
Showing posts from September 2, 2019

I [35f] just found call girl texts my husband [42m] was sending while out of town on work trips. Now we’re at the hospital with his broken arm.

I can’t make this shit up. I found texts on his Apple Watch saying “I’m traveling. Email or text me”.... (maybe has another phone?) and “are you available for the half hour, email or text me”. Seems to me like they’re regulars. I confronted him and he admitted that he’s been sending those texts to “massage girls” but supposedly never ever went through with it, I call bullshit. Those texts were from 3 different weeks while he was in 3 different states. I slapped him, screamed, literally freaked out. I couldn’t stop crying. He eventually began to cry and punched the wall. He broke his fucking arm. I go from devastated wife to suddenly being the caretaker for his arm driving 100 mph down the freeway to get him to the hospital. I am absolutely devastated. I did not expect this. If I divorce him, it will be my second divorce. I thought I could trust him. He travels for business all the time, all my red flags make sense now. I had a five year old son and now I feel like I’m in a crisis. I...

How do I tell my partner to lose weight?

I (20F) have been with my partner (26F) for around 9 months now. When I first met him, he was fit and skinny. However, over these past months, he seems to have gotten comfortable and gained a lot of weight. I told him that he should lose some weight and go to the gym more (as nicely as I can) but he doesn't care/take action. Maybe he'll start going to the gym a little more but then it goes into the same routine of not going. I fear I'll start losing attraction to him, and now that he's "got the girl" he doesn't really care about his appearance anymore. How should I go about this, so he starts taking it seriously? Tl;dr partner gained a lot of weight in a few months. Makes me feel like he doesn't care. Fear that I could lose attraction towards him. Submitted September 03, 2019 at 12:09AM I (20F) have been with my partner (26F) for around 9 months now. When I first met him, he was fit and skinny. However, over these past months, he seems to have ...

I [35A] lost my non-biological brother [34M]

Backstory: I never had a stable home growing up. I had a variety of caregivers, no one actually seems to actually know all of them, and I am estranged from my biological family due to verbal and physical abuse. In high school, I started to explicitly ask friends whether they could be my family (I'm an only child but got a "sister" and a "brother"). I was staying over at their houses and they represented safety to me. I was blessed with some really kickass friends I know and love to this day. Conditional on my biological family being what it was, I was really lucky. I also had a high school boyfriend. I didn't fare very well when we broke up, even though it wasn't very serious, so I reckoned I had abandonment issues and tried to put up a wall to avoid getting hurt like that again. I knew that I would not be able to handle another relationship disintegrating at that point in time. In undergrad, I started dating a guy when I was 19, he was 18. We were fr...

Self-sabotaging myself

Hello. I wish I could go into large detail but things are rather personalized. In general...I (20F) have pretty severe depression, I take medication and am in counseling. Last spring I met a very nice, handsome and funny man (22) online (long distance) who I like very much. But we are fighting a lot lately and I keep pushing at him to leave me and find another girl. I don't only hurt him, but friends who try to help. Their words never help though. I purposely try to push them away and make them hate me. I blame every single issue on myself and when things get bad, say I deserve to die and that I never deserve to have friends or partners ever again. Many of the fights are because I am very introverted and withdrawn and do not have the energy to socialize and talk often. He is hurt by this and feels unwanted. I have explained my depression but he does not understand. I hate that I am introverted so much. Lately I have questioned if we should break up and got into a fight with him ...

How do I rekindle a long lost friendship

10 months ago, I [17M] did a bunch of stupid shit that ruined my relationship with my best friend [17F]. My junior year was terrible and going into it I was really unhappy with who I was as a person. I decided to change. With my desire for change, I pushed everyone away and tore myself down to the very foundations of my being. I was severely depressed and when my best friend tried to help, I blew up on her, really hurting her feelings. I realized I fucked up, tried to run damage control and made things a lot worse between us, basically nuking our friendship. I haven't spoken to her since November and have had 0 contacts whatsoever with her since February. I really fucking miss her and I feel terrible for the way I treated her. Now that I have every class with her our Senior year, I’m finding it extremely uncomfortable and emotionally exhausting to be around her all the time. I really miss being friends but I don’t know the steps I should take to rekindling our friendship... or a...

/u/TrgdrBurnin8r on Asexuality and mental illness

Wow, it sounds like you’ve got a lot on your plate that’s making things feel very complicated. I’m sorry you’re struggling. While I can’t relate to your exact situation, I did just want to say that your sexual orientation absolutely IS valid, no matter what the alternate personalities’ orientations might be, and no matter the reason(s) for your orientation. I know how important it can be to find someone who has been through similar situations, and I’m sorry I’m not that person, but I hope you do find that comfort with someone and I hope my words can at least provide some support :) Good luck with everything!<3 September 03, 2019 at 12:12AM

/u/1greathomecook on The ultimate ace symbol

That is beautiful! And I bet it's delicious! 😋 September 03, 2019 at 12:12AM

/u/JasenIsMe on Feeling like an imposter?

A label is a word you use to describe yourself and present yourself to the world. You decide what labels you use. And just because you used a label does not mean you have to keep using that label if anything changes. As for the meantime should you choose to use it, welcome to the group. September 03, 2019 at 12:12AM

Celebrating 10 years of marriage

My wife and I are celebrating 10 years of marriage next month and we are looking for some ideas did a weekend getaway. We live in north central Indiana. We were thinking of heading somewhere in Northern Michigan but not sure where. We would also be open to other ideas. Submitted September 02, 2019 at 11:58PM My wife and I are celebrating 10 years of marriage next month and we are looking for some ideas did a weekend getaway. We live in north central Indiana. We were thinking of heading somewhere in Northern Michigan but not sure where. We would also be open to other ideas.

