
Showing posts from August 8, 2021

/u/anxiouscakedragon on My friend made me a closet safe ace bracelet for my birthday! :)

Closet-safe? What does that mean? Also, nice acelet. 😉 August 09, 2021 at 12:03AM

/u/2Agile2Furious on Are women more often asexual than men?

I don't think you explained responsive desire correctly. It's more like physical foreplay -> mental desire. In that order. And I often have a hard time deciding if my wife is just 100% responsive desire, or sex-favorable asexual, and what the difference is. I have also heard many counselors say that in relationships with mismatched libidos, about 25% of the time it is the woman higher than the man. 75% it's man is higher. Based on that, I wouldn't be surprised if womens asexuality was also more common. August 09, 2021 at 12:03AM

/u/SPNROWENA on Aro Ace as you get older? Is that a thing?

I think it is. I have heard of, men especially, saying that as they age they lose some or all of that desire. Some even say it is a relief to not feel that all the time. Like the horney teen years were just too much and it wore on them. I feel like too many people believe sex drive and libido should just stay the same all your life, but nothing else does so why would that? And asexual is just lack of sexual attraction. Maybe it was easier to feel like having sex as a younger person due to raging hormones like you said or just the fact that it was newer and had more unknowns, things to try. and now you have done a lot you are maybe just not into it anymore. Even if you have had sex you might have been asexual if you didn't feel any sexual attraction. Because you can lack sexual attraction to people and still have sex. hope that made sense. :) August 09, 2021 at 12:03AM

/u/Greg_Zeng on How to arrange this sub-Reddit, into a school curriculum?

Ex educator now. When we discover mass ignorance in whole populations of people, we inject the topic (sexuality) into the program of essential formal education. Sexuality is the focus of this Reddit area. The cause of lack of formal education, based on scientific facts. Cure: government pressure to fix the cause of the problem. Problem is that biology had created baby making machinery, too successfully. Like a runaway virus. This planet is now on the middle of it's Sixth Planetary Mass Extinction. Does this current virus (homo sapiens sapiens, HSS) continue to run wild? Or does HSS have enough intelligence to stop its forced over sexualities? Will HSS ever discover that there is more to living than being a victim of the genitals? Read Reddit, Talk Support, etc for the next exciting episodes! August 09, 2021 at 12:02AM

/u/justobsolete on My asexual love for fictional characters and celebrities my love normal?

Sounds like ficto- tutelary attraction . August 09, 2021 at 12:01AM

/u/ThiighHighs on Could sensual make out or physical intimacy make your body temperature rise up and even give you the urge to moan?

An arousal response and experiencing sexual pleasure are extremely common when engaging in such activities. That's why they are considered se ual/have a sexual connotation for the vast majority of people August 08, 2021 at 11:59PM

/u/hobbitfootwaxer on Butterflies 🦋🦋

I encourage you to get it over with as soon as possible because sexual compatibility is a big thing in relationships. Remember this is about compatibility of two people and if she wants sex that isn’t compatible with you! It isn’t just about you selling yourself to her! August 08, 2021 at 11:57PM

/u/Sunn_Flower_Jin on Kind of a hot take on sex repulsion

just to say smth to the people down here overreacting: there's nothing wrong with feeling uncomfortable if the conversation topic moves to sex or if people talk about it for a long time around you or go into detail, but if you react badly to just the mere mention of it you need to talk to a professional, because sex is honestly everywhere. you can't never hear about it, especially when you're an adult. if you constantly react to something that's all over the place it's really fucking you up and you need help to learn to deal with those feelings and reactions so you can just live your life. OP probably doesn't mean you can't get uncomfortable from hearing about sex, but if just the mention of it screws you up for a moment you need to talk to someone and learn to cope. August 08, 2021 at 11:54PM

/u/Bananalex_95 on Asexual professor rant

Congrats on your new position !! I agree, I am a PhD student with teaching assistant position and it stroke me when I got the university guidelines on how to behave with students. Like don't get in relationship with a student in your class (for TAs, we can be around same ages so it is less creepy than with a professor but still), but also "let the door open when chatting with a student in your office". For my uni to have to state such basic things was wild to me, It must have happened more than once. I am glad my uni takes this issue seriously because beyond being unprofessional, it is first and foremost predatory and gross (some students are very young and impressionable). August 08, 2021 at 11:52PM

/u/vroni147 on Asexuality and aromanticism are not the same thing.

