
Showing posts from August 13, 2019

I wonder who the common denominator is? Submitted August 13, 2019 at 11:09PM

May I get the door for you, M'Arthur? Submitted August 13, 2019 at 11:15PM

What the fuck is wrong with men Submitted August 13, 2019 at 11:24PM

True or nah? Submitted August 13, 2019 at 11:32PM

Found on instagram Submitted August 13, 2019 at 11:33PM

Help me with options [27 M] with my recently ex [32 F] and [6M her son] of 3.5 years, are separating but just signed a new lease. She wants to find a roommate to replace her. I don't want a roommate, but cant afford the place on my own.

Hey there everyone. Thanks for reading. Me and my kind of girlfriend kind of ex just signed a lease together and have decided it's not healthy for us to stay together. We set a minor deadline at the beginning of the summer to see if we could work things out before we needed to re-sign the lease and it seemed fine but rocky but kept getting worse. Well, we signed last week and now shit has hit the fan and neither of us really want to be together. She wants to take an opportunity she has to move out into subsidized housing and she said she would find a roommate for me. This shocked me because a couple of weeks ago she was telling me she could afford this place on her own and would be ok with being roommates for a few months while I saved money for a down deposit on a place. Now she is saying it's too toxic and she definitely doesn't want to be roomies but it's ok because she will find someone... Well, I don't want a roommate. I want to be alone. I can't affor...

In time they grow and discover the site-that-must-not-be-named Submitted August 13, 2019 at 11:36PM

I can't get over something my boyfriend said in an argument.

Hello. My boyfriend & I have been together for nearly 2 years, (both 19) & have lived together for nearly one. Unfortunately, my boyfriend has a bit of a temper & can say some harsh things when upset. Most of the time I can brush it off because I know that he doesn't really mean it, however in a argument that happened about a week ago, he told me he could go & date someone else without my problems. "I can go & date someone else who doesn't have any of your problems." Obviously this crushed me, & the next night he came forward & apologized. He said he didn't mean it at all, & it just came from anger. I believe he may be one of the few people who doesn't always mean the things he says when mad, from him telling me, to other stuff that I know he would never say. Since then, I've been an anxious wreck. It's hard to keep myself together because I keep thinking of what was said. We've been going through a bit of a rough ...

I left her. And then she coerced me into a break.

Yeah. I (23F) did it. It took me the whole 60 minute counseling session to finally spit it out. I told her (24F) that I didn't feel as though I could be the person she needed in her life right now. That I can't do it anymore. At first she was angry. Of course it was the end of the session (I wish I had done it sooner, but I just couldn't get it out), so we had to leave. We were outside and I started crying. I said that I was sorry but that I just can't do it. She offered for me to come and sit in her car, so I did. And I continued to cry. At first she was telling me things like 'she's not forcing me to stay' and 'if I don't want to be with her then I should let her go'. I just kept crying. I kept repeating that I love her but I just can't do it. And then she started playing with my hair, putting her hand on my leg, telling me to 'think about all of the good we have', that she loves me so much and that what we have is so special and ...

I [18M] need serious help with this breakup i’m going through

I was dating the most beautiful girl throughout senior year of high school. We have some of the best memories I have ever made in my life. I ended up pushing her away and we mutually split about 1.5 months ago. We lasted 7 months. After a month of no contact, I couldn’t take it anymore. I missed her like crazy. I told her, and she said she missed me too. She had already moved to her far away university however. After a week of texting like it used to be, she said she wanted to move on because she found someone new in her new location. I have been broken ever since. I want her back so badly. We connected so good. I just don’t want to let go, partially because I know she will be single again sooner than later because she is in a rebound relationship. I don’t know what to do. I am doing no contact right now. Do I let her go forever or hold out some hope we can revive our relationship. She was the one to me :(. I want her back so bad and I’ve become depressed. tl;dr: GF dumped me for...

