
Showing posts from September 3, 2020

/u/RABlackAuthor on Famous people you suspect are Ace?

Florence Nightingale Charles Dodgson aka Lewis Carroll Maurice Ravel David Souter (recent Supreme Court Justice) September 03, 2020 at 11:49PM

/u/docdouse on Does not being interested in finding a romantic relationship also mean I’m asexual?

Thank you for the info September 03, 2020 at 11:49PM

/u/docdouse on Does not being interested in finding a romantic relationship also mean I’m asexual?

Thanks for the clarification September 03, 2020 at 11:49PM

/u/Jackvader2020 on Does not being interested in finding a romantic relationship also mean I’m asexual?

So no romantic or sexual attraction? Then your aroace. September 03, 2020 at 11:47PM

/u/Xx-egg-xX on How I discovered my asexuality

I don’t think asexuality is something that turns off and on? It’s like being gay for 75% of the year but straight the rest of the time. September 03, 2020 at 11:47PM

/u/Xx-egg-xX on I'm so happy to be a part of this sub:)

nobody cares. Wow what a load of bullshit. Tell that to the group of people that went out of their way to make a subreddit to trash on us. And no, it’s not the most important thing in the world but it fucking sucks when someone tells you that you don’t exist, you don’t matter, your feelings are invalid, and be expected to live a way you don’t want to live and do things that gross you out and make you incredibly uncomfortable. So why don’t you just go fuck off and get the hell off this subreddit. September 03, 2020 at 11:45PM

/u/docdouse on Does not being interested in finding a romantic relationship also mean I’m asexual?

Sorry about that. I mean, I am NOT GAY but I cannot harbour romantic feelings towards women at the same time September 03, 2020 at 11:44PM

/u/gatuni15691 on One of the advantage of being ace during a pandemic

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/u/rebeccamishra on I'm so happy to be a part of this sub:)

lol it’s like them saying the word for love in their language and it translates to poop in ours September 03, 2020 at 11:38PM

/u/fieryangel9067 on (Sorta aphobic) The reality of how some think of ace and aro people...

Despite not feeling any romantic attraction, people can still be comfortable with or actively desire to perform romantic actions in a romantic context. They may not feel any romantic attraction to their partner, but may still want a relationship that fits to the societal idea of a romantic relationship. Think of it as wanting food (romance) without actually feeling attraction to any particular type of food (specific person). Also, people who feel alterous attraction may be in a relationship with someone who feels romantically towards them, and they may be happy to classify their relationship as romantic. -Bailey September 03, 2020 at 11:35PM

/u/Xx-egg-xX on I'm so happy to be a part of this sub:)

I clicked on it too. What a group of fucking assholes. I browsed for at most 2 minutes and I’m already so pissed off I swear- September 03, 2020 at 11:34PM

/u/CorgiKnits on (Sorta aphobic) The reality of how some think of ace and aro people...

JFC, I was married for 8 years when I realized I was ace. The lack of sexual attraction/urge and my outright sexual repulsion were a MAJOR issue in our marriage until I figured that out. I wasn't any less ace being married than I was single. I wasn't less ace when I was unaware that asexuality was a thing! I've always been ace, no matter what else was going on in my life. I've also recently figured out that I'm aromatic and (possibly) demigirl, but my husband is cool with it all, so yay. September 03, 2020 at 11:34PM

/u/HylianEngineer on I'm so happy to be a part of this sub:)

It's like a language barrier. We can use the same words and they don't mean the same thing to everyone. We're talking about these incredibly important things, friendship and love and identity, and we can't communicate. September 03, 2020 at 11:34PM

/u/EmeraldHealing on (Sorta aphobic) The reality of how some think of ace and aro people...

I had a friend who said a couple times that she was thinking about choosing being asexual. She said this despite knowing I was questioning my sexuality at the time. That probably helped cause me to wait as long as I did to come to terms September 03, 2020 at 11:34PM

/u/SnooRecipes2337 on I'm so happy to be a part of this sub:)

Since you ask, I'm simply browsing in general, and haven't selected any subs in particular. I will complement you on "cockwombles"...very inventive, but I will also add that there is absolutely no need to "invalidate your entire fucking existence", since it was never validated in the first place. September 03, 2020 at 11:33PM

/u/v13u on I was today's years old when I found out I was asexual and I have ever been so happy, I show a drawing I made to express how I feel- please have a nice day!

