A bit of a pathetic post, but here goes.... I'd say that on default, I lean towards the shy side, but can easily chat once I get into the 'zone', find common ground, bouncing off each other well etc. But for the life of me, sometimes I literally - and I stress this - cannot think of a single thing to talk about. Not one topic. I just go blank. Last weekend I was hitting it off with a girl, a bit of a laugh, and a flirt etc. All seemed like it was going well. We ended up going to a friends house later on that night to party etc. We got there and the vibe was fairly low-key and chill. Now, I was basically in her company at the house for a good hour or so, and talking with friends etc. But in terms of 1 on 1 chat, I went blank. Absolutely blank. I couldn't think of one thing to say, or a way to fluently make conversation without it seeming forced/weird, if that makes sense. To be fair, I think she had also absolutely hit the wall, so I think she was in a similar boat...