Is my relationship dying out?

My girlfriend(18F) and I (18M) have been on and off since sophomore year of high school and we'ret about to start college together soon. We've had our ups and downs like most relationships but in this past week or two I noticed we don't talk as much as we used to and when we do it's mostly silent with occasional spurts of genuine conversation. We used to talk every day for hours and hours until we fall asleep on Skype. Now I'm lucky to get a text. I always made an effort to make sure she didn't feel ignored when I was with my friends or even at work. And because her mother is a helicopter parent and she hates me she isn't allowed to see me or hangout which makes it so we have to sneak around and we're lucky to see each other twice in one month. It's hard to bring this up to her because it just gets brushed offer and I don't want to make her feel like I'm blaming her for the state of the relationship or anything. I feel like I'm losing he...

My (30 M) wife (31 F) told me that she might not love me anymore and she made me go through a lot of traumatic events but I can't break up

Anonymous account for obvious reasons. Please bear with me if my grammar is not 100%, I'm way too emotional. Let's start from beginning: My wife (let's call her L) and I have been together for around 4 years now. We used to have a crush on each other on highschool, but we only got together after our mid twenties. We started dating a couple of weeks after she left a 6 year abusive relationship, in which the guy basically destroyed her social life (she literally didn't have any friends cause he wouldn't let her leave the house) and her self-esteem. The first time we re-encountered felt like love at first sight... We were close friends back on high school but we lost touch after she started the abusive relationship. When we hooked up for the first time, I had a plan to move out of the country, and after a couple of months, she decided that she wanted to come with me. The first months of our relationship were a mixture of heaven and hell. Our sex life was amazing,...

/u/TheLadyOfSmallOnions on Where is everyone coming from?

I'm an Aussie! August 14, 2019 at 12:08AM

/u/SteelBlue8 on Where is everyone coming from?

Woo same country!! August 14, 2019 at 12:08AM

/u/SteelBlue8 on Where is everyone coming from?

Australia! August 14, 2019 at 12:08AM

/u/alsoplayracketball on Fuck me upside the head with a fucking bat

Can I just say? Anybody who asks out another person while they’re at work can piss the fuck off. Like, you’re required to be at work. You’re required to be polite and pleasant to patrons. If the person is a regulars, it’s almost guaranteed you’ll have to see them again. Honestly, cornering somebody where they work like that is borderline predatory and absolutely shitty. Ugh, obvs I have pretty personal feelings on the issue. I’m sorry you’ve been put in this position, friend. Good luck! Remember you don’t owe this person anything, it’s not your job to protect their feelings, and if they make you uncomfortable you don’t have to stay polite about things. August 14, 2019 at 12:07AM

/u/NylaTheWolf on Just started reading ‘every heart a doorway’, Seanan McGuire, and the main character is asexual :)

I need to read this book! August 14, 2019 at 12:07AM

/u/Chester_Mass on The Avatar Thing Train Continues. This is a fairly good representation of me. Just make him chubbier. August 14, 2019 at 12:06AM

/u/AngstySpaghetti on Where is everyone coming from?

Switzerland. August 14, 2019 at 12:04AM

/u/myNBaccount on (21F) Feeling permanently 17

actually i think i was 21 and had already started seeing this maybe thats why I knew August 14, 2019 at 12:02AM

/u/Brokenglassbarefeet on Where is everyone coming from?

Finland August 13, 2019 at 11:56PM

/u/Trevorcantknit on Welp I guess I explained I had a squish on my Ex during breakup and it backfired

I don't know if it's possible to mess up a break up, so you're probably safe there. I wasn't mad that you were asexual, if that's at all what you thought. I just felt betrayed and confused because you told me that you considered marrying me then less then a month later told me you had no romantic feelings for me at all. Also, although you can date whoever you want, I wouldn't suggest completely ruling out allo guys, you will find someone better than me August 13, 2019 at 11:56PM