was insecure chubster packing a few pounds because of heavy drinking, covid and mentally not okay. He went to visit back home, things fizzled out and one day we spoke and the vibe was off so I said bye. We ended on good terms. I spent the next months really working on myself mentally and physically and I eventually messaged and asked if he wanted to grab coffee, he said ok but IMAGINE I see him the same day with another girl and he ghosts me (understandably). Another few months later he keeps liking my stories. I just graduated and he went insane liking and commenting with this 👏. I said thanks and since it’s been silent. I’m so confused, wtf is this? Why can’t I ...