
Showing posts from October 26, 2022

I’m(21m) worried…

As the title says, I’m worried and somewhat unhappy. I’m a senior in college studying Electrical Engineering. I go workout, rock climb, hike, etc. I’ve lost 40 pounds and finally developed a sense of self-esteem. But for some weird reason… girls do not like me. Granted, I am 5’5” so that does not help, but I cannot change that. I guess I’m just bothered by this, and I really just want to make sure I can be the best version of myself and stay positive. Any advice or reassurance is appreciated! Submitted October 27, 2022 at 01:14AM As the title says, I’m worried and somewhat unhappy. I’m a senior in college studying Electrical Engineering. I go workout, rock climb, hike, etc. I’ve lost 40 pounds and finally developed a sense of self-esteem. But for some weird reason… girls do not like me. Granted, I am 5’5” so that does not help, but I cannot change that. I guess I’m just bothered by this, and I really just want to make sure I can be the best version of myself and stay positive. A...

/u/Sad_Hotel_710 on why do I masturbate, but never pursue sex with others?

Maybe you're aegosexual. The term is under the ace umbrella and basically is having libido but not feeling the connection between you and the object of arousal (iirc). Its something worth a little research. October 27, 2022 at 12:32AM

I Carry the Conversation

I have a 2nd date coming up but I’ve noticed I carry the conversation a majority of the time (both in person and via text). She always responds enthusiastically and will get into the conversation I start but after it’s over, that’s it. She doesn’t put forth any real effort to continue talking. Part of me thinks she’s not super interested but when I asked her on the first date, she was wide open with availability. And when I asked her on the 2nd date, she seemed really excited and again, finding a date and time that worked for her was easy. I’m getting a little bit of mixed signals on this one. Thoughts? Submitted October 27, 2022 at 12:07AM I have a 2nd date coming up but I’ve noticed I carry the conversation a majority of the time (both in person and via text). She always responds enthusiastically and will get into the conversation I start but after it’s over, that’s it.She doesn’t put forth any real effort to continue talking. Part of me thinks she’s not super interested but ...

/u/kat_in_a_boxx on Can I, as an asexual person, think that someone is pretty/attractive without actually being attracted to them? Or does that mean I'm just not asexual??

Attractions to a person is not the same thing as sexual Attractions. I mean... is it you are just enamored with them or do they make you horney? I find that if I am attracted enough to a person ad an individual and the setting is just so, I can actually desire the act. Although, once I've done it a few times, I'm pretty much over that and only continue to more or less please my partner. No matter how good it was, I find myself preferring not to do it. I think it's normal to have some hormonal instinct, however, the true nature of our sexuality is likely to be the long-term over riding factor. Anyone else feel this way? October 26, 2022 at 11:21PM

/u/NotACactus28 on Was I wrong for saying that I'm not straight?

Straight by some definitions, not by others. The words just too vague imo October 26, 2022 at 11:21PM