My BF is breaking up with me because of depression and anxiety
My BF (27m) and I have been dating for a little less than a year. Honestly, it was all great. We'd had issues, but nothing big and we really care for each other. Lately, I (24f) have been having some personal issues: my family is conflictive so I avoid them, I reported my ex-roommate because he beat up his gf, doing my grad school applications, shit job, etc. In other words, I have not been having a blast, but none of these issues directly affected my BF or our relationship. But, especially the problem with my ex-roommate really affected my BF. He became nervous and scared for my safety, he even had a panic attack. I've been trying to reassure him that I'm okay, but I didn't want to minimize the issue either, so I was honest (the guy I reported is violent and knows where I work). Two weeks ago, my MIL arrived for the Holiday season and is staying at my BF's. So he got added stress from her mom being around (she's nice, but a handful). Last Sunday, my BF invi...