A General Red-Flag Guide If You’ve Been Dating/Getting Interested In A Partner That Isn’t Good For You!
So I’ve been around the rink a few times, before I ended happily with my soulmate and husband! My friends have been taking notes, and they’ve told me a bunch of information from their own experiences (plus observations from my failed relationships) They/You Complain About You/Them To Someone Else Constantly, From the Start This was a HUGE problem, according to my best friend. All of my failed relationships, there was something that was actually a detriment to a good and healthy relationship. (ei. they constantly asked for a poly relationship when you didn’t want one, they never put any effort into making you feel loved, etc.) As they say, things said behind your back is a better view of how people see you! A Lack of Communication That Effects Your Everyday Life One time, my ex got mad at me, for no reason, and didn’t tell me. This happened several times. This is why they’re my ex. If they don’t express what they want or what they need, they’re no different from a child, and you re...