/u/IcePhoenix18 on Oh boy

I am in this photo and I don't like it September 03, 2019 at 12:09AM

/u/yeetreetdeleteme on This is what life is about. Puppies, cuddles, and books. I love them with my whole heart! (Me-Right, them-middle, Harvey-left)

I found my goal in life <3 September 03, 2019 at 12:08AM

/u/twinkyyboy18 on This is what life is about. Puppies, cuddles, and books. I love them with my whole heart! (Me-Right, them-middle, Harvey-left)

Man i had a dog not too long ago.. he was a puppy only 4 months old and i gave him away after a month because i couldnt handle him.. i miss him so much sometimes especially when i see posts like this but they require so much time when young.. i want a dog too 😭 September 03, 2019 at 12:08AM

/u/Aydeedoo on Oh boy

Hey guys, I'm sure I'm on the ace and aro specs, but I'm not sure what a lot of that looks like yet. This is super hilarious and sad at the same time, but it's nice to know that I'm not broken. Anyway, now that the sap is over and done with, could anyone elaborate if this is just a general ace trait or, if not, where this falls on the positive/neutral/repulsed scale? Idk guys I'm really new to all of this and I need HELP. September 03, 2019 at 12:05AM

/u/tangerineastralplane on This is what life is about. Puppies, cuddles, and books. I love them with my whole heart! (Me-Right, them-middle, Harvey-left)

He’s the best boy, and give the best cuddles! I also likes to burrow under blankets and cuddle, which is the cutest thing. September 03, 2019 at 12:05AM

/u/snakemakery on I’m wondering

Thanks! This is awesome. I’ve definitely got some studying to do September 03, 2019 at 12:00AM

/u/AuraGuardian98 on Lil joke

This Sub: “AHH I don’t like hugs don’t touch me!” Sensual Aces: 👀 September 03, 2019 at 12:00AM

/u/yeetyeetudontknowme on Am i asexual?

Use whatever label feels comfortable but if you don't want to have sex with them you're probably asexual September 03, 2019 at 12:00AM

/u/DexterwasDelicious on A friendly reminder:

Ok but what’s love without commitment? September 02, 2019 at 11:53PM

/u/Big-Russian-Bear on Lil joke

Ah, I see you make memes using notes as well, I tip my hat to you fellow man of culture September 02, 2019 at 11:52PM

How to ask out a girl from my dorm?

I was walking around the 4th floor of my dorm trying to meet people, I’m on the 2nd. And I heard my favorite album playing. So I followed the music to the room. Door was open, introduced myself to her and her roomate. Talked about the music for a sec but we didn’t talk too long tbh. Just general stuff, pretty quick convo. Trying to figure out how I can ask her out. I’m not gonna say we clicked right away but there’s potential there. ill have to go back up to the 4th floor to talk to her again. I don’t even remember her name but it’s on the door, we talked for probably a minute. So I don’t really know her that well. Was thinking about inviting her in my friend and I’s radio show but idk. Don’t really know how to approach this any tips anyone? Submitted September 02, 2019 at 11:02PM I was walking around the 4th floor of my dorm trying to meet people, I’m on the 2nd. And I heard my favorite album playing. So I followed the music to the room. Door was open, introduced myself to her ...

Another ghosting episode, but somehow worse: advice on next step?

I've been ghosted before. It's part of online dating. It sucks but that's life and that's not the point here. Matched on bumble. Good banter for almost a week in which we texted every day. She asked me out. The date was casual drinks at a bar. We love a lot of the same shows and have a similar sense of humor. We laughed a lot and had repeated light mutual physical contact. We discussed multiple things we both wanted to do together around town, though did not make tangible plans to do so (more like bonding over those shared interests). We talked about online dating, and I told her my favorite interactions are when a woman on an app writes point blank that she is not interested in meeting or continuing to talk and wishes me luck, and I tell them thank you and good luck. I know a lot of women are met with rage when they try to reject someone, but I'm always happy to have that closure in a polite adult manner, so despite the disappointment it literally brings me joy w...

I have no idea what I'm doing.

I met this girl and tried to get to know her. I hung out a few times with her. We are both in our late twenties. I made friends with her friends and even was invited to have dinner with them. I heard from another group of people how they aren't genuine and honestly, even though you shouldn't trust bad hearsay, this sounded realistic given how they party and imo how things normally look good until they aren't. I didn't want the distraction since I'm in graduate school full-time and it's easy to screw up if I felt I wasted time, or saw childishness like I've seen in my classmates. I let my anxiety get to me and assumed every negative thing since I don't have much experience in getting to know someone and worrying about being too attached. I think my personality is just that it appreciates good people and experiences too much. I let that get the better of me and when this person kept putting off lunch together for 2 weeks- I was super skeptical. I hated ...

Am I getting played? am i unlucky? or is this normal?

So the other day I met this girl on an obscure dating app. She instantly sent me a message responding to my bio, my bio said feel free to ask me out and she did. I responded saying yeah, I told her that I was in another city and she said It doesent matter she can still make it to me. So we talked normally and I made plans and prebooked something (It was prepaid, and a mistake ill never make ever again.) Over time, her time to respond took longer and longer. But in my head I didin't mind since I rather just save the talk for the date and I stopped talking regularly aswell, I just kept DM'ing her the details for the plans. So today was the day when the date was supposed to happen in the evening and I texted her something to get her to respond if shes coming or not. And wouldnt you know it "her car engine died" on her and theres no way for her to make it down to me today at least. So while facepalming i asked her when shes free again, and I rescheduled the activity to ...