Woah, this is your fiance? I glossed right over that part. It would certainly be worse to put in all of the financial strain of marriage just to divorce. Also, I am so sorry to hear that your experience with people who are supposed to be mental health professionals was so invalidating. It sounds clear that they really are not up to speed with asexuality. Same with the other people in your life--people can try to "fix" when they don't really understand. Sex is not a need for a relationship. Your mental health might intersect, but being ace would stand regardless of your mental wellness. Your partner should never want to do something with you that you have told them makes you feel sick to even think about. I would never, ever ask that of my partner, and you should not be expected to put up with that, let alone every other day. You seem like you're trying to appease him, not consenting because you want to. That is a horrible, horrible way to live. From your other ...