
Showing posts from August 28, 2020

/u/stelliferous7 on Somehow it just got worse...ahh this is fine :')))))))

It is totally understandable why you'd be upset. August 29, 2020 at 12:02AM

/u/yoma999 on Yeah sex is cool but have you ever seen your crush/squish appear in a dream?

It’s pretty much a platonic crush, where you really really like someone but you just want to hang out with them August 28, 2020 at 11:59PM

/u/3297JackofBlades on Somehow it just got worse...ahh this is fine :')))))))

No, I should have been an adult and not gone on a rant. I am sorry for being an ass August 28, 2020 at 11:56PM

/u/OlympicDaisy on Spongebob is NOT gay you dumb pricks, stop trying to take our only representative Mascot away from us. Damnit!

Being any 2 sexualities simultaneously makes absolutely no sense, so that point does not stand. You CANNOT be Bisexual and Homosexual at the same time just as well as you cannot a Lesbian and Bisexual AT OnE TiMe! They completely cancel each other out! August 28, 2020 at 11:50PM

/u/longlivestheking on Another post with Ace NRG

Anime do be hella sexualized tho August 28, 2020 at 11:50PM

/u/OlympicDaisy on Spongebob is NOT gay you dumb pricks, stop trying to take our only representative Mascot away from us. Damnit!

No but you cannot change the definitions of preexisting terms to fit around our experience, they might mean that but thats not what the terms that they are using actually mean August 28, 2020 at 11:46PM

/u/GoddessArtemis22 on I love being able to subtly show off without anyone that I know finding out. Just for me 💜😌

These are most of them... and then some more lol August 28, 2020 at 11:44PM

/u/dic_ead on 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙚

Asexual? Nah bsexual August 28, 2020 at 11:42PM

/u/OlympicDaisy on Spongebob is NOT gay you dumb pricks, stop trying to take our only representative Mascot away from us. Damnit!

Not sure how you interpreted that as me getting mad at you, I was simply explaining to you how the terms were being used and what they Do not mean August 28, 2020 at 11:41PM

/u/illialife on 𝘾𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙗𝙚𝙚

Bees? August 28, 2020 at 11:39PM

/u/jewishmarijuana on I couldn’t believe what I was reading. This is so disgusting

Most researchers dont classify it as a mental illness but as an abnormal sexual orientation that cannot be cured. On top of that, many dont want to be cured. So this whole "just get them therapy" isnt going to work for all the ones who simply dont see anything wrong and don't want to change. Idg this "get them support" approach when many of them will refuse it in the first place. August 28, 2020 at 11:35PM

/u/justatheatregeek on Spongebob is NOT gay you dumb pricks, stop trying to take our only representative Mascot away from us. Damnit!

I love how EVERY SINGLE POINT is the SAME THING for aces. We're at a point where I see confirmed LGB characters in the media so much (it's super good to see!), but have yet to see more than two confirmed ace characters. August 28, 2020 at 11:35PM

/u/some_strange_circus on How do you feel about plant jokes?

Awww shucks August 28, 2020 at 11:34PM

/u/LightShadow0712 on It just looks cool

Which hand is it to put the ring on the left or right? I never know and I went researching about it and I got confused August 28, 2020 at 11:33PM

/u/stelliferous7 on Somehow it just got worse...ahh this is fine :')))))))

I'm sorry to hear that! August 28, 2020 at 11:31PM

/u/Ahumansbrain on Yeah sex is cool but have you ever seen your crush/squish appear in a dream?

What is a squish? August 28, 2020 at 11:29PM

/u/SteveHeist on How do you feel about plant jokes?

I'd tell you a plant joke but it'd be too corny. August 28, 2020 at 11:29PM

/u/CloudPuffGacha on Thanks to this subreddit I finally figured out my sexuality after four years of struggling. I'm asexual homoromantic and proud to be ^^

Glad to see you’ve found your identity :D August 28, 2020 at 11:27PM

/u/Welcme2myhmblecloset on Some ace stickers cause ya'll are valid

Ah, of course. I see my mistake now. August 28, 2020 at 11:26PM

/u/Splatoonfanforever on Take a bit of aceness and have a nice day

why thank you August 28, 2020 at 11:24PM

/u/some_strange_circus on How do you feel about plant jokes?

I guess I'm blessed, because no one's ever told me a plant joke. But like...the ones I've looked up just now aren't even funny... August 28, 2020 at 11:22PM

/u/singularityfree on Something finally came in the mail today!

Thanks! August 28, 2020 at 11:19PM

I think this guy I was dating just tried to add me on snapchat

So, I posted before about breaking it off with someone I was talking to over quarantine. He had toxic traits so that had to end. I unfriended him on snap and went to unfriend him on another site we were on, but got distracted. When I came back online to unfriend him on another site we were on, he unfriended me (likely being petty since he saw that I unfriended him from snap). I only have a couple of ppl added on there and I rarely used it. I turned off the option for people to find me in quick add a while ago, but I received a friend request today from someone that's clearly new (I added them back just to view their snap score which was only 1). I unfriended them right after. I'm almost certain that it was him prob adding me to keep tabs? idk lol My assumption was if the quick add feature is turned off (other than contacts or unless they have my snap username), there's no other way for ppl to find me? I have no idea if people would do something like this or the reason (sin...