The "today years old" expression is a reddit-ism (or possibly wider internet) for, "I just learned this for the first time today." Doesn't matter the person's age, just whatever age they are today. September 03, 2020 at 11:32PM

/u/IdkbutIDOCARE on Labeling too young? 13 yr old daughter is thinking she’s asexual.

Yes, such good and true words. And helps to learn more and understand it all more fully. Lots to think about. Thank you! September 03, 2020 at 11:29PM

This was a hoot Submitted September 03, 2020 at 11:20PM

6 years with this beautiful human being who gave me the most beautiful baby boy! Being married to this one is literally and sincerely the best thing that's ever happened to me! Submitted September 03, 2020 at 11:26PM

My husband doesn't show me affection

Everytime I try to bring up wanting affection (physically not sexually) I get treated like I'm silly or that it's a ridiculous request. Today my husband has been moody and cold with me, after asking multiple times and what's wrong, he tells me it's nothing. But he continues to be moody and cold towards me and blatantly ignores me when I talk to him, won't even look at me.. so again I call him out on it because I'm feeling like this is About me with the way he is treating me. He then tells me "don't take it personal, it isn't about you. Stop making it about you." Am I wrong to think it's about me? Because for the past 24 hours he has been treating me like pure garbage. Or should I just let it go? (He also never tells me what's wrong) I'm just venting but I'm just really really tried of being treated this way. Submitted September 03, 2020 at 11:55PM Everytime I try to bring up wanting affection (physically not sexually)...

Can you 'push' someone to be more forthcoming?

I [32M] matched with a woman [34F] on OKC a few weeks ago. Based on profiles, it seemed that we have a lot in common. We exchanged a few messages, then she sent me her number. We texted a bit for a few days, and then I asked her to meet me for a socially-distanced date in the park last Sunday. It was pretty nice, spent a couple hours chatting, and split a bunch of fruit and some drinks we got at a local store. We both agreed we want to get to know each other more, texted every day this week, and then I asked her yesterday if she wanted to have a proper picnic. Since then, it's been like pulling teeth making the plan. How do you make a plan with someone you've been out with once/barely know and answers your questions with things like "I like everything" and "doesn't matter to me"? I feel like a puppeteer here. I'm sure some might find it nice, but I enjoy collaborating for plans. ​ ( my texts are in italics) ​ Her: are you doing anything special...

(29f) Learning to love myself post break up— I feel like I lost a majority of my 20’s to feeling unlovable

I don’t know what did it this time. This wasn’t the right relationship for me and I realize that now that it’s over (I sort of knew from the start he wasn’t healed from his previous cheating ex and just hoped things get better.. big no no) but maybe it was the right ending. It wasn’t a shocking/rude awakening break up. It wasn’t a ghosting. It was someone that’s hoping we stay friends (I don’t think we will). Someone that respected me and was kind to me. And he fucked up in not realizing sooner his heart wasn’t open to something so serious. He broke it off kindly, apologetically, and didn’t make excuses. He still wanted to give me the gifts he had been making for me in his wood shop (I declined). He told me how much he valued me as a person and he knew that right now he couldn’t give me what I deserved and wanted. So after 10 days of poems, tears, self reflection, and gaining compassion for him and his mistakes... I feel more at peace with a break up than I think I have ever felt. ...

We've been on one date but she won't stop texting me 24/7 even after I was very direct with her about my feelings. How do I get out of this situation without hurting her?

I (28F) matched with a woman (32F) on tinder back in June. We had a great initial conversation and quickly exchanged numbers. Ended up texting all night. She lives in another state about an hour and a half drive from me and I don't have a car so I figured it was never going to go anywhere, but I had been lonely in quarantine and appreciated the conversation (she was briefly within my match radius while visiting friends in my city). We discussed this roadblock and she began openly talking to me about other OLD matches and sending screenshots of funny/weird profiles so I figured we were on the same page about not looking for anything serious with one another due to the distance. A couple days later she started texting me out of the blue a LOT. Like, sending me a picture of what she ate for dinner or telling me how many miles she biked or about the smoothie she was making. None of it was related to our initial conversation and we hadn't actually met at that point so it felt a bi...