Long story short (ish) - me and this guy met 6 months ago, hit it off extremely well. My fear avoidant behavior kicked in, I got anxious as we got closer and asked for space. He then realized he wasn’t ready to be in a relationship. We stopped talking for a little bit. A big issue we had was that I still lived at home and did not have the freedom to explore the relationship in ways we both wanted (old fashioned, middle eastern dad). He didn’t understand the limitations and I was too busy still trying to live by my dads rules to do anything about it. Meeting and then losing this guy was the wake up call I needed, I think. So anyways. During this time I finally decided to see a therapist regarding issues I’ve been having with myself, my family dynamic, and my relationship anxiety tendencies. The truth is, I am in absolutely no place to be in a relationship - not with him or with anyone. I deleted the dating apps. I started to focus on myself. In short. I’m in a MUCH better place men...