Nothing you said makes this any better. If you arrive in a new place and want to fit in, you can ask or observe. If you decide to be yourself and keep the fashion you have from your country of origin, that's fine. "Hot, sexy, attractive female"? Is that seriously how you see a minister? And the lipstick choice matters? To me, this sounds rather disgusting if I'm being completely honest. You reduce a woman of believe to what she looks like because of your attraction towards her. That's on you, that's not on her. August 08, 2021 at 11:47PM

/u/gatemansgc on I’m proud of my virginity

yeah you'd think. they also hate gays despite each gay couple being two less men to compete for women. well so many of us were "in denial" merely for the fact that we didn't know that asexuality was even a thing! i learned in late 2009, that was when knowledge first started spreading. luckily i'd never dated in high school since no girl was ever interested in me. would have been awkward! August 08, 2021 at 11:47PM

/u/christinelydia900 on My friend made me a closet safe ace bracelet for my birthday! :)

Happy birthday! August 08, 2021 at 11:46PM

/u/SPNROWENA on Kind of a hot take on sex repulsion

Agree Gadiator_Fembot. Yeah pretty much I have no desire to be friends with someone who is talking about sex. That seems odd to me anyone even does that.Trying to change how I feel about hearing things has caused me harm, accepting how I feel has been the best thing ever. I don't need to expose myself to things that bother me over and over and try to get over it. I'm not broken. August 08, 2021 at 11:45PM

/u/alvvawastaken on It’s time for the asexuals to invade Denmark

It is time. August 08, 2021 at 11:44PM

/u/Wild-Ad-3471 on Asexual professor rant

is he taking advantage of them or something, i hope not August 08, 2021 at 11:44PM

/u/Tiff-daisies on I am definitely asexual moment, go!

When I lost my virginity and felt absolutely nothing from the experience nor from the other 4 people that I’ve been with since. It’s like I basically go along with it just to keep them happy and to stay in the relationship even if I’m not in the mood or don’t feel like doing certain things to them I don’t I just feel like sex is an alien concept to me like I never really understood it nor really felt anything for it despite getting horny sometimes but I’m not even sure if was even towards them (probably not looking back on it tbh) or if it was just because I just wanted to play with myself… August 08, 2021 at 11:44PM

/u/reddythedemon on Asexual professor rant

r/aretheallosok August 08, 2021 at 11:44PM

/u/SPNROWENA on Kind of a hot take on sex repulsion

personally I don't like to make my friends uncomfortable by doing things that bother or upset them when they are around.... Which is it gonna be? Friends do take eachother into consideration in all kinds of ways. Thankfully I don't ever have friends that actually talk about sex with me or around me. Maybe that is an age thing, but late 30's and older people don't seem to do that all the time. There are so many other things to talk about. Sex is a private romantic life thing generally, not a friend thing. August 08, 2021 at 11:43PM

/u/Greg_Zeng on How to arrange this sub-Reddit, into a school curriculum?

You need to study a little more. Anthropology, religion besides the main religions, etc. It is obvious that you have not studied biology, and therefore how "sexuality" was created on this planet. August 08, 2021 at 11:42PM

/u/acethefinalfrontier on I'm a 42 year old man and I recently realized I'm asexual.

Here's my attempt at emoji garlic bread: 🥖 Bone apple the teeth! August 08, 2021 at 11:38PM

/u/acethefinalfrontier on I'm a 42 year old man and I recently realized I'm asexual.

Thanks! Bonus points if you get the intended reference. :D August 08, 2021 at 11:34PM

/u/zeppe_zgz on Asexual professor rant

I can understand people who fall for each other organically even if there is a power difference issue in place... But if the PhD student is dating 1st semester students consistently, as this is a behavioural pattern, that seems predatorial to me. Makes me wonder whether he seeks taking advantage of the power dynamic or the inexperience of the young students. That for me is the real issue. Edit to add, that is also what makes the comments OP is referring to so bad since they help making this situation seem unavoidable and normal. August 08, 2021 at 11:31PM

/u/SPNROWENA on Kind of a hot take on sex repulsion

I disagree with the OP that people need to try and desensitize. If anything that makes it worse. I have no need to talk about people's sex life with them. That is very odd anyone thinks feeling sick hearing about it would be a negative thing. I see sex lives as private info, I have no need to hear about that from others. August 08, 2021 at 11:30PM